Showing posts with label second coming of the Lord Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label second coming of the Lord Jesus. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Gospel Movie"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)

Gospel Movie"My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom" (1) - How to Pursue in Order to Enter the Heavenly Kingdom (1)
       Most believers of the Lord feel that as long as we follow the words of the Lord, practice humility and patience, and follow Paul's example by sacrificing, expending and laboring for the Lord, we will satisfy the will of God. And we will be brought into the heavenly kingdom when the Lord returns. However, have we ever considered whether such a quest would really earn the Lord's praise and admission to the heavenly kingdom? If not, how should we pursue to earn the praise of the Lord and be brought into the heavenly kingdom?

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

      Almighty God says, "Only when the light of the East gradually turns white will the darkness across the earth begin to turn to light, and only then will man discover that I have long ago gone from Israel and am rising anew in the East. Having once descended into Israel and later departed from it, I cannot again be born into Israel, because My work leads all of the universe and, what is more, the lightning flashes straight from East to West. For this reason I have descended in the East and brought Canaan to the people of the East. I wish to bring people from all over the earth to the land of Canaan, and so I continue to issue forth utterances in the land of Canaan to control the entire universe."At this time, there is no light in all the earth apart from Canaan, and all men are imperiled by hunger and cold. I gave My glory to Israel and then took it away, and afterward I brought the Israelites to the East, and all of humanity to the East. I have brought them all to the light so that they may be reunited with it, and be in association with it, and no longer have to search for it."

Friday, December 29, 2017

Praise God With a Heart of Love for Him | "Offering a Sincere Heart Up to God" Christian Music Video

Hey, brothers and sisters, let’s sing and dance to praise God! Okay! Brothers and sisters, let’s swing into action; don’t be embarrassed or feel shy. God cares not if our movements are good or bad, only genuine praise makes Him happy. If you want to praise Him with all of your heart, set aside your pride and swing into action. God cares not how old we are, nor how many of us here stand. Sincere praise sets our spirit free. Give all glory to God. Praising God with our whole heart brings joy, God’s grace is surely bestowed on us. Brothers and sisters come and praise God; it’s our duty to praise Him with all our heart. Those who praise Him will receive His blessings, for which all wealth on earth cannot be traded. We are fortunate to be raised before God; it’s God’s grace and profound love. No king is more blessed than we are, we shall not look down upon ourselves. Offer a sincere heart up to God, all created beings praise Him heartily. Today we live in the kingdom, uplifted by God to be His people.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Lord Is My Life | "From the Jaws of Death" | A Christian Relies on God to Overcome Satan

Liu Zhen, 78 years old, is a typical rural housewife. After believing in God, she felt unparalleled joy from reading His words and singing songs of praise to Him every day, and frequently gathering with her brothers and sisters to fellowship on the truth. … However, good things never last. She is arrested and persecuted by the Chinese Communist government, putting her in a terrible predicament. The police take her to the police station for interrogation three times, and warn her not to believe in God any longer. They monitor her and go to her home to intimidate her. Under the pressure of the Chinese Communist government, her husband, son, and daughter-in-law also oppose and restrict her belief in God. Through this agony, she truly relies on and looks to God, and His words provide her with faith and strength, allowing her to stand strong in the midst of persecution and tribulation.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

IX Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Lord Jesus
Lord Jesus -Almighty God
Question 1: You say that God becomes flesh in the last days to do the work of judgment. Does this have basis in the Bible, or fulfill biblical prophecies? Without a biblical basis, we shouldn’t be so quick to believe it.
Answer: Any major incidents of God’s work are prophesied in the Bible, and there are quite a few relating to the second coming of the Lord Jesus and God’s work of judgment. But we should understand that prophecies only tell people what will happen. They are reminders for people to be alert and to seek and investigate in the last days, so they won’t be abandoned or eliminated by God. That’s all the prophecies can do. The prophecies themselves can’t help us to know God’s work, nor understand the truth, or help people obey God, or increase people’s love for God. So, our best course is to directly investigate the words expressed by Almighty God and the work done by Him, from which we can be sure whether they are truly God’s voice and expression.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Seek the True Way | Gospel Movie "From the Throne Flows the Water of Life" | God Is My Life Supply

Tao Wei was formally a preacher of a house church. The church was faced with the deteriorating famine. Her spirit was dry and dark. She felt perplexed and confused: The word of the Lord is the living water of life which can nourish our life and provide our needs. However, why are we human beings not able to feel the work of the Holy Spirit when reading the word of the Lord? Why does the Lord not work in the religious world? Has His work moved? Has He appeared and pursued His work in another place? … Tao Wei was eager to find out the answers, and yearned to receive the supply of the living water of life. She sought the appearance and work of God with brothers and sisters.