Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Warnings of the Last Days From God | "The Days of Noah Have Come"

This is a true story. Because of refusing to accept Almighty God’s end-time gospel again and again, Qingping Township of Sichuan Province suffered the overwhelming disaster twice, and disappeared from the earth forever. This is God’s warning to the end-time people, and makes people see the bitter fruits and disasters caused by their rejecting the end-time Christ. …
Look back to the people in Noah’s age. They were corrupt and licentious and remained impenitent, which aroused God’s anger. Only the eight members of Noah’s family obeyed God’s words and survived, while the rest of the men disobeyed God’s words and lost God’s keeping. Now, God has expressed his last voice of salvation to this extremely corrupt mankind!
Facts prove again that for those who accepted Almighty God’s end-time gospel, they saw God’s wonderful deeds in disasters and received God’s care and keeping; for those who refused God’s end-time work, they were devoured and destroyed in disasters! Qingping Township’s disappearing twice is a testimony of the fulfillment of God’s word: Those who accept and obey God’s word and those who refuse and resist God’s word are two kinds of people with different destinations!
Almighty God’s words, with authority and power, brimming with righteousness and majesty, show us the source of disasters, the ends of the world, and the fate of mankind. Some can’t help but ask, “Since God created this world, why must He destroy it? Is God not a loving and merciful God? Why does He hurl forth His rage upon man?” To understand these questions, we might as well look back to the time of Noah’s ark. The Bible says, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked on the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way on the earth. And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth” (Genesis 6:11-13). At that time, mankind was corrupted to a point. No one listened to God’s words, much less did anyone worship God. Mankind advocated wickedness, followed the worldly trend, and lived amid evil and licentiousness concerning themselves with eating, drinking, and the pursuit of pleasure, enjoying the pleasure of sin. Their wickedness was unbearable for God to witness and infuriated God’s righteous and unoffendable disposition. Thus, God had His plan of destroying the world with a flood. But God cared about mankind’s ignorance and pitifulness, so He still gave man chances to repent. God commanded Noah to build an ark and spread the gospel. However, Noah preached for 120 years, yet no one believed God’s words, much less did anyone come before God to confess, repent, and return to Him. Then God’s wrath came upon man. After the flood, only Noah’s family of eight survived; others were all swamped and destroyed by the flood. Also it’s known to us all that God razed Sodom with the fire of brimstone. Sodom brimmed with sin and murder then. Not only did people in the city not accept God’s warnings, they also did not fear God’s punishment. To the contrary, they scorned God’s existence, were hostile toward His coming, and harmed His messengers and all righteous people. Their conduct had reached the level of opposition and uproar against God. As for such an evil city, God no longer extended mercy, but directly used the fire to totally destroy them and make them cease to exist. From this, we see in God’s disposition, there are not only lovingkindness and mercy, but also righteousness, majesty, and wrath. God is very principled in actions. He will bestow mercy and tolerance upon those listening to His words and obeying Him, and make them live in His care and protection. Instead, to those who don’t believe God’s words but reject God’s calling and salvation, and who even oppose Him and are stubbornly against Him, God will cast out His anger fiercely to the extent that such mankind disappears before God’s eyes. It is just as Almighty God says, “The mercy and tolerance of God do indeed exist, but God’s holiness and righteousness when He unleashes His wrath also show man the side of God that brooks no offense. When man is fully capable of obeying the commands of God and acts in accordance to God’s requirements, God is abundant in His mercy toward man; when man has been filled with corruption, hatred and enmity for Him, God is profoundly angry. And to what extent is He profoundly angry? His wrath will keep on until God no longer sees man’s resistance and evil deeds, until they are no longer before His eyes. Only then will God’s anger disappear” (“God’s Work, God’s Disposition, and God Himself II” in A Continuation of The Word Appears in the Flesh).
Some of the material is from:
Picture: Haitian national palace earthquake is from Logan Abassi / UNDP Globa(, Authorised by CC-BY-2.0( ).
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, [2014], [Control of the locust plague in Madagascar (March 2014)], [ ]

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