Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Debate Between a Christian and a CCP Official: What Really Is a Cult?

Zheng Rui: Mom and Dad, we all know that since the CCP took power, it has begun to persecute religious beliefs by insanely suppressing Christianity and Catholicism, and arresting and killing many Christians. For so many years, the CCP’s suppression of religious beliefs has been intensifying. It has incurred God’s curses for a long time. Look at the incessant natural disasters and misfortunes in China. It is the CCP’s resistance to God and acts against Heaven that have brought so many disasters upon the Chinese people. After the CCP took power, China has been plagued by so many natural disasters and misfortunes. Why doesn’t the CCP reflect upon itself? When confronted with natural disasters, ancient emperors even made proclamations of remorse! The CCP is far less advanced than the ancient emperors! It does not take into account the will of Heaven and the people. It even brazenly condemns Christianity and Catholicism as cults. What’s most detestable is that the CCP has even designated the Holy Bible as a cultist book. Why does the CCP treat God, the word and work of God as evil? This only shows that the CCP is too evil!
      Zheng Yi: That’s completely correct! Dad, Mom, I have heard it for a long time that the founder of the Communist Party was the Satanist Karl Marx. Satanism is the worst cult. Why is the CCP so evil? This is directly related to the communists’ belief and worship of Marx. The CCP is a group of atheist demons expressly hostile to God! What is its basis for convicting orthodox religion? What is its basis for designating the Holy Bible as a cultist book? What is its basis for condemning Eastern Lightning as a cult? Was it based on Marxist-Leninist atheism and the Communist Manifesto? Why does the CCP so frantically condemn God’s work in the last days? Why does it launch such an overarching search-and-arrest operation against Christ in the last days and His followers? Why does it still mobilize media campaign to generate rumors, defamation and conviction of Almighty God’s appearance and work? Isn’t it courting death? It is digging its own grave by resisting God. The Bible tells of such a fact. When King Herod heard about the birth of the King of Israel in Bethlehem, he ordered the slaughter of all baby boys under the age of two in town. He would never allow Christ to rule on earth. The reason why the CCP so ruthlessly suppresses and bans The Church of Almighty God, hunts down Christ and exterminates all His followers is also because it is most fearful of Christ taking power on earth, most fearful of mankind accepting the truth expressed by Almighty God. Dad, does the Communist Party really have no idea that the work of Christ’s appearance is the work of God’s Spirit and the advent of the Creator in the world to save humanity? Does the CCP know what it is up against? Does it feel that the disasters in China are not big enough? Isn’t the CCP imperiling the country and its citizenry by resisting God like this?
      Zheng Weiguo: Yi, why does the CCP designate Christianity as a cult? Why does the CCP designate the Bible as a cultist book? You should be clear about that. The Bible preaches and testifies about God’s appearance and work. For thousands of years, it is because of the influences of the Bible that there have been more and more people believing in God. As long as there is Christianity and the Bible, Marxist-Leninist atheism and evolutionism certainly cannot stand. That’s why the CCP sees Christianity as hostile forces. It naturally designates the Bible as a cultist book. In particular, the testimony of Eastern Lightning that the Lord Jesus has returned is the most terrifying thing for the CCP. The CCP and Christ the Savior are mortal enemies. Can it not do its utmost to suppress religious beliefs and ban house churches? The frequent meetings of the Central Committee and release of secret documents prove that the rapid development of religious beliefs has brought a crisis of governance to the Communist Party. The Central Committee reiterated in particular that CCP members and state officials are absolutely forbidden to believe in God. Do not forget the education of the CCP: The children of CCP members must believe in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung’s Thought. Believing in God is absolutely forbidden. Believing in God is a betrayal of the CCP! The children of CCP members must obey the Party, follow the Party and always belong to the CCP! Do you know? Since the preaching and witnessing of The Word Appears in the Flesh as expressed by Almighty God, the CCP has been on full alert, fearing that The Word Appears in the Flesh would spread all over the world. So the government went all out to suppress and arrest Eastern Lightning, aiming at completely banning The Church of Almighty God. No matter how you put it, the CCP is now in power. As long as the Communist Party exists, you cannot believe in God. Actually, I am not in favor of the CCP’s persecution of religious beliefs, but there is nothing I can do. I am a member of the Communist Party whose livelihood comes from the CCP. I have to obey the Party. If I were not a CCP official, what would our family live on? Don’t all these things that we enjoy today come from the CCP? You cannot forget this.
      Zheng Yi: Dad, from what you said today, it seems that you understand everything the CCP does. But do you believe in retribution? If you follow the example of the CCP to do evil and harm the believers of God, you are committing a deadly sin that will certainly beget retributions. Dad, the CCP is an atheist party, a satanic regime against God. It has never acknowledged the existence of God. What qualifications does it have to decide which church is the true way or a cult? All things in heaven and earth including mankind were created by God. God is the Creator. Only the Creator of the entire universe has supreme authority. Only God is the truth, and His appearance and work is the true way. Almighty God is the incarnation of God, the appearance of Christ the Savior in the last days who has come to express the truth for the judgment and salvation of mankind. Not only does the CCP refuse to acknowledge and accept the appearance and work of Almighty God, it even resists and condemns Almighty God. Isn’t it an extremely perverse and reactionary act? The CCP has resisted God and committed countless sins. It is a satanic regime that detests the truth and resists God most. What is a cult after all? It should be explained that any political party or group that resists and acts against God is a cult. Any organization of evil spirits and demons that deludes and corrupts mankind is a cult. Any party or organization that advocates materialism, evolutionism and fallacies against the truth expressed by God is a cult. Dad, you should be clear which is a cult after all. The CCP’s ideological theories are cultist fallacies. Everything the CCP does is resistant and utmost reactionary against God. The CCP is the real evil party and cult!
      Zheng Rui: Dad, Mom, the incarnate Almighty God has come to the world in the last days to express the truth for the cleansing and salvation of mankind. It is akin to true light in the sky that illuminates the dark world to let man see that light and righteousness have descended on earth. Why has the CCP been frantically resisting and condemning the appearance and work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days? Why has it done its utmost to exterminate Christ and ban The Church of Almighty God? This is indeed perversity against Heaven and an extremely reactionary act! Why is it that the more positive something is, the more truth something possesses, the more the CCP will crack down on and condemn it, and the CCP won’t stop until it is completely banned? Isn’t the CCP so spooky! Isn’t the CCP genuinely an evil party and a cult? Dad, Mom, The Church of Almighty God follows Christ and witnesses His appearance and work and preaches all the truths expressed by Almighty God. Their actions are perfectly justified. The CCP so lunatically resists God, and so brutally arrests and persecutes those who follow and witness for Christ, how can it not be cursed by God? How can it not bring interminable perils to the Chinese people? All the catastrophes that have befallen China were directly related to the CCP’s resistance to God. Dad, Mom, can you accept what we say?
      Zheng Weiguo: I admit that in the years that the Communist Party has been in power, it has done more than a few bad things. Now that the Communist Party is no longer a savior in the hearts of ordinary people. Nor is it the red sun or dear father and mother. This is very clear in my heart. In any case, the CCP still holds power in China. It is a revolutionary party that is capable of doing anything if necessary. If you believe in Almighty God, you may be arrested at any time or even in danger of losing your lives. Therefore, I will never allow you to believe in Almighty God for your sake. As the saying goes, “A wise man submits to circumstances.” You can’t ram your chest against the muzzle. Do you understand what I mean? I made it clear to you today. Communist education only permits beliefs in Marxism-Leninism and Mao Tse-tung’s Thought. Believing in God is absolutely forbidden! Children of Communist Party members can only listen to the Party and go along with the Party. They can never accept, follow and witness for Christ! Children of Communist Party members must always believe in the Communist Party for endless generations!
from the movie script of Red Re-Education at Home

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