Showing posts with label Lord Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord Jesus. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | New Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Yu Congguang is a gospel preacher from the Church of Almighty God. Because he was pursued by the CCP government while preaching the gospel, he fled to the mountain and got help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. Both of them felt like old friends at the first meeting. Zheng Xun took Yu Congguang to the thatched shack where he and his co-workers attended meetings. There, Zheng Xun’s co-workers had a debate on whether a believer in God should obey those in power, and Yu Congguang gave fellowship in light of this issue and dispelled their puzzlement. That fellowship benefited them all a lot and they started to seek and study Almighty God’s work of the last days. However, when Elder Sun of the local church learned that Yu Congguang was a preacher from the Church of Almighty God, he tried every possible means to seal off the church, preventing the believers from looking into the true way. He went door-to-door searching for Yu Congguang and even incited the believers to call the police and to put him in jail. …

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | "God Bless" | Miracle in Disaster (Gospel Short Film)

People often say, “Storms gather without warning and misfortune befalls men overnight.” Today when the science and technology, transportation, and material life develop fast, people find that the disasters around seem to increase with each passing day. When we read the newspaper or watch TV, what leaps to our eyes mostly are serious or extremely serious natural or man-made disasters, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, social unrests, civil riots, and so on. These disasters happen frequently and their grades also continuously increase. What is left to the places attacked by the disasters is nothing but pain, blood, injury, and death. ... These misfortunes happening around us at every moment highlight the transiency and fragility of life.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | The Two Incarnations Complete the Significance of the Incarnation

Each stage of work done by God has a real significance. When Jesus arrived, He was male, and this time He is female. From this, you can see that God created both male and female for His work and with Him there is no distinction of gender. When His Spirit arrives, He can take on any flesh at will and the flesh represents Him. Be it male or female, both represent God as long as it is His incarnate flesh. If Jesus arrived and appeared as a female, in other words, if an infant girl, not a boy, was to be conceived by the Holy Spirit, that stage of work would have been completed all the same. If so, this stage of work would have to be completed instead by a male and the work would then be completed all the same. The work done in both stages is significant; no work is repeated or conflicts with each other.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience
In the fall of 1996, I accepted the Lord Jesus in the True Jesus Church. Later, I became a preacher, responsible for shepherding over thirty churches in my parish.
At a co-worker meeting in 1999, Elder Li from Shenyang said to us, “In recent years, there has arisen a sect called ‘Eastern Lightning.’ They preach that the Lord has been incarnated the second time, even as a female. They grow so rapidly in number that nothing can stand in their way. Whoever believes in Jesus is a target hunted by them. They belong to an underworld organization. In order to convert a believer in the Lord, they either seduce him with beauty and buy him off with money or threaten him with violence. If he refuses to obey them, they will break his arms or legs, or cut off his nose or ears.

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Break Through the Snare" (7) - Why Pastors and Elders Convict the Eastern Lightning

2,000 years ago, when the Lord Jesus did the work of redemption, He suffered wild slander and condemnation by the Jewish religious community. The Jewish leaders joined forces with the Roman government and nailed Him to the cross. In the last days, Almighty Godthe Lord Jesus returned in the flesh—has arrived in China to do the work of judgment. Again, He faces the frenzied condemnation, suppression, and arrest this time by the Chinese Communist government and the religious world. The widespread rumors and misconceptions that judge and defame the Church of Almighty God are like an invisible snare, enshrouding and controlling innumerable believers. The tragedy of history repeats itself …

THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD | The Only Way to Avoid Disaster

Since the Sichuan earthquake, I have always been fearful, worried that I might be struck by disaster someday. I get even more afraid of the sudden arrival of doom, particularly when I see disasters escalating, and earthquakes becoming more frequent. Therefore, I spend the day pondering what precautions I should take to protect myself should an earthquake hit.One day, at lunch, the sister of the host family turned on the TV as usual, and the newscaster was just talking about earthquake prevention knowledge: In the event of an earthquake, you should run outdoors to an open space quickly to avoid being injured by falling building. If you cannot make it in time, you should hide under a bed, table or in a corner…. After hearing this, I felt as though I found a life-saving solution, and quickly remembered these precautionary measures by heart, so I could save my own life in case an earthquake hit.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Concerning the Bible (2)

The Bible is also called the Old and New Testament. Do you know what “testament” refers to? The “testament” in the “Old Testament” comes from Jehovah’s covenant with the people of Israel when He killed the Egyptians and saved the Israelites from the Pharaoh. Of course, the proof of this covenant was the lamb’s blood daubed on lintels, through which God established a covenant with man, one in which it was said that all those who had lamb’s blood on the top and sides of the doorframe were Israelites, they were God’s chosen people, and they would all be spared by Jehovah (for Jehovah was then about to kill all the

Monday, July 3, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Concerning the Bible (1)

How should the Bible be approached in the belief in God? This is a question of principle. Why are we communing this question? Because in the future you will spread the gospel and widen the work of the Age of Kingdom, and it’s not enough to merely be able to talk of God’s work today. To broaden His work, it is more important that you are able to resolve people’s old religious conceptions and old means of belief, and leave them utterly convinced—and getting to that point involves the Bible. For many years, people’s traditional means of belief (that of Christianity, one of the world’s three major religions) has been to read

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Almighty God Is the Returned Jesus.

Relevant Words of God:

God is incarnated in the Chinese mainland, what the compatriots in Hong Kong and Taiwan call the inland. When God came from above to the earth, no one in heaven and earth knew about it, for this is the true meaning of God returning in a concealed fashion. He has been in the flesh working and living for a long time, yet no one has known about it. Even to this day, no one recognizes it. Perhaps this will remain an eternal riddle. God’s coming into flesh this time is not something anyone is able to be aware of.

Monday, June 26, 2017

19 God is ever unchanging. Then how can the Lord Jesus change His name to Almighty God?

Almighty God,Jesus Christ,Lord Jesus,

The answer from God’s word:
“Each time God arrives on earth, He shall change His name, His gender, His image, and His work; He does not repeat His work, and He is always new and never old. When He came before, He was called Jesus; could He still be called Jesus when He comes again this time? When He came before, He was male; could He be male again this time?

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Rapture in Peril" (8) - The Effects God’s Work Achieves

Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has done the uniting work, and each and every true believer who awaits God's appearance has been returning to the throne of Almighty God. Have you been raptured before God's throne?

Zhao Zhigang is an elder at the Local Church in China. Like many Christians, his greatest hope as a believer in the Lord is to be raptured alive, meet the Lord and rule with Him. In 1999, after the church leader released the message, "In the year 2000 the Lord shall come again, and His believers will be raptured alive," he was even more excited and enthusiastic than before. Brimming with faith and confidence, he looked to the future with hope and expectation…. However, after the year 2000 came and went, his hope had been all for naught. An unprecedented crisis of faith emerged in his denomination, and he couldn't help but wonder whether or not he had chosen the right path.

After the gospel of the descent of kingdom of Almighty God spread throughout his denomination, Zhao Zhigang and a group of fellow workers entered into deep discussion and debate with preachers from the Church of Almighty God. These discussions revolved around beliefs they had maintained for many years within their denomination…. Finally, Zhao Zhigang could see clearly that they had been misled into confusion by religious antichrists. He quickly recognized the truth and came to accept the work of Almighty God. Eventually he was raptured before God's throne, where he could not help but to lament, "My rapture was truly in peril!"
Recommendation: The Church of Almighty God | From the Throne Flows the Water of Life (8) - How to Receive the Way of Everlasting Life?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | The Voice of Salvationophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

I spread My work in the Gentile nations. In all the universe flashes My glory; My will is within a scattering of men, all steered by My hand and doing the work that I distribute. Henceforth, I enter a new age and bring all men into another world. When I return to My “homeland,” I begin another part of the work in My original plan so that man will come to know more about Me. I regard the universe in its entirety and see that[a] it is an opportune time for My work, so I journey to and fro to do My new work in man. It is a new age, after all, and I bring about new work to take more new people into the new age and to cast aside more of those I shall eliminate.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | XIAOZHEN’S STORY

Mankind becomes fallen and is deeply afflicted.
The calling of God’s love warms our hearts.
Xiao Zhen used to be a pure, kind-hearted Christian, who always treated her friends sincerely. However, when it was to their benefit, her former friends became her enemies. After suffering this tragedy, Xiao Zhen was forced to abandon her true heart and her formal principles. She began to betray her own good conscience and good spirit, and wallowed in the mire of the evil world. … As she fell from grace and walked a path of depravity, she was trampled by the world and became riddled with scars and bruises. She had reached a dead end, and at her point of despair when she had given up all hope, Almighty God's sincere call finally awakened Xiao Zhen's heart and soul….

Friday, June 16, 2017

Gospel Movie "God's Name Has Changed?!" (5) - God's New Name—Almighty God

If you accept the name of Almighty God, is this a betrayal of the Lord Jesus? By watching this short video, you will find that the prophecies of Revelation have already been fulfilled. "Almighty God" is the new name taken by the Lord during His second coming. Come quickly and follow the footsteps of the Lamb and attain God's salvation in the last days.