Showing posts with label Experience-Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Experience-Videos. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

God Is Here | Christian Video "A Wandering Heart Comes Home" | Find the Real Life

From the time he was little, Novo believed in the Lord Jesus, just like his mother. Even though he frequently read the Bible, prayed, and attended sermons, he often couldn't help but follow the evil trends of the world, long for the enjoyments of the flesh, and lie and cheat…. He resolved many times to cast off that life of cycling through sinning and confessing, confessing and sinning. However, he always failed. Later on when Novo was working in Taiwan he heard the gospel of the kingdom, and by reading the words of Almighty God he came to the conclusion that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, and that His work of judgment and purification in the last days is fully able to resolve the problem of mankind's sinful nature. So, he accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days with a heart full of joy. Two years after that, Novo returned to the Philippines and began fulfilling his duty in the Church of Almighty God. He found his goal and direction in life, and from then on his wandering heart finally came home.
 Know more : Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From? 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | God’s Love Never Fails | Short Film "A New Life Out of Tortures"

Just as God’s words say, “God’s life force can vanquish all power and even more surpass all power. His life is perpetual, and his power is transcendent. No created being and no hostile force can overpower his life force. At any moment and in any place his life force exists and shines with brilliant radiance. Heaven and earth may change tremendously, but God’s life will never change; all things may pass away, but God’s life will still exist. This is because God is the origin of the existence of all things and the foundation for the existence of all things.” (from “Only the Last Christ Can Bestow to Man the Way of Eternal Life” in The Word Appears in the Flesh) May all the glory be to the almighty true God! Li Yan was a leader of the Church of Almighty God. Once on her way to a