Monday, March 4, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 41

Regarding the problems that arise in the church, don’t be filled with so many misgivings. When the church is built it’s impossible to avoid mistakes, but don’t panic when you face the problems; be calm and collected. Haven’t I told you so? Pray to Me often, and I will clearly show you My intentions. The church is My heart and it is My ultimate goal, how could I not love it? Do not be afraid, when things like this happen in the church, it is all permitted by Me. Stand and be My voice. Have faith that all things and matters are permitted by My throne and all have My intentions within them. If you continue with willful fellowship there will be problems, have you thought about the consequences? This is the type of thing that Satan will take advantage of. Come before Me often. I shall speak plainly: If you are going to do something without coming before Me, then don’t think you are able to complete it. It is you who have put Me in this position.

Do not be discouraged, do not be weak, I will reveal to you. The road to the kingdom is not that smooth, nothing is that simple! You want blessings to come easy, right? Today everyone will have bitter trials to face, otherwise the loving heart you have for Me will not grow stronger and you will not have true love for Me. Even if it is just minor circumstances, everyone must get through them, it’s just that they differ to some degree. The circumstance is one of My blessings, how many often kneel before Me to ask for My blessing? Silly children! You always feel that a few lucky words count as My blessing, yet don’t feel that bitterness is one of My blessings. Those who share in My bitterness shall certainly share My sweet. That is My promise and My blessing to you. Do not hesitate to eat and drink and enjoy. When the dark passes here shall be light. It is darkest before dawn; after this time it will gradually become brighter, and later the sun will rise. Do not be afraid or timid. Today I support My sons and wield My power for them.
When it comes to church business, don’t shirk your responsibility. If you bring the matter before Me conscientiously, you will find a way. When a little thing like this happens, you become afraid and panic, at a loss what to do? I have said numerous times, “Come close to Me often!” Have you conscientiously put into practice the things I ask you to do? How many times have you pondered My word? Therefore, you don’t have any clear insight. Isn’t that something you caused? You blame others, why don’t you hate yourselves? You have messed things up and afterward are still not conscientious and you are still perfunctory; you shall pay attention to My word.
The obedient and the submissive shall receive great blessings. In the church, you shall stand firm in your testimony to Me, uphold truth—right is right and wrong is wrong—and do not confuse black and white. You shall be at war with Satan and must completely vanquish it so that it never rises. You must sacrifice everything to protect My testimony. This shall be the goal of your actions, do not forget this. But now, you are lacking in faith and the ability to differentiate things and you are always unable to understand My word and My intentions. Nonetheless, do not be anxious; everything proceeds according to My steps and anxiety only begets trouble. Spend more time before Me and do not pay attention to food and clothing for the physical body. Seek My intentions often, and I will clearly show you what they are. Gradually you will find My intentions in everything, so that I will have a way to go in everyone with no obstructions. It shall satisfy My heart and you shall receive blessings with Me forever and ever!
From : The Word Appears in the Flesh

Recommendation: The origin of the Church of Almighty God

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