Friday, October 13, 2017

Love God All My Life | Christian Music Video | "My Beloved, Please Wait for Me" | God Is Great

Hello, brothers and sisters! Today’s program will give an account of the stories between God and mankind through music, singing, dancing, MV and A Capella. It will also testify to God’s love and salvation that is directed towards mankind. Mankind of the last days has already been corrupted deeply by Satan and we all live in the bitter struggle of sin. God has seen the pain and helplessness of mankind living under the domain of Satan and He has come in person once again to live among us. He has come to issue His words in order to do the work of cleansing, saving and perfecting mankind. With the watering and shepherding of God’s words, the spirits of God’s chosen people have started to awaken and they are gradually entering into the reality of the truth.
      Their life disposition has changed and they are living out the likeness of a genuine human being. Each wonderful and graceful song expresses the intentions that God has for mankind and the work of God’s salvation. They testify to the process of salvation that God has performed upon His chosen people. Let us listen together to the sounds of nature that praise God and let us together seek the genuine value and meaning of living. Let’s explore the hidden depths of the mystery of life!“Almighty God is all-powerful, all-achieving and utterly complete true God! He not only carries the seven stars, bears the seven Spirits, has seven eyes, opens the seven seals and opens the scroll, but more than that He administers the seven plagues and the seven bowls and opens the seven thunders; long ago He has sounded the seven trumpets! All things created and made complete by Him should praise Him, give glory to Him and exalt His throne. Oh, Almighty God! You are everything, You have accomplished everything, and with You all is complete, all bright, all emancipated, all free, all strong and powerful! There is nothing hidden or concealed, with You all mysteries are revealed. Furthermore, You judge the multitudes of Your enemies, You show Your majesty, show Your raging fire, show Your wrath, and even more You show Your unprecedented, everlasting, entirely infinite glory! All peoples should awaken and should cheer and sing without reserve, extolling the almighty, the all-true, all-living, bountiful, glorious and true God who is from everlasting to everlasting” (The Word Appears in the Flesh).
If you want to know more about Almighty God’s work in the last days, please visit the official website of the Church of Almighty God
Recommendation:  Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

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