Friday, December 7, 2018

I Will Always Keep God's Love in My Mind

Church Hymn

I Will Always Keep God's Love in My Mind


Working in the flesh,You've suffered pain and shame.Worldly people slander and mock Your ways.Religious circles condemn and frame You.Chased by the red dragon, scorned by this age.Quietly enduring while expressing truths, doing it all 'cause You want to save man.Though innocent,You bear blame, defiance.Holy yet amongst sinners to save man.You do give without regret truth, life to humanity.Oh God, You are so lovely.Your words of life, forever in our hearts.Remembering Your request, we testify to Your kingdom's gospel.We will fulfill our duty, bear beautiful, great witness for You.I love You in my heart, God, forever keep Your love in my mind too.


Eating, drinking Your words, we learn truths, see the root of the world's evil and vice, know the truth's precious, suffer to gain it, having the last days' salvation's Your grace.You do give without regret truth, life to humanity.Oh God, You are so lovely.Your words of life, forever in our hearts.Remembering Your request, we testify to Your kingdom's gospel.We will fulfill our duty, bear beautiful, great witness for You.I love You in my heart, God, forever keep Your love in my mind too.


You walk among the churches and live with man.Seeing our rebellion,You are hurt and sad too.Our childish stature gives You sleepless nights.You've said all and worked hard to save man soon.The words You speak may sound harsh to our ears, but they help us to know who we've become.Your judgment, trials cleanse man's corruption.Your judgment is a blessing and is love.By undergoing the judgment of Your words and undergoing chastisement of Your words, we learn the truth, know You're righteous, holy.Old disposition's changed, we feel Your love too.Oh God, You are so lovely.Your words of life, forever in our hearts.Remembering Your request, we testify to Your kingdom's gospel.We will fulfill our duty, bear beautiful, great witness for You.I love You in my heart, God, forever keep Your love in my mind too.
from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus
The tenets of The Church of Almighty God originate from the Bible and from The Word Appears in the Flesh.

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