Saturday, August 5, 2017

English Christian Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"

English Christian Movie | Do You Know the Mystery of the Name of God | "God's Name Has Changed?!"

    Her name is Wang Hua, and she is a house church preacher in Southern China. After she began to believe in the Lord, she found in the Bible that God was called Jehovah in the Old Testament, and was called Jesus in the New Testament. "Why does God have different names?" Wang Hua was extremely puzzled about this. She tried to find the answer in the Bible, but failed to grasp the mystery…. But she firmly believed that "There is none other name under heaven given among men, so Jesus alone is the Savior, and that so long as one held on to the name of Jesus, they would surely be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes again." Yet one day, Wang Hua heard some shocking news: "God's name has changed!" After that, her heart could no longer remain calm….

    From the words of Almighty God we know that God, the Creator, whom we look up to and rely on, had no name. Only because he needs to do the work and manage mankind later does he take names. Moreover, he changes the age with the name and uses the name to represent the work he does in that age and the disposition he expresses in that age. No matter how the age and the work change and how God’s name changes, God’s substance is ever unchanging. That is to say, the words “the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” refer to God’s original substance but not God’s name.

This has exactly fulfilled the words in Revelation, such as, “And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are your ways, you King of saints” (15:3), “And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunder, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigns” (19:6), and so on. Although God’s name changes in the Age of the Kingdom, the one who does the work is still God Godself. He was once called Jehovah and was once called the Lord Jesus, and now he is called Almighty God. Whatever name God is called, they are one Spirit in substance. Almighty God says, In each age and in each stage of work, my name has representative meaning and is not without a basis. That is, each name represents one age. ‘Jehovah’ represents the Age of the Law and is a respectful address by which the Israelites called the God they worshiped. ‘Jesus’ represents the Age of the Grace and is the name of the God of all those who were redeemed in the Age of the Grace. If in the end time people still expect that the Savior Jesus would descend and descend still in the image that he had in Judea, then the entire six-thousand-year management plan would stop at the Age of the Redemption and could not advance any further, and the end time would never come and the age would never end. This is because ‘Jesus the Savior’ is only the One who redeemed mankind and saved mankind, and I took the name ‘Jesus’ only for the sake of all the sinners in the Age of the Grace, not for the purpose of ending the whole mankind. Although Jehovah, Jesus, and Messiah all represent my Spirit, these several names only represent the different ages in my management plan and do not represent my all. The names by which people on earth call me cannot thoroughly express all my disposition and being, and it is only that they call me by different addresses in different ages. So when the final age, that is, the last age, comes, my name will still change. I will not be called Jehovah or Jesus, much less Messiah, but the powerful Almighty God Godself, with which name I will end the entire age. I was once called Jehovah and was also once called Messiah by people, and people also once called me the Savior Jesus out of love and esteem for me. Today, I am no longer Jehovah or Jesus whom people knew before but the God who has returned in the end time and who will end the age and the God Godself who arises in the ends of the earth, laden with all my disposition and full of authority, honor, and glory. People have never contacted me nor known me or known about my disposition. From the creation of the world until now, no one has ever seen me. This is the God who appears to people in the end time and yet is hidden among them, living among them true and real, like a burning sun and like a flaming fire, full of power and full of authority. No man and no thing will not be judged in my word. Under the burning of fire, no man and no thing will not be purified. In the end, all nations will be blessed because of my word and will also be crushed because of my word, so that all people in the end time will see that I am the Return of the Savior and I am the Almighty God who conquers all mankind, and that all people will see that I was once man’s sin offering, but in the end time I become the fire of the burning sun that burns all things and the sun of righteousness that reveals all things. This is my work in the end time. I take this name and bear such disposition for the purpose that all people will see that I am a righteous God, a burning sun, and a flaming fire, that all people will worship me—the only true God, and that all people will see my real image: I am not only the God of the Israelites or only the Redeemer, but the God of all created beings in the heavens and on the earth and in the seas.” (from The Word Appears in the Flesh)

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