Friday, June 16, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | God Himself, the Unique VIII God Is the Source of Life for All Things (II)

Let’s continue the communication topic from last time. Can you recall what topic we communicated last time? (God is the source of life for all things.) Is “God is the source of life for all things” a topic that feels very far away to you? Can someone tell Me the main point of this topic we communicated last time?
(Through God’s creation of all things, I see that God nurtures all things and nurtures mankind. In the past, I always thought that when God supplies man, He only supplies His word to His chosen people, but I never saw, through the laws of all things, that God is nurturing mankind. It is only through God’s communication of this aspect of the truth that I now see that the life of all things is supplied by God, that God manipulates these laws, and that He nurtures all things. From His creation of all things I see God’s love and feel that God is the source of all things.) Mm, last time, we primarily communicated about God’s creation of all things and how He established laws and principles for them. Under such laws and under such principles, all things live and die with man and coexist with man under God’s dominion and in God’s eyes. What did we talk about first? God created all things and used His own methods to set the laws of growth for all things, as well as their growth trajectory and patterns, and also set the ways all things exist on this earth, so that they may live continuously and depend on each other. With such methods and laws, all things are able to successfully and peacefully exist and grow on this land. Only by having such an environment is man able to have a stable home and living environment, and under God’s guidance, continue to develop and move forward, develop and move forward.
Last time we discussed the basic concept of God supplying all things. God first supplies all things in this way so that all things exist and live for mankind. Such an environment exists because of the laws set by God. It is only by God maintaining and administering such laws that mankind has the living environment they have now. What we talked about last time is a big leap from the knowledge of God we spoke of before. Why does such a leap exist? Because when we talked about getting to know God in the past, we were discussing within the ambit of God saving and managing mankind—that is, the salvation and management of God’s chosen people—about knowing God, God’s deeds, His disposition, what He has and is, His intentions, and how He supplies man with the truth and life. But the topic we spoke about last time was no longer merely just restricted to the Bible and within the scope of God saving His chosen people. Rather, it jumped out of this scope, out of the Bible, and out of the confines of the three stages of work God does on His chosen people to discuss God Himself. So when you hear this part of My communication, you must not confine your knowledge of God to the Bible and the three stages of God’s work. Instead, you have to keep your perspective open and see God’s deeds and what He has and is among all things, and how God dominates and manages all things. Through this method and on this foundation, you can see how God supplies all things. This enables mankind to understand that God is the true source of life for all things and that this is the true identity of God Himself. That is to say, God’s identity, status and authority and His everything are not just targeted at those who currently follow Him—meaning not just aimed at you people—but at all things. Then what is the scope of all things? The scope of all things is very broad. I use “all things” to describe the scope of God’s rule over everything because I want to tell you that the things dominated by God are not just what you can see with your eyes, but include the material world all people can see, as well as another world that cannot be seen by human eyes outside of the material world, and moreover include the space and planets outside of where mankind currently exists. That’s the scope of God’s dominion over all things, and the concept that God dominates everything. The scope of God’s dominion over all things is very broad. As for you, what you should understand, what you should see, and from what things you should obtain knowledge—these are what each of you sitting here needs to and must understand, see, and be clear on. Even though the scope of this “all things” is very broad, I won’t tell you about the scope you can’t see at all or you can’t come into contact with. I will only tell you about the scope that human beings can come into contact with, can understand, and can comprehend, so that everyone can feel the true meaning of the phrase “God is the source of life for all things.” That way, anything that I communicate to you won’t be empty words. Last time, I used storytelling methods to provide a simple overview of the topic “God is the source of life for all things,” so that you can have a basic understanding of how God supplies all things. What is the purpose of instilling this basic concept into you? It’s to let you know that, outside of the Bible and His three stages of work, God is also doing even more work that humans cannot see or come into contact with. Such work is being personally performed by God. If God were only solely leading His chosen people forward, without this work outside of His management work, then it would be very difficult for this humanity, including all of you, to continue moving on, and this humanity and this world would not be able to continue developing. That’s the importance of the phrase “God is the source of life for all things” that I am communicating about to you today.

1. The Basic Living Environment God Creates for Mankind

We have discussed a lot of topics and content relating to the phrase “God is the source of life for all things,” but do you know inside your hearts what things God bestows upon mankind apart from supplying you with His word and performing His chastisement and judgment work on you? Some people might say, “God bestows upon me grace and blessings, and gives me discipline, comfort, and care and protection in every possible way.” Others will say, “God bestows upon me daily food and drink,” while some will even say, “God bestows upon me everything.” Regarding these things people can come into contact with during their daily lives, you might all have some answers that relate to your own physical life experiences. God bestows many things on each and every person, though what we are discussing here is not just limited to the scope of people’s daily needs, but allows each of you to look farther. From a macro perspective, since God is the source of life for all things, how does He maintain the life of all things? So that all things can continue to exist, what does God bring to all things to maintain their existence and maintain the laws of their existence? That’s the main point of what we are discussing today. Do you understand what I have said? Can you keep up with how fast I am talking? (Yes.) Now that I am sure you are listening, I shall continue on. This topic might be very unfamiliar to you, but I will not talk about any doctrines that are too profound. I will strive to make you all understand after listening. You don’t need to feel any burden—all you have to do is listen carefully. However, I still have to emphasize it a little more: What is the topic I am speaking about? Tell Me. (God is the source of life for all things.) Then how does God supply all things? What does God supply to all things? Why can it be said that “God is the source of life for all things”? Do you have any concepts and thoughts about this? It seems that this topic I am talking about basically draws a complete blank in your hearts and in your minds. But I hope you can connect the topic and things I am going to talk about to God’s deeds, and not link them to any knowledge or tie them to any human culture or research. I am only talking about God and about God Himself. That’s My suggestion to you. Do you understand? (Yes.)
God has bestowed many things upon mankind. I’m going to start by talking about what people can see, that is, what they can feel. These are things people can understand inside and can accept. So first let’s begin with the material world to discuss what God has supplied mankind with.
1) Air
First, God created air so that man may breathe. Is this “air” not the air of everyday life with which humans are in constant contact? Is this air not the thing upon which humans rely in every moment, even as they sleep? The air that God created is monumentally important for humankind: It is the essential component of their every breath and of life itself. This substance, which can only be felt but not seen, was God’s first gift to all things. After creating air, did God just pack up shop? There are aspects of this which are unimaginable to people. Having created air, the exact density and amount of air had to be specifically catered to humankind for their survival. With regard to density, there is first the matter of oxygen content. This is a question for physics. What was God thinking when He made air? Why did God make air, and what was His reasoning? Humans need air, and they need to breathe. First off, the density of air should correspond to the human lung. Does anyone know the density of air? This is not something that people need to know; there’s no need to know this. Having a general idea is just fine—we don’t need an exact number with regard to the density of air. First, God made air with a density that would be most suitable for human lungs to breathe—it’s adapted to human breathing. That is, when breathed in, air is of a density that does not harm the body. This is the idea behind the density of air. Primarily, the contents of air are not poisonous to humans and thereby will not damage the lungs and the body. God had to consider all of this. God had to consider that the air humans breathe should go in and out smoothly, and that, after being breathed in, the content and amount of air should be such that blood as well as the waste air in the lung and body would be properly metabolized, and also that the air should not contain any poisonous components. With regard to these two standards, I don’t want to feed you a bunch of knowledge, but rather just let you know that God had a specific thought process in mind when He created every single thing—the very best. As for the amount of dust in the air, the amount of dust, sand and dirt on earth, as well as the dust that drifts down from the sky, God had a plan for these things too—a way of clearing away or resolving these things. While there is some dust, God made it so that dust would not harm the body and man’s breathing, and that the dust fragments would be of a size that would not be harmful to the body. Was God’s creation of the air not mysterious? (Yes.) Was it as simple as just blowing a breath of air from His mouth? (No.) Even in His creation of the simplest things, God’s mystery, His minds, His thoughts, and His wisdom are all apparent. Is God realistic? (Yes.) That is to say, even in creating something simple, God was thinking of humankind. First off, the air humans breathe is clean, the contents are non-toxic and suitable for human breathing and cause no harm to humans, and the density is calibrated for human breathing. This air that humans breathe in and out is essential to their body and, to their flesh. So humans may breathe freely, without constraint or worry. They can breathe normally. Air is that which God created in the beginning and which is indispensable for human breathing.
2) Temperature
The second thing is temperature. Everybody knows what temperature is. Temperature is something an environment suitable for human survival must be equipped with. If the temperature is too high, say if the temperature is higher than 40 degrees Celsius, then it will be very miserable for humans to live. Wouldn’t it be very depleting? What if the temperature is too low, and reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius? Humans won’t be able to bear it either. Therefore, God was actually very particular in setting this temperature range. The temperature range that the human body can adapt to is basically minus 30 degrees Celsius up to 40 degrees Celsius. This is the basic temperature range from the north to the south. In cold regions, temperatures could reach around minus 50 degrees Celsius. Such a region is not a place God allows man to live. Why are there such cold regions? In this lies God’s wisdom and intentions. He does not allow you to go near those places. God protects places that are too hot and too cold, meaning He is not prepared to allow man to live there. It is not for mankind. Why would He allow such places to exist on earth? If God would not allow man to live there or exist there, then why would God create them? God’s wisdom lies therein. That is, the basic temperature of the environment for human survival has also been reasonably adjusted by God. There is also a law here. God created some things to help maintain such a temperature, to control this temperature. What things are used to maintain this temperature? First of all, the sun can bring people warmth, but people will not be able to take it if it’s too warm. Is there any instrument on earth that can get close to the sun? (No.) Why not? It’s too hot. It will melt. Therefore, God has also performed a specific measure of the sun’s distance from mankind. God has a standard for this distance. There are also the earth’s South Pole and North Pole. What’s at the South Pole and North Pole? It’s all glaciers. Can mankind live on glaciers? Is it suitable for human living? (No.) No, so you won’t go there. Since you don’t go to the South and North Poles, the glaciers will be preserved, and they will be able to play their role, which is to control temperature. Get it? If there are no South and North Poles and the sun is always shining on earth, then all people on earth will die from the heat. Does God merely use these two things to control the temperature? No, He does not merely use these two things to control a temperature suited to human survival. There are also all sorts of living things, such as the grass on the fields, the various types of trees and all kinds of plants in the forests. They absorb the sun’s heat and synthesize the sun’s thermal energy to regulate the temperature that humans live in. There are also sources of water, such as rivers and lakes. The surface area of rivers and lakes is not something that can be decided by anyone. Can anyone control how much water there is on earth, where the water flows, the direction it flows in, the volume of water, or the speed of flow? No one can control it. Only God knows. These various sources of water, including underground water and the rivers and lakes above ground that people can see, can also regulate the temperature that humans live in. Apart from that, there are all kinds of geographical formations, like mountains, plains, canyons and wetlands. The surface areas and sizes of these various geographical formations can all regulate the temperature. For instance, if this mountain has a radius of 100 kilometers, these 100 kilometers will have a 100-kilometer effect. As for just how many such mountain ranges and canyons God has created on earth, this is something God has thought through. In other words, behind the existence of every single thing created by God there is a story, and it also contains God’s wisdom and plans. Say, for example, forests and all kinds of vegetation—the surface area and the size of the space in which they grow cannot be controlled by any human, nor does any human have the final say on these things. How much water they absorb, how much thermal energy they absorb from the sun also cannot be controlled by any human. All of these are things within the ambit of what was planned by God when He created all things.
It is only due to God’s careful planning, consideration, and arrangements in all aspects that man can live in an environment with such a suitable temperature. Therefore, every single thing man sees with his eyes, such as the sun, or the South and North Poles people often hear about, as well as the various living things on and below the ground and in the water, and surface areas of forests and other sorts of vegetation, and water sources, various bodies of water, how much seawater and freshwater there is, plus different geographical environments—God uses these things to maintain normal temperatures for man’s survival. This is absolute. It is only because God has such considerations that man is able to live in an environment with such suitable temperatures. It can neither be too cold nor too hot: Places that are too hot and where temperatures exceed what the human body can adapt to are certainly not prepared for you by God. Places that are too cold and where temperatures are too low; places that, as soon as a human arrives, will make them so frozen in just a few minutes that they won’t be able to speak, their brains will freeze, they won’t be able to think, and they will soon suffocate—such places are also not prepared by God for mankind. No matter what kind of research humans want to carry out, or whether they want to innovate or want to break through such limitations—no matter what people think of, they will never be able to exceed the limits of what the human body can adapt to. They will never be able to get rid of these limitations God created for man. Since God created human beings, God knows best what temperatures the human body can adapt to. Do humans themselves know? (No.) Why do you say humans don’t know? What kind of foolish things have humans done? Haven’t there been quite a few people who always want to challenge the North and South Poles? They always want to go there to occupy the land, so they can take root and develop it. Is this not an act of self-destruction? (Yes.) Say you have thoroughly researched the South and North Poles. But even if you can adapt to such temperatures, would changing the living environment and survival environment of the South and North Poles benefit mankind in any way? Will you be happy if all the ice at the South and North Poles melt? This is incredible. It’s an absurd act. Mankind has an environment they can survive in, but they can’t just quietly and conscientiously stay here, and they have to go where they cannot survive. Why is that the case? They’re bored with living in this suitable temperature. They’ve enjoyed too many blessings. Besides, this normal living environment has been pretty much destroyed by mankind, so they might as well go to the South Pole and North Pole to do some more damage or engage in some “cause,” so they can be some sort of “pioneer.” Isn’t this foolish? Under the leadership of their ancestor Satan, this mankind continues to do one absurd thing after another, recklessly and wantonly destroying the beautiful home God created for mankind. This is what Satan did. Further, seeing that mankind’s survival on earth is in a bit of danger, quite a lot of people want to find ways to go stay on the moon, to look for a way out by seeing if they can live there. In the end, what is missing over there? (Oxygen.) Can human beings survive without oxygen? (No.) Since the moon lacks oxygen, it is not a place man can stay at, and yet man keeps wanting to go there. What is this? (It’s self-destruction and looking for trouble.) It’s self-destruction, right? It’s a place without air, and the temperature is not suitable for human survival, so it’s not prepared by God for man.
The temperature we just spoke of is something people can come into contact with in their daily lives. “The weather is pretty good today, 23 degrees Celsius. The weather is fine, the sky is clear, and the air is refreshing. Breathe in the fresh air. The sun is shining. Stretch under the sunlight. I’m in a good mood!” Or “Today’s weather is very cold. If you stick out your hands they will freeze immediately. It’s freezing, so don’t stay outside as long. Hurry up and come back, don’t get frozen!” Temperature is something all human bodies can sense, but no one thinks about how this temperature came about, or who is in charge of and controls this temperature that is suitable for human living. This is what we are getting to know now. Is there God’s wisdom in this? Is God’s deed in this? (Yes.) Considering that God created an environment with a temperature suitable for human living, is this one of the ways in which God supplies all things? It actually is. This shows that God’s supply and management of all things is truly practical!
3) Sound
The third thing is sound. This is also something that a normal living environment for human beings must be equipped with. Sound came into being when God created everything. God dealt with it very well at the time. This is something very important to God and also for the survival of mankind. If God did not handle the issue of sound well, it would have been a huge obstacle to the survival of mankind. That is to say that it would have had a very significant impact on man’s body and life, to the extent that mankind would not have been able to survive in such an environment. It can also be said that all living things cannot survive in such an environment. So what is this thing? It is sound. God created everything, and everything lives in God’s hands. In God’s eyes, all things are moving and living. God created all things, and the existence of each one of them has value and meaning. That is, they all have a necessity behind their existence. However, among all things created by God, each thing has a life; since they are all alive and moving, they will naturally produce sounds. For instance, the earth is constantly turning, the sun is constantly turning, and the moon is also constantly turning. Sounds are constantly being made in the lives and motions of all things. Things on earth are also constantly propagating and developing and moving. For example, the bases of mountains are moving and shifting, while all the living things in the depths of the seas are all moving and swimming. These living things, all things in the eyes of God, are all constantly, normally, and regularly in motion. So what do the surreptitious propagation and developments and motions of these things bring? Powerful sounds. Apart from the earth, all kinds of planets are also constantly in motion, and living things and organisms on these planets are also constantly propagating, developing and in motion. That is, all things with life and without life are constantly moving forward in God’s eyes, and when all kinds of living things are in motion they are also making sounds at the same time. God has also dealt with these sounds. Why? You should know this, right? When you get close to an airplane, what will the roaring sound of the plane do to you? (Ears will be deafened.) Will it damage people’s hearing? Will their hearts be able to withstand it? (No.) Some with weaker hearts will not be able to take it. Of course, even those with strong hearts won’t be able to take it if it goes on for too long. That is to say, the impact of sound on the human body, whether it is to the ears or the heart, is extremely significant for every single person, and sounds that are too loud will bring people harm. Therefore, when God created all things and after they began functioning normally, God also put these sounds—the sounds of all things in motion—through the appropriate treatment. This is also one of the necessary considerations God had when creating an environment for mankind.
First of all, the height of the atmosphere from the earth’s surface will eliminate and restrict sounds. Also, the size of the spaces between the land, that is, the size of the voids in the soil, will also manipulate and influence sound. Then there is the confluence of various geographical environments, which will also affect sound. That is to say, God uses certain methods to get rid of some sounds, so that humans can survive in an environment that their ears and hearts can bear. Otherwise sounds will bring a huge obstacle to mankind’s survival, and it will bring major trouble to their lives. This is a big problem. That is to say, God was very particular in His creation of land, the atmosphere, and the various kinds of geographical environments. God’s wisdom is contained in all of this. Mankind’s understanding of this does not need to be too detailed. All they need to know is that God’s action is contained therein. God’s creation of all things was indeed for the sake of mankind’s survival. Now you tell Me, was God’s work in manipulating sound necessary? Can you not feel the necessity of God doing this? The work that God did was conducting very precise manipulation of sound. He did this work to maintain mankind’s living environment and their normal lives. Was this work necessary? (Yes.) If this work was necessary, then from this perspective, can it be said that God used such a method to supply all things? God supplied mankind with and created such a quiet environment, so that mankind’s body can live very normally in such an environment, and so that mankind will not have any interferences and be able to exist and live normally. Is this not one of the ways in which God supplies mankind? (Yes.) Was this thing God did very important? (Yes.) It was very necessary. So how do you appreciate this? Even though you cannot feel that this was the action of God, nor do you know how God did it at the time, can you still feel the necessity of God doing this thing? Can you feel God’s wisdom or the care and thought He put into it? (Yes.) Just being able to feel this is okay. It’s sufficient. There are many things God has done among all things that people cannot feel and are hard for them to see. The purpose of Me mentioning it here is just to provide you with some information about God’s actions and so you can get to know God. These clues can let you know and understand God’s actions better.
4) Light
The fourth thing is related to people’s eyes—that is, light. This is very important. When you see a bright light, and the brightness of this light reaches a certain extent, your eyes will be blinded. After all, human eyes are eyes of flesh. They are not immune to damage. Does anyone dare to stare directly at the sun? (No.) Has anyone tried it? Some people have tried it. You are able to look with sunglasses on, right? That requires the assistance of tools. Without tools, man’s naked eyes do not dare to stare directly into the sun. Human beings do not have this ability. God created the sun to bring light to mankind, but He also manipulated this light. God did not simply leave the sun and ignore it after creating it. “Who cares if man’s eyes can withstand it!” God doesn’t do things like that. He does things very delicately and considers all aspects. God gave mankind eyes so they can see, but God has also prepared the range of brightness that they can see under. It won’t do if there is not enough light. If it is so dark that people cannot see their hand in front of them, then their eyes will lose their function and be of no use. People’s eyes will not be able to withstand places that are too bright, and they will also not be able to see anything. So in the environment mankind lives in, God has given them the amount of light appropriate to human eyes. This light will not hurt or damage people’s eyes. Moreover, it will not make people’s eyes lose their function, and can also guarantee that people’s eyes will be able to clearly see everything they should see. This is why God had added the appropriate amount of clouds around the sun and the earth, and the density of the air is also able to normally filter out the light that can hurt people’s eyes or skin. This is correlated. In addition, the color of the earth created by God also reflects sunlight and all kinds of light and gets rid of that part of the brightness in light that makes human eyes uncomfortable. That way, people don’t need to always wear very dark sunglasses to be able to walk around outside and carry out their lives. Under normal circumstances, human eyes can see things within the scope of their vision and will not be interfered with by light. That is, this light cannot be too piercing nor too dim: If it is too dim, people’s eyes will be damaged and they won’t be able to use them for very long before their eyes stop functioning; if it is too bright, people’s eyes won’t be able to withstand it, and their eyes will be unusable within 30 to 40 years or 40 to 50 years. That is to say, this light is suitable for human eyes to see, and the damage brought to human eyes by light has been minimized by God through various methods. Regardless of whether light brings benefits or drawbacks to human eyes, it is sufficient to allow people’s eyes to last until the end of their lives. Right? (Yes.) Hasn’t God thought it through very thoroughly? But when Satan, the devil, does things, it never considers any of these. It does not care at all whether something will bring harm to people. It has done a lot of things to damage the ecological environment, and people have now seen some of it. The light is either too bright or too dim—it does not consider mankind’s feelings at all.
God did these things to all aspects of the human body—vision, hearing, taste, breathing, feelings … to maximize mankind’s survival adaptability so that they can live—to live normally and continue to live. Such an existing living environment created by God is the living environment most suitable and beneficial to the survival of mankind. Some might think that this is not much and that it is all just very ordinary. Sounds, light, and air are things people feel they are born with, things they can enjoy from the moment of birth. But what God did behind your enjoyment of these things is something you need to know and understand. Regardless of whether you feel there is any need to understand or know these things, in short, when God created these things, He had expended thought, He had a plan, He had certain ideas. He did not put mankind in such a living environment simply, casually, or without any consideration. You may think that each one of these things I have spoken about is not a big deal, but in My view, each thing God supplied to mankind is necessary for the survival of humanity. There is God’s action in this.
5) Airflow
What is the fifth thing? This thing is very much related to the life of every human being, and it is also something that the human body cannot live without in this material world. This thing is airflow. “Airflow” is a word all people probably understand. So what is airflow? Try explaining in your own words. (Airflow is the flow of air.) You could say that. The flow of air is called “airflow.” Are there any other explanations? What does the word “airflow” mean? Airflow is wind that the human eye cannot see. It is also a way in which gas moves. That is correct too. But what is airflow we’re mainly talking about here? You’ll understand as soon as I say it. The earth carries the mountains, the seas, and all things as it turns, and when it turns there is speed. Even if you can’t feel any rotating, its rotation indeed exists. What does its rotation bring? What happens when a person runs? Is there wind by your ears when you run? (Yes.) That’s it. If wind can be generated when you run, then how can there not be wind power when the earth rotates? When the earth rotates, all things are in motion. It is in motion and rotating at a certain speed, while all things on earth are also constantly propagating and developing. Therefore, moving at a certain speed will naturally bring airflow. Such is what airflow is. Will this airflow affect the human body to a certain extent? (Yes.) It will. If the entire earth is full of plains, then when the earth and all things rotate at a certain speed, the tiny human body would not be able to bear the force of the wind. Taiwan and Hong Kong both have typhoons. Those typhoons aren’t that powerful, but when they hit, people can’t stand still and find it hard to walk in the wind. It’s difficult to even take a step. This is one of the ways airflow can affect mankind. If the entire earth is full of plains, the airflow that is generated when the earth rotates is not something the human body can withstand. It would be extremely difficult to handle. If that is the case, this airflow would not just bring mankind harm, but destruction. No one would be able to survive in such an environment. That is why God uses different geographical environments to resolve such airflows, to weaken such airflows by changing their direction, speed, and force through different environments. That is why people can see different geographical environments, such as mountains, mountain ranges, plains, hills, basins, valleys, plateaus, and rivers. God applies these different geographical environments to change an airflow’s speed, direction and force, using such a method to reduce or manipulate it into an appropriate wind speed, wind direction, and wind force, so that humans can have a normal living environment. Doing something like this seems difficult for humans, but it is easy for God because He observes all things. For Him to create an environment with a suitable airflow for mankind is too simple, too easy. Therefore, in such an environment created by God, each and every thing among all things is indispensable. There is value and necessity in all of their existence. However, Satan and corrupted mankind do not have such a philosophy. They keep destroying and developing, vainly dreaming of turning mountains into flat land, filling up canyons, and building skyscrapers on flat land to create concrete jungles. It is God’s hope that mankind can live happily, grow happily, and spend each day happily in the most suitable environment He prepared for them. That is why God has never been careless when it comes to dealing with mankind’s living environment. From temperature to air, from sound to light, God has made intricate plans and arrangements, so that mankind’s living environment and their bodies would not be subject to any interference from natural conditions, and instead mankind would be able to live and multiply normally and live with all things normally in harmonious coexistence. This is all supplied by God to all things and mankind.
Can you see, from the way He dealt with these five basic conditions for human survival, God’s supply of mankind? (Yes.) That is to say that God created all five of the most basic conditions for human survival. At the same time, God is also managing and controlling these things, and even now, after human beings have been in existence for thousands of years, God is still continuously changing their living environment, providing the best and most suitable living environment for mankind so that their lives can be maintained normally. When will this be maintained till? In other words, how long will God keep providing such an environment? Until God thoroughly completes His management work. Then, God will change mankind’s living environment. It could be through the same methods, or it could be through different methods, but what people really need to know now is that God is continuously supplying mankind’s needs, managing mankind’s living environment, and preserving, protecting and maintaining mankind’s living environment. It is because of such an environment that God’s chosen people are able to live normally like this and accept God’s salvation and chastisement and judgment. All things are continuing to exist because of God’s rule, while all of mankind is continuing to move forward because of God’s supply in this manner.
Has this part I just communicated brought you any new thoughts? Do you now sense the biggest difference between God and mankind? Just who is the master of all things? Is it man? (No.) Then do you know what is the difference between how God and humans deal with all things? (God rules over and arranges all things, whereas man enjoys all of it.) Do you agree with those words? (Yes.) The biggest difference between God and mankind is that God rules over all things and supplies all things. God is the source of everything, and mankind enjoys all things while God supplies them. That is to say, man enjoys all things when he accepts the life God bestows on all things. Mankind enjoys the results of God’s creation of all things, whereas God is the Master. Right? Then from the perspective of all things, what is the difference between God and mankind? God can see clearly the growth patterns of all things, and controls and dominates the growth patterns of all things. That is, all things are in God’s eyes and within His scope of inspection. Can mankind see all things? (No.) What mankind sees is limited. You can’t call that “all things”—it’s just what they see before their eyes. If you climb this mountain, what you see is this mountain. You can’t see what’s on the other side of the mountain. If you go to the beach, you can see this side of the ocean, but you don’t know what the other side of the ocean is like. If you arrive at this forest, you can see the plants in front of your eyes and around you, but you can’t see what’s further ahead. Humans cannot see places that are higher, farther and deeper. All they can see is what’s in front of their eyes and within their line of sight. Even if humans know the pattern of four seasons in a year and the growth patterns of all things, they are unable to manage or dominate all things. On the other hand, the way God sees all things is like the way God would see a machine that He personally built. He would know each component extremely well. What are its principles, what are its patterns, and what is its purpose—God knows all of these things plainly and clearly. Hence God is God, and man is man! Even if man keeps researching science and the laws of all things, it is only within a limited range, whereas God controls everything. For man, that is infinite. If man researches something very small that God did, they could spend their entire life researching it without achieving any true results. That is why if you use knowledge and what you have learned to study God, you will never be able to know or understand God. But if you use the way of the truth and seeking God, and look at God from the perspective of getting to know God, then one day you will admit that God’s actions and wisdom are everywhere, and you will also know just why God is called the Master of all things and the source of life for all things. The more you have such knowledge, the more you will understand why God is called the Master of all things. All things and everything, including you, are constantly receiving God’s steady flow of supply. You will also be able to clearly sense that in this world, and among this mankind, there is no one apart from God who can have such power and such essence to rule over, manage, and maintain the existence of all things. When you achieve such an understanding, you will truly admit that God is your God. When you reach this point, you have truly accepted God and let Him be your God and your Master. When you have such an understanding and your life reaches such a point, God will no longer test you and judge you, nor will He make any requirements of you, because you understand God, know His heart, and have truly accepted God in your heart. This is an important reason for communicating these topics about God’s domination and management of all things. It is to give people more knowledge and understanding; not just to make you admit, but to give you more practical knowledge and understanding of God’s actions.

2. The Daily Food and Drink God Prepares for Mankind

We had just spoken about a part of the overall environment, that is, the conditions necessary to human survival God prepared for mankind since He created the world. We just spoke about five things, and these five things are the overall environment. What we are going to talk about next is closely related to every human’s life in the flesh. It is a necessary condition that corresponds more to and is more in line with a person’s life in the flesh. This thing is food. God created man and placed him in a suitable living environment. Afterward, man needed food and water. Man had such a need, so God made such preparations for man. Therefore, you can see that each step of God’s work and each thing He does is not just empty words, but is actually being carried out. Is food something people cannot be without in their daily lives? (Yes.) Is food more important than air? (They are equally important.) They are equally important. They are both conditions and things necessary for mankind’s survival and preserving the continuation of human life. Is air more important or is water more important? Is temperature more important or is food more important? They are all important. People cannot choose because they can’t be without any of them. This is a real problem, not something you can choose. You don’t know, but God knows. When you see these things, you will feel, “I can’t be without food!” But if you were put there right after you had just been created, would you know that you need food? You wouldn’t know, but God does. It is only when you become hungry and see that there are fruits on the trees and grains on the ground for you to eat that you realize, “Oh, I need food.” It is only when you are thirsty and want to drink water that you realize, “I need water. Where can I find water?” You see a water spring before you, so you drink from it. You say, “This drink tastes very good. What is it?” It is water, and it was prepared for man by God. As for food, it doesn’t matter if you eat three meals a day, two meals a day, or even more than that; in short, food is something humans cannot be without in their daily lives. It is one of the things necessary for maintaining the normal survival of the human body. So where does food mainly come from? First, it comes from the soil. Soil was first prepared for mankind by God. Soil is suitable for the survival of various plants, not just for trees or grass. God prepared for mankind seeds for all kinds of grains and various foods, as well as suitable soil and land for people to plant, thus giving them food. What kinds of foods are there? You should be clear on this. First, there are various types of grains. What is included in grains? Wheat, foxtail millet, proso millet, rice…, the ones that come with hulls. Cereal crops are also separated into many different varieties. There are many types of cereal crops from the south to the north, such as barley, wheat, oats, and buckwheat. Different species are suited to being grown in different regions. There are also various kinds of rice. The south has its own varieties of rice, which are longer and suited to people from the south because they are not too sticky. As the climate is hotter in the south, they have to eat varieties such as indica rice. It cannot be too sticky or else they won’t be able to eat it and they’ll lose their appetites. The rice eaten by people in the north is stickier. As the north is always colder, they have to eat stickier rice. In addition, there are various kinds of beans. These are grown above the ground. There are also those grown below the ground, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, and many more. These are the various grains, a necessity for people’s daily food and drink. People use various grains to make noodles, steamed buns, rice, and rice noodles. People also eat potatoes and use potatoes and sweet potatoes to make staple foods. Taro, which is often eaten by people in the south, can also be a staple food. God has bestowed these various kinds of grains upon mankind in abundance. Why are there so many varieties? God’s intentions can be found therein: On the one hand, it is to suit the different soils and climates in the north, south, east and west; on the other hand, the various components and contents of these grains accord with the various components and contents of the human body. People can only maintain the various nutrients and components required for their bodies by eating these grains. Even though northern food and southern food are different, they have much more similarities than differences. These foods can all satisfy the normal needs of the human body and can maintain the normal survival of the human body. So, the reason why the species produced in various areas are very plentiful is that the human body needs what is supplied by such foods. They need what is supplied by the various foods grown from the soil to maintain the normal survival of the human body and achieve a normal human life. Understand? (Yes.) Potatoes grow in the north. The quality of potatoes in the north is very good. When people do not have grains to eat, potatoes can be a staple of their diet so they can maintain three meals a day. Potatoes can also be a food supply. Sweet potatoes aren’t as good as potatoes in terms of quality, but can still be used by people as a food to maintain their three meals a day. When grains are not yet available, people can use sweet potatoes to fill their stomachs. Taro can be used in the same way. In short, God was very considerate to mankind. The various foods God bestowed upon people are not dull—they are very comprehensive. If people want to eat cereals they can eat cereals. Some might say, “I don’t like eating noodles, I want to eat rice,” and they can eat rice. There are all kinds of rice—long rice, short rice, and they can all satisfy people’s tastes, right? Therefore, if people eat these grains—as long as they are not too picky or fussy with their food—they won’t lack nutrition and are guaranteed to live healthily until an old age. That was the original idea God had in mind when He bestowed food upon mankind. The human body cannot be without these things—is that not reality? (Yes.) Mankind cannot resolve these real problems, but God had already prepared and thought it through. God had things prepared for mankind long ago, and prepared them in abundance. That is a fact.
God has given mankind more than just these—there are also vegetables. When you eat rice, if rice is all you eat, you might lack nutrition. If you then stir-fry a couple of small dishes or mix up a salad to go with the meal, then the vitamins in the vegetables and various trace elements or other nutrients will be able to supply the needs of the human body in a very normal way. When people are not eating main meals they can also have some fruit, right? Sometimes, when people need more fluids or other nutrients or different flavors, there are also vegetables and fruits to supply them. As the soils and climates in the north, south, east and west are different, they also have different varieties of vegetables and fruits. Since the climate in the south is too hot, the majority of fruits and vegetables are of the cool type that can balance the cold and heat in people’s bodies when they eat them. On the other hand, there are fewer varieties of vegetables and fruits in the north, but still enough for the people of the north to enjoy. Isn’t that right? (Yes.) However, due to societal developments in recent years, due to the so-called social advancements, as well as improvements in transport and communications connecting the north and south and east and west, people in the north are also able to eat some fruits, local specialties or vegetables from the south, even all year round. That way, even though people are able to satisfy their appetites and material desires, their bodies are unwittingly subjected to different levels of harm. This is because among the food God prepared for mankind, there are foods and fruits and vegetables suitable for people in the south, as well as foods and fruits and vegetables suitable for people in the north. That is, if you were born in the south, eating things from the south is very suitable for you. God prepared these foods and fruits and vegetables because the south has a particular climate. The north has food that is needed for the bodies of people in the north. But because people have gluttonous appetites, they have been unwittingly swept up in the tide of societal developments, making them unwittingly violate such laws. Even though people feel their lives are now better, such a societal advancement brings a hidden harm to more people’s bodies. This is not what God wants to see and was not what God originally intended when He brought all things and these foods, fruits and vegetables to mankind. This was completely caused by mankind violating the laws of nature and carrying out scientific developments, and has nothing to do with God.
What God bestowed upon mankind is rich and plentiful, with each place having their own local specialties. For instance, some places are rich in red dates (commonly known as jujubes), while others are rich in walnuts, peanuts, or other various kinds of nuts. These material things all supply nutrients needed by the human body. But God supplies mankind with things according to the season and time, and also bestows the right quantity at the right time. Mankind covets physical enjoyment and is gluttonous, making it easy to violate and damage the normal laws of human growth from when He created mankind. As an example, let’s look at cherries, which everyone should know about, right? When is cherry season? (June.) They are harvested around June. Under normal circumstances, when will they run out? (August.) People start eating them from the time they become available, from June until August, a period of two months. Cherries are only fresh for two months, but through scientific methods people are now able to extend that to 12 months, to even next year’s cherry season. That means there are cherries all year round. Is this phenomenon normal? (No.) Then when is the best season to eat cherries? It’s the period from June to August. Beyond this limit, no matter how fresh you keep them, they don’t taste the same, nor are they what the human body needs. Once its expiration date has passed, no matter what chemical things you use, you will not be able to get it to the way it is when grown naturally. Plus, the harm that chemicals bring to humans is something no one can do anything to eliminate or change. Understand? What does the current market economy bring to people? People’s lives seem to be better, transport in all directions has become really convenient, and people can eat all kinds of fruits in any of the four seasons of the year. People in the north are often able to eat bananas and any food, local specialty or fruit from the south. But this is not the life God wants to give mankind. This was brought on by mankind’s scientific developments. What this market economy has brought to the human body is a violation of the normal laws of natural growth. What it has brought is harm and disaster, not happiness. Understand? (Yes.)
Take a look. Are grapes sold all four seasons of the year in the market? (Yes.) Grapes actually only stay fresh for a very short period of time after they are picked. If you keep them until the next June, can they still be called grapes? Can you call them garbage? They not only no longer have the original composition of grapes, but they also have more chemicals on them. After a year, they are not only not fresh, their nutrients are also long gone. When people eat grapes, they feel: “So happy! So pleasant! Would we have been able to eat grapes during this season 30 years ago? You couldn’t eat it even if you wanted to. How great life is now!” Is this really happiness? If you are interested, you can go study grapes that have been preserved by chemicals and see just what their composition is and if this composition can bring any benefits to humans. Think back to the Age of Law. When the Israelites were on the road after leaving Egypt, God gave them quail and manna. Did God allow people to preserve them? (No.) Some people were narrow-minded and were afraid that there wouldn’t be more the next day, so they kept some aside. “Save it in case we need it later!” Then what happened? By the next day it had become rotten. God did not let them leave any behind as backup because God had made some preparations, which ensured that they would not starve. But people didn’t have that confidence and always wanted to leave some aside because they thought: “God’s actions are unreliable! You can’t see it and you cannot touch it. It’s still better to leave some aside for later. Have to be pre-emptive because no one will look after you if you don’t figure out a way yourself!” As you can see, mankind does not have that confidence, nor do they have true faith in God. They’re always leaving some aside for later and are never able to see all the care and thought behind what God prepared for mankind. They’re just always unable to feel it, always mistrusting God, always thinking: “God’s actions are unreliable! Who knows if God will give it to mankind or when He will give it! If I’m really hungry and God doesn’t give it, then won’t I starve? Won’t I lack nutrition?” See how tiny man’s confidence is!
Grains, fruits and vegetables, and all types of nuts are all vegetarian foods. Even though they are vegetarian foods, they have sufficient nutrients to satisfy the needs of the human body. However, God did not say: “Giving these to mankind is enough. Mankind can just eat these things.” God did not stop there and instead prepared things that taste even more delicious for mankind. What are these things? It’s the various kinds of meat and fish you want to see on your dining tables and eat every day. There are so many kinds of meat and fish. Fish all live in the water; the texture of their meat is different to that of meat grown on the land and they can provide different nutrients to mankind. The properties of fish can also adjust the cold and heat in human bodies, so they are extremely beneficial to mankind. But what tastes good cannot be overindulged. It’s still the same saying: God bestows upon mankind the right quantity at the right time, so that people can normally and properly enjoy these things in accordance with the season and time. What does poultry include? Chicken, quail, pigeon, etc. Many people also eat duck and goose. Though God made preparations, for God’s chosen people, God still had requirements and had set a certain range in the Age of Law. Now this range is based on individual taste and personal understanding. These various kinds of meat provide the human body with different nutrients, which can replenish protein and iron, enrich the blood, strengthen muscles and bones, and provide more energy. Regardless of what methods people use to cook and eat them, in short, these things can on the one hand help people improve flavors and appetites, and on the other satisfy their stomachs. The most important thing is that they can supply the human body with their daily nutritional needs. These are the considerations God had when He prepared food for mankind. There are vegetarian foods as well as meats—isn’t that rich and plentiful? (Yes.) But people should understand what God’s original intentions were when God prepared all foods for mankind. Was it to let mankind greedily enjoy these material foods? What if people become indulged in the satisfaction of their material appetites? Wouldn’t they become overnourished? Wouldn’t overnourishment bring all sorts of ailments to the human body? It is certainly not good to betray the laws of nature created by God, which is why God apportions the right quantity at the right time and lets people enjoy different foods in accordance with different time periods and seasons. That’s the best way. For example, after living through a very hot summer, people will accumulate quite a bit of heat, pathogenic dryness and dampness in their bodies. When autumn arrives, a lot of fruits will ripen, and when people eat some fruits their dampness will be removed. At the same time, cattle and sheep will have grown robust, so people should eat some meat as nourishment. After eating various kinds of meat, people’s bodies will have energy and the heat to help them withstand the cold of the winter, and as a result they will be able to get through the winter peacefully. What time to prepare what things for mankind, and what time to let what things grow, bear fruit and ripen—all of this is controlled by God and was already arranged by God long ago, and very measuredly. It’s just that mankind does not understand God’s will. This is the topic about “how God prepared the food necessary for man’s daily living.”
Apart from all kinds of foods, God also supplies mankind with sources of water. People have to drink some water after eating. Is just eating fruit enough? People won’t be able to stand only eating fruit, and besides, there is no fruit in some seasons. So how can mankind’s water problem be resolved? By God preparing many water sources above the ground and below the ground, including lakes, rivers, and springs. These sources of water can be drunk from in situations where there isn’t any contamination, or human processing or damage. In regard to the sources of food for the lives of mankind’s physical bodies, God has made very precise, very accurate and very suitable preparations, so that people’s lives are rich and plentiful and not lacking in anything. This is something people can feel and see. Additionally, among all things, whether it is animals, plants, or all kinds of grass, God also created some plants that are necessary to resolve harm or illness to the human body. What do you do, for instance, if you get burned? Can you wash it with water? Can you just find a piece of cloth somewhere and wrap it up? It might fill up with pus or get infected that way. What do you do, for instance, if you get scalded accidentally by a flame or by hot water? Can you flush it with water? For instance, if you get a fever, catch a cold, suffer an injury from physical work, a stomach ailment from eating the wrong thing, or develop certain diseases due to living habits or emotional issues, such as vascular diseases, psychological conditions or diseases of the internal organs—there are corresponding plants to cure all of these. There are plants that improve blood circulation to remove stagnation, relieve pain, stanch bleeding, provide anesthesia, help people recover normal skin, eliminate blood stasis in the body, and eliminate toxins from the body. In short, they can all be used in daily life. They are of use to people and have been prepared by God for the human body in case of need. Some of these were allowed by God to be inadvertently discovered by man, while others were discovered from certain special phenomena or by certain people prepared by God. Following their discovery, mankind would pass them down, and then many people would know about them. This way, God’s creation of these plants has value and meaning. In short, these things are all from God and were prepared and planted when He created a living environment for mankind. All of these things are very necessary. Doesn’t it show that when God created the heavens and earth and all things, His considerations were better thought out than those of mankind? When you see all that God has done, are you able to feel God’s practical side? God worked in secret. When man had not yet come into this world, before coming into touch with this mankind, God had already created all of this. Everything He did was for the sake of mankind, for the sake of their survival, and for the consideration of mankind’s existence, so that mankind can live in this rich and plentiful material world God prepared for them, and so that they can live happily, not having to worry about food or clothes, and not lacking in anything. Mankind continues to reproduce and survive in such an environment, but not many can comprehend that God had created everything for mankind. Instead, Satan has made it out to be created by nature.
Tell Me: Is there anything that God does, regardless of whether it is a big thing or a small thing, that has no value or meaning? Everything He does has value and meaning. Let’s discuss this from a question people often talk about: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? How do you answer this? The chicken came first, that’s for sure! Why did the chicken come first? Why couldn’t the egg have come first? Doesn’t the chicken hatch from the egg? Eggs hatch chickens, chickens incubate eggs. After incubating the egg for 21 days, the chicken hatches. That chicken then lays eggs, and chickens again hatch from the eggs. So did the chicken or the egg come first? (The chicken.) You answer “chicken” with certainty. Why is that so? (The Bible says God created birds and beasts.) That is based on the Bible. I want you to talk about your own knowledge to see if you have any actual knowledge of God’s actions. Are you sure about your answer or not? (Because all things created by God reinforce and restrain each other, and mutually depend on each other. God created the chicken, which can lay eggs, and the hen needs to incubate the eggs. There is such a need and practicality.) Some brothers and sisters laughed. Why don’t you talk about it? (God created the chicken, then gave it the ability to reproduce life.) What ability? (The ability to incubate eggs, and the ability to make life continue on.) Mm, this explanation is about right. Do any other brothers or sisters have an opinion? Freely speak up and communicate. This is the house of God. It’s the church. If you have something to say, say it. (This is what I think: God created all things, and everything He created is good and perfect. The chicken is an organic creature and has the functions of breeding and incubating eggs. This is perfect. Therefore, the chicken came first, and then the egg. That’s the order.) (First the chicken, and then the egg.) This is certain. It’s not a very profound mystery, but people of the world see it as very profound and use philosophy for their reasoning. In the end, they still don’t have a conclusion. This thing is akin to man not knowing that he was created by God. Man does not know this principle, and they also aren’t clear on whether the egg or the chicken should come first. They don’t know what should come first, so they’re always unable to find the answer. Then tell Me: Should the chicken or the egg have come first? It is very normal that the chicken came first. If the egg came before the chicken, then that would be abnormal! The chicken definitely came first. This is such a simple thing. It doesn’t require you to be very knowledgeable. God created all of this. His initial intention was for man to enjoy it. Once there’s the chicken the egg comes naturally. Isn’t that obvious? If the egg was created first, wouldn’t it still need the chicken to incubate it? Creating the chicken directly is so much easier. So God created the chicken directly, and the chicken could lay eggs and also incubate the baby chicks, while man could eat chicken too. Isn’t that so convenient? The way God does things is succinct and not cumbersome. The egg also has an ancestor, and that’s the chicken. What God created was a living thing! Corrupted mankind really is absurd and ridiculous, always getting entangled in these simple things, and in the end even coming up with a whole bunch of absurd fallacies. So childish! The relationship between the egg and the chicken is clear: The chicken came first. That’s the most correct explanation, the most correct way to understand it, and the most correct answer. This is right.
At the start, we talked about mankind’s living environment and what God did, prepared, and dealt with for this environment, as well as the relationships between all things God prepared for mankind and how God dealt with these relationships to prevent all things from causing harm to mankind. God also resolved the various elements brought by all things and the negative influences they had on mankind’s environment, allowed all things to maximize their functions, brought mankind a favorable environment, and made every element beneficial, enabling mankind to adapt to such an environment and continue the cycle of reproduction and life normally. Next was the food needed by the human body—daily food and drink. This is also a necessary condition of mankind’s survival. That is to say, the human body cannot live by just breathing, with just the sunlight or the wind, or just suitable temperatures. They also need to fill their stomachs. These things to fill their stomachs have also been entirely prepared by God for mankind—this is the source of mankind’s food. After seeing these rich and plentiful produce—the sources of mankind’s food and drink—can you say that God is the source of the supply for mankind and all things? You can absolutely say so. If God had only created trees and grass or just various living things when He created all things, and mankind could not eat any of them, would mankind have been able to survive until now? What if the various living things and plants among all things that God created were all for cattle and sheep to eat, or for zebras, deer and various other kinds of animals—for instance, lions eat foods like zebras and deer, tigers eat foods such as lambs and pigs—but there was not a single thing suitable for humans to eat? Would that work? It would not. If it were like that then mankind would not have been able to continue surviving. What if humans only ate tree leaves? Would that work? Human stomachs would not be able to take it. You won’t know if you don’t try it, but once you do you’ll know very well. Then could you eat the grass prepared for cattle and sheep? It might be okay if you just try a little bit, but if you keep eating it over the long run, you won’t last long. Some things can be eaten by animals, but if humans eat them they will be poisoned. There are some poisonous things that animals can eat without affecting them, but humans can’t do the same. God created human beings, so God knows best the principles and structure of the human body and what humans need. God is perfectly clear on its composition and content, what it needs, as well as how the internal organs of the human body function, absorb, eliminate, and metabolize. People are not clear on this and sometimes eat and supplement blindly. They supplement too much and end up causing an imbalance. If you eat these things God prepared for you, and eat and enjoy them normally, there will be nothing wrong with you. Even if sometimes you are in a bad mood and you have blood stasis, it doesn’t matter. You just need to eat a type of plant and the stasis will clear up. God has prepared all of these things. In God’s eyes, mankind is far above any other living thing. God prepared living environments for all kinds of plants and prepared food and living environments for all kinds of animals, but only mankind’s requirements toward their own living environment are strictest and most intolerant of neglect. Otherwise, mankind would not be able to continue developing and reproducing and living normally. God knows this best in His heart. When God did this thing, He placed more importance on it than anything else. Perhaps you are unable to feel the importance of some insignificant thing you see and enjoy or something you feel you are born with and can enjoy, but God had already prepared it for you a long time ago. God has eliminated and resolved to the biggest extent possible all the negative factors that are unfavorable to mankind and can hurt the human body. What does this make clear? Does it make clear God’s attitude toward mankind when He created them this time? What was that attitude? God’s attitude was rigorous and serious, and He did not tolerate the interference of any factors or conditions or any enemy forces apart from God. From this, you can see God’s attitude when He created mankind and manages mankind this time. What is God’s attitude? Through the living and survival environment mankind enjoys as well as their daily food and drink and daily needs, we can see God’s attitude in maintaining the reproduction and living of mankind and the responsibility He has toward them, as well as God’s determination to save mankind this time. Can we see the authenticity of God through these things? Can we see God’s wondrousness? Can we see God’s unfathomability? Can we see God’s omnipotence? God simply uses His almighty and wise way to supply all of mankind, as well as to supply all things.
Speaking of which, after I have said so much, are you able to say that God is the source of life for all things? (Yes.) Absolutely! This is for certain. God’s supply of all things is sufficient to show that God is the source of life for all things, because He is the source of supply that has enabled all things to exist, live, reproduce, and continue on. Apart from God there is no other. He supplies all needs of all things and all needs of mankind, regardless of whether it is the most basic needs, what people need daily, or the supply of the truth to people’s spirits. From all perspectives, when it comes to God’s identity and His status for mankind, only God Himself is the source of life for all things. This is absolutely certain. God is the Ruler, Master, and Supplier of this material world that people can see with their eyes and feel. For mankind, is this not God’s identity? This is entirely true. So when you see birds flying in the sky, you should know that God created things that can fly. But there are living things that swim in the water, and they also survive in different ways. The trees and plants that live in the soil sprout in spring and bear fruit and lose leaves in autumn, and by winter all the leaves have fallen and they go through the winter. That’s their way of survival. God created all things, each of which lives through different forms and different ways and uses different methods to exhibit its power and form of life. No matter what method, it is all under God’s rule. What is the purpose of God ruling over all the different forms of life and living beings? Is it for the sake of mankind’s survival? (Yes.) He controls all of the laws of life for the sake of mankind’s survival. This shows just how important mankind’s survival is for God. Can you see that now?
Mankind being able to survive and reproduce normally is of the utmost importance to God. Therefore, God constantly supplies mankind and all things. He supplies all things in different ways, and under the circumstances of maintaining the survival of all things, He enables mankind to continue moving forward so as to maintain humanity’s normal existence. These are the two aspects we are communicating today. What are these two aspects? (From the macro perspective, God created the living environment for mankind. That’s the first aspect. Also, God prepared these material things that mankind needs and can see and touch.) We have communicated our main topic through these two aspects. What is our main topic? (God is the source of life for all things.) You should now have some understanding of why I communicated such content under this topic. Has there been any discussion unrelated to the main topic? None, right? Perhaps after hearing these things, some of you might gain some understanding and feel that these words are very important, but others might just have a bit of literal understanding and feel that these words don’t matter. Regardless of how you present here understand this right now, over the course of your experience there will come a day when your understanding reaches a certain point, that is, when your knowledge of God’s actions and God Himself reaches a certain point, you will use your own practical words to deliver a profound and true testimony of God’s actions.
I think your understanding now is still quite simple and literal, but are you at least able to, after listening to Me communicate these two aspects, recognize what methods God uses to supply mankind or what things God supplies to mankind? Do you have a basic concept as well as a basic understanding? But are these two aspects I communicated related to the Bible? (No.) Are they related to God’s judgment and chastisement in the Age of Kingdom? (No.) Then why did I communicate these two aspects? Is it because people must understand them to know God? (Yes.) It is very necessary to know these and it is also very necessary to understand these. Don’t just be restricted to the Bible, and don’t just be restricted to God’s judgment and chastisement of man to understand everything about God. What is the purpose of Me jumping out of the scope of communicating the Bible and stepping out of God’s words from the Age of Kingdom? It’s to let people know that God is not just the God of His chosen people. You currently follow God, and He is your God, but for those outside of the people who follow God, is God their God? Is God the God of all people outside of those who follow Him? (Yes.) Then is God the God of all things? (Yes.) Then does God do His work and perform His actions merely on those who follow Him? (No.) Its scope is the entire universe. From the small perspective, its scope is all of mankind and among all things. From the big perspective, it’s the entire universe. So we can say God does His work and performs His actions among all mankind. This is sufficient to let people know all about God Himself. If you want to know God and truly get to know and understand Him, then don’t just be restricted to the three stages of God’s work, and don’t just be restricted to the stories of the work God had once performed. If you try to know Him that way, then you are confining God to a certain limit. You’re seeing God as too insignificant. What influences would such consequences bring to you? You would never be able to know God’s wondrousness and supremacy, and you would never be able to know God’s power and omnipotence and the scope of His authority. Such an understanding would influence your ability to accept the truth that God is the Ruler of all things, as well as your knowledge of God’s true identity and status. In other words, if your understanding of God is limited in scope, what you can receive is also limited. That is why you must expand the scope and open your horizons. Whether it is the scope of God’s work, God’s management, and God’s rule, or all things ruled over and managed by God, you should get to know it all and get to know God’s actions therein. Through such a way of understanding, you will unconsciously feel that God is ruling over, managing and supplying all things among them. At the same time, you will also truly feel that you are a part of all things and a member of all things. As God supplies all things, you also accept God’s rule and supply. This is a fact no one can deny. All things are subject to their own laws, which is under God’s rule, and all things have their own rule of survival, which is also under God’s rule, while mankind’s fate and what they need are also closely related to God’s rule and His supply. That is why, under God’s dominion and rule, mankind and all things are interconnected, interdependent, and interwoven. This is the purpose and value of God’s creation of all things. Do you understand this now? (Yes.) If you understand then let’s finish up our communication here today. Goodbye!
February 2, 2014

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