Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "The Bible and God" (3) - All About "Whether the Bible Is Inspired by God" Debate

Over two thousand years, the religious world has clung to their viewpoints according to Paul’s words, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” They believe “the whole Bible is God’s word,” “the Bible represents the Lord.” Are such viewpoints right? This clip will tell you the answer! Speaking of “inspiration,” we will remember that at that time Jehovah God directly inspired his words to those who had received the spirit of prophecy and let them convey his will to the multitudes of Israel. Most of the words Jehovah inspired to the prophets were prophecies. Through the prophecies, God let people know that he still had work to do in the future, so that when the facts were accomplished, people would have a confirmation of what God did and see from it God’s great power and his wonderful deeds.
We should acknowledge that the Bible is not all given by inspiration of God. Only the prophecies the prophets received are given by inspiration of God and are without the mixtures of human thoughts. Besides, Jehovah’s words and Jesus’ words recorded in the Bible, as they are God’s words, are certainly without the mixtures of human thoughts. But the other parts of the Bible are inevitably with the mixtures of human thoughts. This is the fact.Today, by analyzing the Bible this way, we are not denying the Bible, nor denying the use value of the Bible, but to let brothers and sisters have a correct knowledge of the Bible, acknowledging that the Bible has a very high value but not blindly worshiping it. Finally, let’s read what Almighty God says about the Bible. Almighty God tells us, “The prophecies of the prophets were revealed by God personally. For example, the prophecies spoken by Isaiah and by Daniel, Ezra, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel at that time were revealed directly by the Holy Spirit.” “The words spoken by the prophets … prophesied other works on earth, the works Jehovah God himself would do, and they were completely from God and were the work of the Holy Spirit. Except for the books of the prophets, all the books are the records of people’s experience of Jehovah’s work at that time.” “The Bible is not completely a record of God’s personal utterance. It is only an account of the first two stages of God’s work. Part of it is the record of the prophecies of the prophets, and part of it is the experiences and knowledge written by the men used by God throughout the past generations. It is unavoidable that man’s experiences are mixed with human views and knowledge. … People of today always believe that the Bible is God and God is the Bible, and they believe that God spoke just so many words in the Bible and all the words in the Bible were spoken by God. Even all the believers in God believe this: Although the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments were written by men, they were God-breathed and are a record of the words of the Holy Spirit. This is man’s erroneous understanding and is not completely factual. So I am only asking you to know the substance and the inside truth of the Bible. I am not asking you to not read the Bible or to preach that the Bible is a worthless book. Rather, I am asking you to have a correct knowledge and view about the Bible. Don’t be too one-sided! Although the Bible is a book of history written by man, it records many principles by which the ancient saints and prophets served God and many experiences of the recent apostles’ serving God, which are men’s true seeing and knowledge, and all these can be a reference for those who pursue the true way in the present age.(from The Word Appears in the Flesh)
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