Sunday, August 26, 2018

Christian Testimonies “How I Managed Not to Forsake New Workmate Who’s Slow to Catch On” | Believe in God

How I Managed Not to Forsake New Workmate Who’s Slow to Catch On
By Muxi, United States

At work, how to get along well with colleagues has become our great difficulty. Especially, when we find that our partners are not better than us, we will cold-shoulder and belittle them, causing our relationship with them to become more and more estranged. As a result, not only do we bring harm to our partners, but also we ourselves are miserable about it…. This was how I felt in association with my partner. But it was gratifying that afterward, under the guidance of God’s words, I found the secret of how to get along well with her.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

God's Word "The Work of the Holy Spirit and the Work of Satan" | The Church of Almighty God

How do you grasp the specifics in spirit? How does the Holy Spirit work in man? How does Satan work in man? How do evil spirits work in man? And what are the manifestations of this work? When something happens to you, does it come from the Holy Spirit, and should you obey it, or reject it? People’s actual practice gives rise to much that is of human will yet which people always believe to come from the Holy Spirit. Some comes from evil spirits, yet still people think it is born of the Holy Spirit, and sometimes the Holy Spirit guides people from within, yet people believe such guidance comes from Satan, and do not dare to obey, when in reality it is the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

Bless the Lord | Christian Music Video "Offer Love to God" | The Most Beautiful Blessings

God became flesh and came among us. He’s suffered all humiliations for saving us. But I didn’t know Him, misunderstood and complained against Him. My repeated rebelliousness and resistance grieved His heart so much. Dear Almighty God, You pay no regard to my transgressions.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Christian Skit "The Village Mayor's Limits" Who Has Made Christians Homeless (Based on True Story)

The skit The Village Mayor's Limits tells the true story of a Christian husband and wife who are forced to flee because of the CCP government's persecution.

Christian Liu Ming'en is sentenced by the CCP to seven years in prison for believing in God. Even after he is released from jail, he remains a target of heavy CCP surveillance.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 39

Open your eyes and look and you can see My great power everywhere! You can be certain of Me everywhere. The universe and expanse are spreading My great power. The words I have spoken have all come true in the warming of the weather, climate change, people’s anomalies, the disorder of social dynamics, and the deceit of people’s hearts. The sun whitens and the moon reddens; all is in disorder. Do you still not see these?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 32

What is light? In the past you actually regarded the transformation of the work of the Holy Spirit as light. There is true light at all times, which includes you gaining what God is through drawing near unto Me and fellowshiping with Me; having insight in God’s words and grasping God’s will in His words—that is, while eating and drinking, you feel the Spirit of God’s words and receive God’s words inside yourselves; grasping what He is through experience and receiving God’s illumination while communicating with Him; and also being enlightened and having new insight in God’s words at all times while contemplating and pondering. If you grasp God’s word and you feel new light, then will you not have power in your service? You really worry yourselves in your service! That’s because you haven’t touched reality, you don’t have true experience or insight. If you had true insight, then wouldn’t you know how to serve? When some matters befall you, you must experience them diligently. If, in an easy and comfortable environment, you can also live in the light of God’s countenance, then you will see God’s face every day. If you saw God’s face and communicated with God, would you not have light? You do not enter into reality, and you are always on the outside searching; as a result you find nothing and your progress in life is delayed.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 40

Why are you so slow? Why are you so numb? Several reminders have not awakened you; this is distressing to Me. I truly don’t have the heart to see My sons like this. How can My heart bear this? Ah! I have to teach you by My own hand. My pace continues to quicken. My sons! Quickly arise and cooperate with Me. Who sincerely expends themselves for Me now? Who is able to fully dedicate themselves without the slightest complaint? You are always so numb and dull-witted! How many are able to be considerate of My feelings, and who can truly grasp the Spirit of My words? All I can do is anxiously wait and hope; seeing that your each and every move can’t satisfy My heart, what can I say? My sons! Everything that Father does today is for My sons. Why can’t My sons ever understand My heart, and why do My sons always make Me, your Father, worry? When will My sons grow up, not cause Me to worry, and allow Me to trust in My sons? When will My sons be able to live independently, stand up, and lighten the burdens on Father’s shoulders? I just quietly shed tears for My sons, and I pour everything out for the completion of God’s management plan and to save My sons, My loved ones. I have no other choice.