Showing posts with label Lord Jesus returned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord Jesus returned. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Christian Variety Show "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord

The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Why the CCP Crazily Suppresses and Cruelly Persecutes the Church of Almighty God

He is an ordinary Christian. During the years of his following Jesus Christ, he was persecuted and restricted by the CCP government. Later, he fortunately accepted the end-time salvation of the returned Lord JesusAlmighty God, but was persecuted more cruelly by the Chinese government. In order to force him to betray God and sell out the brothers and sisters, the lackeys of the CCP hung him to a tree for three days and nights, and put many ants on his

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | "God Bless" | Miracle in Disaster (Gospel Short Film)

People often say, “Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight.” Today when the science and technology, transportation, and material life develop fast, people find that the disasters around seem to increase with each passing day. When we read the newspaper or watch TV, what leaps to our eyes mostly are serious or extremely serious natural or man-made disasters, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, social unrests, civil riots, and so on. These disasters happen frequently and their grades also continuously increase. What is left to the places attacked by the disasters is nothing but pain, blood, injury, and death. ... These misfortunes happening around us at every moment highlight the transiency and fragility of life.