Sunday, December 10, 2017

Gospel Movie Clip "Faith in God" (3) - What Do God's Work and Appearance Bring to the Religious Community?

Each time God becomes flesh and appears to do His work, Satan's evil forces savagely defy and condemn the true way. In this way, war arises within the spiritual world which divides and exposes the religious world. The Lord Jesus said, "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword" (Matthew 10:34). When the Lord Jesus appeared and worked in the Age of Grace, Judaism split into many factions. Now with the appearance and work of Almighty God in the last days, the religious world is subjected to a great exposing; the wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats, the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, and the good servants and bad servants—all are exposed, each to their own kind. God's wisdom and wonders truly are unfathomable!
      All who believe in God and have experienced God’s work are clear that all the words spoken by God contain mysteries. Strictly speaking, his every word contains mysteries, and mankind has no way to unlock it. This is because man cannot directly get access to the spiritual realm, nor does he have the organ within to u nderstand God’s word. Without the inspiration and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, man can never understand God’s word. Since Almighty God did the work of judgment and chastisement, expressed many truths, and unlocked many mysteries hidden in the Bible, our views have been broadened, and we have clearly seen God’s work, God’s management plan, the significance of incarnation, God’s appearing in a hidden way and in an open way, and all the other truths that men should understand and possess in believing in God, as if the mist is dispelled and we have seen the blue sky. Then we have stepped onto the right track of believing in God and worshiping God. It is God’s work that has brought us to this stage. Almighty God has done the end-time work and has brought the Age of the Kingdom. We begin to testify Almighty God and preach the kingdom gospel widely. The Holy Spirit also greatly works and moves among God’s chosen people. Of course, when we testify Almighty God, the Holy Spirit also greatly inspires us, so that we have understood many mysteries in the Bible and seen clearly that Jesus’ prophecies have been completely fulfilled.
   Know more :The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally
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