Praise Almighty God aloud. All things in heaven and on earth praise You. Praise You aloud! Let all Your angels praise You. Let all Your heavenly hosts praise You, Almighty God! The shining stars praise You. The heavens and the earth and the waters praise You. Let the mountains and hills praise You. Let the waves and billows praise You. The expanse of the universe praises You! Praise You in the highest place! The expanse of the universe praises You! Praise You in the highest place, Almighty God!
Showing posts with label Hymns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hymns. Show all posts
Monday, April 22, 2019
2019 Gospel Worship Song | "How to Search for God's Footprints" (Lyrics)
2019 Gospel Worship Song | "How to Search for God's Footprints" (Lyrics) | The Church of Almighty God
Since we are searching for the footprints of God, we must search for God’s will,
for the words of God, for the utterances of God,
for the words of God, for the utterances of God—
for where there are the new words of God, there is the voice of God,
and where there are the footsteps of God, there are the deeds of God.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
2019 Praise and Worship Song "God’s Humbleness Is So Lovable" | God Is Love
2019 Praise and Worship Song "God’s Humbleness Is So Lovable" | God Is Love | The Church of Almighty God
God humbles Himself and does His work
on the filthy and corrupt man to make them perfect.
God becomes man.
He shepherds and attends to them, comes to the great red dragon’s heart
to save and to conquer those corrupt,
doing the task of changing and making them new.
He humbles Himself to be man and endures the hardship it brings.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
God's Chastisement and JudgmentIs the Light of Man's Salvation

A Hymn of God's Words
God's Chastisement and Judgment Is the Light of Man's Salvation
To be cleansed in your lifetime, to be changed in disposition, to live out a life of meaning, to fulfill your duty as a creature, you have to accept God's chastisement,His judgment on your sinful ways.You can't try to escape His discipline that frees you from control of Satan.You must let God smite and deal with you.So you can break free from the influence of Satan, the force that holds you in its sway, and you can live, and you can live, and you can live more in the light of God.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne

The Hymn of God's Word
Almighty God Has Been Seated on the Glorious Throne
The King has gained the victory, seated on the glorious throne, has redeemed His people and is leading them to appear in His glory.Firmly everything is in His hand; through His holy wisdom and power,He's built and fortified Zion, built and fortified Zion.By the majesty of His,He judged this evil world, judged all nations and peoples, the earth, sea, and all living things, and also those who are drunk with the wine of licentiousness.God will surely judge them, surely God will judge them.
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
God’s Words Guide Me to Learn How to Educate My Children (II)
Xiaoxue, Malaysia
One day after dinner, I taught my eldest son how to read Chinese—just the simple words, “Heaven, earth, people, and, earth, daddy, mommy….” I taught him quite a few times, but he still couldn’t write them. He would write the first word and then forget the next one. The anger inside me rose up, and I grabbed the ruler on the table and hit him several times. I shouted loudly: “How stupid you are! You cannot even learn these few words!” My eldest son was hit until he cried, “waah, waah” and broke free and ran to stand in the corner. I scolded him, “Come over here and keep writing!” My eldest son did not come over, so I grabbed hold of him and pulled him onto the chair. Seeing that my eldest son’s hand had been beaten red and swollen by me, I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I cried and returned to my room and prayed to God: “God! As soon as my child displeased me, I could not control my anger. I don’t want to treat my children like this. God, may You help me.” After praying, I slowly calmed down.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Christian Praise Song | Love God Forever "I’ve Finally Beheld God" | Walk With God
I came to Your presence that day, my heart filled with yearnings so deep. While my eyes blurred with tears, Your hand caressed. Grief and sorrow poured out my heart. The past flashed before my eyes; grief and bitterness clashed in sighs. God, I give to You my love. If never I beheld You, what would tomorrow bring? How You saved and nurtured me, through long suffering. You're the One that I run to, You're the place that I can hide. With You I'm never alone, You're here by my side. With You I'm never alone, You're here by my side.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Praise the Salvation of the Incarnate God | Praise and Worship "Chinese Choir 16th Performance"
Do you wish to know the inside story of God battling Satan for the sake of saving man?
Do you wish to know why God is incarnated as the Son of man to work in the last days?…
The Chinese Choir Episode 16, a latest video released by the Church of Almighty God, starts with melodious and sweet music. God’s chosen people sing passionately the hymns of God’s word: The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation, God Descends With Judgment. From those, you will be guided to know the significance of God’s Spirit being realized in the flesh and the mysteries that have perplexed man for thousands of years, and you will realize God’s love and salvation for the whole of mankind. Now, let us listen together to the voice of God….
Do you wish to know why God is incarnated as the Son of man to work in the last days?…
The Chinese Choir Episode 16, a latest video released by the Church of Almighty God, starts with melodious and sweet music. God’s chosen people sing passionately the hymns of God’s word: The Essentiality of God’s Incarnation, God Descends With Judgment. From those, you will be guided to know the significance of God’s Spirit being realized in the flesh and the mysteries that have perplexed man for thousands of years, and you will realize God’s love and salvation for the whole of mankind. Now, let us listen together to the voice of God….
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Hymns Concert "Gospel Choir Episode 13": The Descent of God’s Kingdom (2)
The Book of Revelation says, "And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven…. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God" (Revelation 21:2-3). Almighty God says, "My kingdom openly appears on earth. The earthly kingdoms have become My God's kingdom. … I joy to see My people, who hear My voice, and gather from every nation and land. All people, keeping the true God ever in their mouths, praise and jump up and down endlessly!" (The Word Appears in the Flesh). Almighty God, Christ of the last days, gains His kingdom and descends, His chosen people dance and sing celebrating God's triumph over Satan, and God's kingdom manifests upon the earth.
Almighty God has revealed the mystery of the six-thousand-year management plan to man. Focus on God's work in the last days and the fate of mankind; focus on Chinese Gospel Choir 13th Performance of the Church of Almighty God.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Offer Songs of Praise to God - A Cappella “Love the Practical God With All Our Heart” (Music Video)
La … la la la … la la la….
La … la la la … la la la … la….
The sun of righteousness is rising from the East.
O God! Your glory fills the heaven and earth.
Beautiful darling, Your love surrounds my heart.
People who pursue the truth all love God.
Though I rise alone in the early morning, I feel enjoyment when meditating on God’s word.
The tender words are like a loving mother, the words of judgment like a severe father. (Hey….)
I love nothing in the world; with all my heart I only love my God.
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