Saturday, April 20, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 47

Almighty God of righteousness—the Almighty! In You absolutely nothing is hidden. Each and every mystery from time immemorial to eternity, that humans have never revealed, in You is manifest and altogether clear. We need no longer seek and grope, for today Your person is openly manifest to us, You are the mystery that has been revealed, and You are the living God Himself, and for today You have come face to face with us, and for us to see Your person is to see every mystery of the spiritual realm. Truly this is something no one could imagine! You are among us today, even within us, indeed so close to us; this defies description and the mystery within this is infinite!

Almighty God has completed His management plan. He is the victorious King of the universe. All things and all matters are in the control of His hands. All people kneel in worship, calling out the name of the true God—the Almighty. All things, by the words from His mouth, are done. Why are you so slack, unable earnestly to make yourselves work with Him, join closely with Him, and go with Him into glory? Can it be that you are willing to suffer? Willing to be cast out? You think I do not know who is sincerely devoted to Me, and who has sincerely expended themselves for Me? Ignorant! Fools! You cannot make out My intentions, still less can you show consideration for My burdens, always making Me worry about you, toil for you. When will it end?
To live out Me in all things, to witness Me in all things—does it simply mean paying lip service? You don’t know what’s good for you! The things you do you do without Me, still less am I present in your daily lives. I know you don’t take believing in God seriously at all, and so these are the fruits you bear. You still are not awake, and if you go on this way, you will disgrace My name.
Ask yourself, when you speak am I there with you? When you eat or put on your clothes is My promise there in it? You are really thoughtless! When there is a point to make, if it is not pointed directly at you, you show your true colors, and none of you are convinced. If it weren’t this way, you would think yourselves great, and that you are in possession of many things inside you. Don’t you know you are filled inside with the ugliness of Satan? Work with Me to pour out all of these things. Let what I am and have occupy you inside completely, thus you can live out Me, witness Me with more reality, make more people because of you submit before My throne. You must know how heavy is the burden on your shoulders: exalting Christ, manifesting Christ, witnessing Christ, so that myriads of people obtain salvation and My kingdom remains firm and unshaken. I point this all out lest you just muddle along, not understanding the importance of today’s work.
Helpless when confronted with things, like ants in a hot frying pan—running in circles: this is your disposition. Outwardly you look like adults, but your inner life is that of a child, only capable of making trouble, adding to My burden. If there is the least thing that I don’t concern Myself with, you make trouble, isn’t that so? Don’t be self-righteous. What I say is the truth. Don’t always think that I’m constantly lecturing you, as though I’m using high-sounding words. Your real situation is thus.
From : The Word Appears in the Flesh

 Recommendation:  Know more of the Church of Almighty God     

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