Sunday, March 3, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 29

   Do you know that the time is pressing? So in the short term you shall rely on Me and cast away all the things from you that are incompatible with My disposition: ignorance, slowness to react, unclear thoughts, soft-heartedness, a weak will, absurdity, overwrought emotions, confusion and a lack of discernment. These must be cast away as soon as possible. I am the almighty God! As long as you are willing to cooperate with Me, I will cure all that ails you. I am the God who looks deep into the hearts of people, I know all of your ailments and where your defects dwell. These are the things that prevent you from having progress in your life, and they must be cast away soon. Otherwise, My will cannot be carried out upon you. That which My light shines upon, you must rely on Me to cast it away, live by Me always, be close to Me, and your actions must reveal My likeness. You shall fellowship with Me more when you are unsure of what to do, and I will guide you toward the right actions so that you may move forward. If you are unsure, do not take arbitrary actions; just wait for My time. Maintain a stable temperament, do not let your passions run hot and cold; you must have a heart that always holds Me in reverence. What you do in front of Me or behind My back must always be in accordance with My will. Do not be lenient to anyone on My behalf, be it your husband or family member; it is unacceptable, no matter how good they are. You must take action based on the truth. If you love Me, I will grant you great blessings. I will tolerate none who resist. Love those whom I love, and hate those whom I hate. Pay no heed to any man, thing, or object. Look with your spirit and see clearly the people used by Me, get in more contact with the spiritual men. Do not be ignorant; you must differentiate. Wheat will always be wheat and tare will never grow into wheat, and you must recognize different types of people. You must be especially cautious in your speech and keep your feet on the path that is after My heart. These words must be carefully pondered. You must cast away your rebelliousness and make yourself fit for My use as soon as you can, so that My heart shall be satisfied.

From : The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommendation: The brief introduction of the Church of Almighty God

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