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The Church Of Almighty God |
Question 4: The Lord Jesus resurrected after His crucifixion. He became the life-giving Spirit. Therefore, that Spirit dwells in each of us, blends with our own and they’re combined. Then, won't we become God? Could this view also be wrong?
Answer: When you say the Lord Jesus became the life-giving Spirit after He resurrected, are you certain there’s basis for that? Did the Lord Jesus actually say that after His resurrection? If the Lord Jesus never said that, then what gives you the authority to say so? I’ve never heard the Lord Jesus claimed to be the life-giving Spirit after resurrection. Neither has the Holy Spirit testified to that. On what basis are you saying that the Lord Jesus said He’s the life-giving One after His resurrection?
This is what the Lord Jesus said, “But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come on you: and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Lord Jesus didn’t say that the life-giving Spirit would come on you. If it was the life-giving Spirit, then why didn’t He Himself say it? Man insists on saying that the Holy Spirit who comes to work is the life-giving Spirit. This theory is nothing but man’s notion and imaginations. Even if man experiences the Holy Spirit’s work and gains life, he still can’t profess the Holy Spirit is the life-giving Spirit. The Holy Spirit is only the Holy Spirit. No matter how He works, how He saves and perfects us, it is still the work of God. Man shouldn’t speak blindly or say unreasonable words, lest he define the Holy Spirit and God incorrectly. God incarnate does His work only to redeem and save mankind. Both before and after the crucifixion, the Lord Jesus had one goal, to redeem humanity. His substance never changed. In his belief in God, man brushes aside the truth and always studies and limits God. This is Satan’s disposition. Let’s look at the words of Almighty God. “The Spirit within Jesus, the Spirit in heaven, and the Spirit of Jehovah are all one. It can be called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and the all-inclusive Spirit. The Spirit of God alone can carry out much work. He is able to create the world and destroy it by flooding the earth; He can redeem all mankind, and moreover, conquer and destroy all mankind. This work is all carried out by God Himself …” (from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “The substance of God Himself is the Spirit, which can be called the Holy Spirit or the sevenfold intensified Spirit. Anyway, They are the Spirit of God. It is only that the Spirit of God is called differently during different eras. But Their substance is still one. Therefore, the work of God Himself is the work of the Holy Spirit; the work of the incarnate God is none less than the Holy Spirit at work” (from “God’s Work and Man’s Work” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). From God’s words we can deduce that from the beginning straight through to the end, God incarnate does the work of redeeming and saving man. All His work is done by one Spirit and it’s the Holy Spirit at work. There’s no order of priority in the work of the Holy Spirit. He does God’s work constantly. And every stage of God’s work is performed by the Holy Spirit, and no man can partake in it. So man should not define the Holy Spirit’s work lightly, saying it’s the work of the Holy Spirit sometimes, and that of the life-giving Spirit sometimes. That’s completely invalid. It just doesn’t make sense.
This is what the Lord Jesus said, “But you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come on you: and you shall be witnesses to me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). The Lord Jesus didn’t say that the life-giving Spirit would come on you. If it was the life-giving Spirit, then why didn’t He Himself say it? Man insists on saying that the Holy Spirit who comes to work is the life-giving Spirit. This theory is nothing but man’s notion and imaginations. Even if man experiences the Holy Spirit’s work and gains life, he still can’t profess the Holy Spirit is the life-giving Spirit. The Holy Spirit is only the Holy Spirit. No matter how He works, how He saves and perfects us, it is still the work of God. Man shouldn’t speak blindly or say unreasonable words, lest he define the Holy Spirit and God incorrectly. God incarnate does His work only to redeem and save mankind. Both before and after the crucifixion, the Lord Jesus had one goal, to redeem humanity. His substance never changed. In his belief in God, man brushes aside the truth and always studies and limits God. This is Satan’s disposition. Let’s look at the words of Almighty God. “The Spirit within Jesus, the Spirit in heaven, and the Spirit of Jehovah are all one. It can be called the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and the all-inclusive Spirit. The Spirit of God alone can carry out much work. He is able to create the world and destroy it by flooding the earth; He can redeem all mankind, and moreover, conquer and destroy all mankind. This work is all carried out by God Himself …” (from “Does the Trinity Exist?” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “The substance of God Himself is the Spirit, which can be called the Holy Spirit or the sevenfold intensified Spirit. Anyway, They are the Spirit of God. It is only that the Spirit of God is called differently during different eras. But Their substance is still one. Therefore, the work of God Himself is the work of the Holy Spirit; the work of the incarnate God is none less than the Holy Spirit at work” (from “God’s Work and Man’s Work” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). From God’s words we can deduce that from the beginning straight through to the end, God incarnate does the work of redeeming and saving man. All His work is done by one Spirit and it’s the Holy Spirit at work. There’s no order of priority in the work of the Holy Spirit. He does God’s work constantly. And every stage of God’s work is performed by the Holy Spirit, and no man can partake in it. So man should not define the Holy Spirit’s work lightly, saying it’s the work of the Holy Spirit sometimes, and that of the life-giving Spirit sometimes. That’s completely invalid. It just doesn’t make sense.
We all know the Lord Jesus’ work is that of the Holy Spirit. His Spirit is the Holy Spirit. There’s no doubt about it. So, whether it’s before the crucifixion or after the resurrection, the Lord Jesus’ work is the work and the expression of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit doesn’t change in substance. He is forever the Holy Spirit. No matter how much His work may progress, He’s the One who does it. It’s not that the Holy Spirit’s work is just sometimes His work, sometimes that of the life-giving Spirit or the Spirit of the resurrection. Such a thing doesn’t make sense. The Holy Spirit is almighty and His work is comprehensive. He can not only express God’s voice, but also perform signs and wonders. He can supply the church and bestow upon man the life and the truth, even save and perfect man, and lead the whole of mankind. The Holy Spirit is omnipotent, omnipresent, and fills all things. If we define Him as one or another kind of spirit by His work, aren’t we being ridiculous? Only false prophets, antichrists and deceivers speak such nonsense. On what ground do you say “God’s Spirit indwells in man and is mingled with their spirit to be one.”? Did God ever say that or the Holy Spirit confirm it? Has anyone’s experience or testimony proven it? When the Lord Jesus did His work, He never said His Spirit would combine with that of man, and neither did the Holy Spirit. And it’s not prophesied in the Bible either. Besides, among all the saints, can you name one whose spirit combined together with God’s Spirit? Who do you know that can bear such witness? There’s no one. In fact, all those with life experience can attest that when the Holy Spirit works on man, He enlightens man to understand the truth in what God says. He leads and moves us to experience God’s word, so we can know God. But the Holy Spirit will never be our life. When we speak to Him through prayer, He sometimes gives us faith or grants strength. Sometimes He lets us feel His presence. Sometimes He reveals His words within us or shows us His will. But the Holy Spirit will never be man’s life. We all acknowledge that fact. So, no matter how we pray or try to commune with Him, it’ll never happen that our spirit is mingled with God’s. When the Holy Spirit performs His work, man can understand the truth, free from Satan’s influence, return to God and be able to obey and worship God. Then God’s work of saving mankind will be complete. The Holy Spirit’s work on man will also end. Because man will have already gained the truth as life, and the Holy Spirit’s purpose will be fulfilled. Therefore, the statement “man’s spirit and God’s Spirit are mingled as one” is groundless. That notion is created by man. Looking back, anyone who would say such a thing is indeed interrupting and disturbing God’s work. They spread fallacies like these to deceive and disturb, so that people can’t understand God’s will or His work. Their intention is so evil and wicked. Satan loves to deceive and mislead mankind. It uses its fallacy to make us want to become God. That’s how we got the fallacy that “God became man that man may become God.” It wants to make man believe this is true. We, God’s chosen people, should guard against Satan’s scheme.
Actually, the Holy Spirit works on man just for man’s salvation. And we can all experience that. The Holy Spirit often enlightens and illuminates us inside. He helps us know the truth, and know God. And He often admonishes, disciplines, and comforts and guides us, to lead us to His presence. Even so, He won’t be our life, but searches and reveals us and helps us know ourselves…. What the Holy Spirit does is the work of saving man. This is apparent to all of us. The essence of the Holy Spirit’s work never changes in the Age of Grace or in the last days. So the view “the Holy Spirit indwells us and the two spirits are mingled with each other” will never conform to God’s actual works. So far there’s been no evidence that anyone in the Age of Grace had his spirit mingled with God’s, or has lived out His image. Almighty God has never said that man’s spirit will be mingled with God’s in the last days, so that they can become God alive. So we can say for sure that the statement regarding the spirits mingling has no basis in God’s word and comes entirely from man’s notion. It doesn’t align with the Holy Spirit’s work. It comes from Satan, and is Satan’s deception. We all know God is the Creator and that God is unique, and we’re His creations. Even if we gain truth as life in the end by experiencing His work, and can live a little of the image of truth, we can never possibly become God. Let’s read a bit more from the word of Almighty God. “Though the disposition of man is ordained by God—this is unquestionable and can be considered a positive thing—it has been processed by Satan. That is why all of man’s disposition is the disposition of Satan. … Even if a man already loves God to the extent that he is able to enjoy a life of heaven on earth, is able to make such statements as: ‘God! I cannot love You enough,’ and has reached the highest realm, you cannot say that he lives out God or represents God, for the substance of man is unlike that of God. Man can never live out God, much less become God. What man lives out as governed by the Holy Spirit is only in accordance with what God asks of man” (“Corrupt Man Cannot Represent God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh). “In short, man has to understand this: regardless of how much knowledge and experience of truth you possess, regardless of how completely you submit to the orchestrations of God, and however great or deep your life entry is, your life is still that of a man, and no man can ever become God; this is absolute, and man must know this” (“Do You Know What Exactly the Truth Is?” in Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers). “If God Himself were to personally perfect a group of people into Gods large and small, would chaos not result? What’s more, this is ridiculous and out of the question; it is a fantasy dreamed up by man which cannot possibly happen. God only creates man, and He does not create God. God may become flesh and assume the appearance of flesh, but this does not indicate He creates a God. God does not create Himself, and He is possessed of His own substance, which shall never change. He does not create Himself, and what He creates are man and other things” (“Do You Know What Exactly the Truth Is?” in Christ’s Talks with Church Leaders and Workers). Almighty God’s words are quite clear. They’re easy to understand. God created the heavens and earth and all things and He also created man, which has long been fulfilled. God never says that He creates a group of Gods, large and small. He only said that He created man in His image. Man is still man even if with God’s image, because he was made into man with God’s image. Why does man have to misinterpret and distort God’s words? Is it wrong for God to create man in His image? Clearly, man has been corrupted by Satan too deeply. After God’s redemption, they still desire to be God just the same. What’s more, they search through God’s words to find any evidence they can to support their own want. Doesn’t this sound just like the archangel? Recall how the archangel became Satan. Wasn’t it because of its ambition to stand side by side with God? After it was cast into midair, it assumed dominion over the earth. It proceeded to corrupt, control and deceive man to turn them against God, and to follow and worship it instead. This is the final result of Satan’s corruption of mankind. What result does the false theory “God became man that man may become God” bring to man? It only results in one thing, man’s desire to be God and to be God’s equal. Those who have been deceived and polluted by this false theory become more arrogant. Then they want people to obey them, to obey and worship them as God to satisfy their desire. This contradicts God’s whole goal for saving mankind, and goes against Him in general. Where did this false theory come from? Did it come from man or originate with Satan? We should be clear on that. It definitely doesn’t come from the Holy Spirit, but is the work of Satan. So it’s safe to say that the theory “God became man that man may become God” was born of Satan trying to deceive us, which is unquestionable.
from the movie script of Rapture in Peril
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