Monday, January 15, 2018

Almighty God's Word "Peter's Experience—His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment"

Almighty God says, "In chastisement, Peter could pray like this, “God! My flesh is disobedient, and you chastise me and judge me. I take your chastisement and judgment as a joy. Even if you do not want me, I can see your holy and righteous disposition from your judgment. You judge me so that others can see your righteous disposition in your judgment, and thus I will be content. As long as your disposition can be expressed so that your righteous disposition can be seen by all created beings, and I can have a purer heart of loving you and live up to the image of a righteous man through your judgment, such judgment of yours is good, for this is your good purpose."
Without the chastisement and judgment of God, man’s corrupt disposition could not be cleansed and he could not be saved. What is expressed by God incarnate’s work in the flesh is precisely that which is expressed by the Spirit, and the work He does is carried out according to that which is done by the Spirit. Today, if you have no knowledge of this work, then you are so foolish, and have lost so much! If you have not gained God’s salvation, then your belief is religious faith, and you are a Christian who is of religion. Because you hold to dead doctrine, you have lost the new work of the Holy Spirit; others, who pursue a love of God, are able to acquire the truth and the life, whereas your faith is incapable of gaining God’s approval. Instead, you have become an evildoer, someone who commits ruinous and hateful acts, you have become the butt of Satan’s jokes, and a captive of Satan. God is not to be believed in by man, but loved by him, and pursued and worshiped by him. If you do not pursue today, then the day will come when you say, “If only I had followed God properly, and satisfied Him properly. If only I had pursued changes in my life disposition. How I regret not being able to submit to God at the time, and not pursuing the knowledge of God’s word. God said so much back then; how could I not have pursued? I was so stupid!” You will hate yourself to a certain point. Today, you do not believe the words I say, and you pay no attention to them; when the day comes for this work to spread, and you see the entirety of it, you will regret, and at that time you will be dumbfounded.
Know more :The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally
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