Monday, August 28, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" (6) - Can't Man Gain Life Without the Bible?

If man departs from the Bible, how could he believe in the Lord and gain life? Do you have the same puzzle? This film clip will give you a satisfactory answer.
She believed in the Lord from childhood. At 18, she entered a theological school. In her 30’s, she became one of the leaders of a house church in Shanxi Province, China. For a long time, the Bible had a holy place and supreme authority in her heart. She thought that one could only know God and find God’s footsteps in the Bible. Thus, she devoted herself to reading and studying the Bible. However, there were still many mysteries in the Bible which puzzled her. Until one day.....

Almighty God says, “What the Bible records are those limited things, which cannot represent all God’s works. The four Gospels have no more than a hundred chapters altogether. They record nothing but the limited things, such as cursing the fig tree, Peter’s denying the Lord three times, Jesus’ appearing to his disciples after his crucifixion and resurrection, his teachings on fasting, on prayer, and on divorce, his birth, his genealogy, his appointing the disciples…, yet people take these things as treasures and even compare today’s work with them. And they even think that Jesus did no more than these works from his birth, as if God could only do these works and could do no more works. Isn’t this fallacious?” “If you want to see the work of the Age of the Law or how the people of Israel walked in the ways of Jehovah, you have to read the Old Testament. If you want to know about the work of the Age of the Grace, you have to read the New Testament. Then how to see the work done in the end time? You have to receive God’s leading of today and enter into the work of today, because this is a new work and no one has ‘recorded’ it in the Bible in advance. The work of today is a path men of former times have never walked and is a way no one has seen. It is a work that has never been done, that is, God’s newest work on earth. No one knows that God has done a greater and newer work outside Israel on earth, which has gone beyond the boundary of Israel … and which is … a newer work outside Israel, and a work that man cannot see through or imagine. How could there be a definite record of such a work in the Bible? Who could have written down beforehand the work of today without missing any of it?” (from The Word Appears in the Flesh) From Almighty God's words we see that what the Bible records is limited. The Old Testament only records the work of Jehovah God, and the New Testament only records the Lord Jesus’ work. However, the detailed contents of God’s end-time work are not recorded in the Bible. This is because God’s end-time work is a new work outside the Bible. Though we read the Old and New Testaments, it doesn’t prove that the Bible contains all the words of God, even less prove that outside the Bible there are no more words of God. God is the source of life and is the source of all things, and his riches are inexhaustible and are unfathomable to any created being. How can these contents in the Bible speak fully about all God’s deeds? So, we shouldn’t conclude that there are no more words of God outside the Bible.

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