Showing posts with label Lord Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord Jesus. Show all posts

Saturday, November 4, 2017

VIII Questions and Answers About the Inside Story of the Bible

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning, Church life
The Church Life of Almighty God
Question 2: The truths in the Bible are already perfect. In believing in God, we have the Bible, and that’s enough. We don’t need the new word at all. What do you think about it?
Answer: What the Bible records is limited. The Old Testament only records the work of Jehovah God, and the New Testament only records the work of the Lord Jesus. The Bible only prophesies God’s work in the last days, but doesn’t record the details, because in the last days God does the work of judgment, which is a new work outside the Bible. God is the expresser of the truth, and even more is the Ruler of all things. His richness is unfailing and inexhaustible, and He is unfathomable to any created being.

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | VIII Questions and Answers About the Inside Story of the Bible

Question 1: God is not only the Lord of the Sabbath but the Lord of the Bible, Do you think so?

Answer: Does the saying “outside the Bible there is no God’s word and any belief beyond the Bible is a heresy,” accord with the fact or not? All those who are familiar with the Bible know that in the compilation of the Bible, because of the compilers’ disagreement and omission, some of God’s words conveyed through the prophets were not included in the Old Testament. This is a generally acknowledged fact. How can we say that outside the Bible there are no God’s work and word? Aren’t those omitted prophecies of the prophets God’s words? The Lord Jesus said more words than those in the New Testament. In fact, most of His words are not recorded in the Bible. The Lord Jesus had worked for three and a half years, and He said countless words and gave many sermons.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Lord Jesus Has Come Back | Gospel Movie "The Mystery of Godliness"

Lin Bo'en was an elder at a house church in China. During all his years as a believer, he felt honored to suffer for the Lord, and valued the knowledge and attainment of the Lord Jesus Christ above anything else in the world. One fateful day, he went out to preach and heard some shocking news: The Lord Jesus has returned in the flesh, and He is Christ of the last days—Almighty God! Lin Bo'en was puzzled. When the Lord returns, He is supposed to descend with the clouds, so why would He take on a human form and do His work in secret? What mysteries were hidden behind God's incarnation? If the Lord has truly returned, why haven't we been raptured? … An intense debate unfolds between Lin Bo'en and his co-workers and the preachers from the Church of Almighty God … Will they finally be able to understand that Almighty God is the return of the Lord Jesus, the appearance of God in the flesh?
         Recommendation:Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | VI Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Accept the work Of Almighty God.
Accept The Gospel Of Almighty God 

Question 8: For those long-time believers who spend their lifetime for the Lord, if they reject Almighty God’s work of the last days, they still won’t be taken into the kingdom of heaven?

Answer: About this question, Almighty God has given us a clear answer. Almighty God says, “If you do not seek the way of life provided by Christ of the last days, then you shall never gain the approval of Jesus, and shall never be qualified to enter the gate of the kingdom of heaven, for you are both a puppet and prisoner of history. Those who are controlled by regulations, by letters, and shackled by history will never be able to gain life, and will never be able to gain the perpetual way of life.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Questions and Answers About Requirements for Entry Into the Kingdom of Heaven

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,return of the Lord,

Question 4: All of us have believed in the Lord for many years, and have always followed the example of Paul in our work for the Lord. We have been faithful to the name and way of the Lord, and the crown of righteousness surely awaits us. Today, we need only focus on working hard for the Lord, and watching for His return. Only thus, can we be taken into the kingdom of heaven. Because it is said in the Bible, “for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me” (Isaiah 49:23). We believe the Lord’s promise: He will take us into the kingdom of heaven at His return. Could there really be anything wrong with practicing in this way?

Answer: In watching for the arrival of the Lord, most people believe that they need only work hard for the Lord, and follow the example of Paul, thus can be directly taken into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord arrives. They think it is quite right to practice in this way, and no one disagrees. Yet we who believe in God should seek the truth in all things. Though practicing in that way is in keeping with people’s conceptions, is it in keeping with God’s wishes? I think we should know: God’s words are the principles of man’s actions, they are the standard by which all people, things, and matters are measured.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus,Cross,

Question 5: You say only by accepting God’s work of judgment in the last days can man’s corrupt satanic disposition be transformed. We practice patience and humility as required by the Lord, we love our enemy, bear our cross, subdue our body, abandon the secular world, work and preach for the Lord, and so on. Aren’t they all our changes? Can’t they be seen as the credentials for our entry into the kingdom of heaven? I believe only if we continue our pursuit like this can we become holy and enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Answer: Man can love their enemy, bear their cross, subdue their body, and preach the Lord’s gospel, which are all man’s good deeds after their believing in the Lord and show that they have a true heart toward the Lord. Such good deeds are right in man’s eyes, and seemingly they are in accordance with the God’s word, but they don’t indicate that men are practicing God’s word and doing God’s will, much less indicate that they have cast off their sinful nature and become holy. We cannot only judge a person’s good deeds outwardly, but should discern his intentions behind them. If one’s intention is for obeying God, loving God, and satisfying God, such good deeds are practicing the truth and doing God’s will.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

"The City Will be Overthrown" (3) - What Is the Substance of the Pharisees' Opposition to God?

       For two thousand years, although all believers have known the fact that the Pharisees defied the Lord Jesus, no one in the whole religious world knows exactly what the root cause and essence of the Pharisees' defiance of God is. Only with the coming of Almighty God in the last days can the truth of this question be revealed. Almighty God says, "These Pharisees in substance were stubborn, arrogant, and did not obey the truth. The principle of their belief in God is: No matter how profound Your preaching, no matter how high Your authority, You are not Christ unless You are called the Messiah. Are these views not preposterous and ridiculous?" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

The Church Of Almighty God | Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

The Church Of Almighty God, Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
Jesus-Almighty God 

Question 4: People are sinful, but the sin offering of the Lord Jesus is forever effective. As long as we confess, the Lord will forgive us. We are sinless in the Lord’s eyes, so we will enter the kingdom of heaven!

Answer: The Lord Jesus did forgive our sins. But it doesn’t mean we aren’t sinful, or we’ve broken free from the shackles of sin and become holy. The Lord Jesus has forgiven our sins. But what does “sin” mean here? We all know things like fornication and theft which are against the law, the commandments, and God’s word, all are sins. Anything that resists God, condemns God, and judges God are also sins, not to mention blasphemy against God, which is unforgivable!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Almighty God's Word "How Peter Came to Know Jesus"

Almighty God says, "During his time following Jesus, he had many opinions of Him and always judged Him from his own perspective. Although he had a certain degree of understanding of the Spirit, Peter was not very enlightened, hence his words when he said: “I must follow he who is sent by the heavenly Father. I must acknowledge he who is chosen by the Holy Spirit.” He did not understand the things Jesus did and received no enlightenment. After following Him for some time he grew interested in what He did and said, and in Jesus Himself. He came to feel that Jesus inspired both affection and respect; he liked to associate with Him and stay beside Him, and listening to Jesus’ words rendered him supply and help.Over the time he followed Jesus, Peter observed and took to heart everything about His life: His actions, words, movements, and expressions.He gained a deep understanding that Jesus was not like ordinary men. Although His human appearance was exceedingly ordinary, He was full of love, compassion, and tolerance for man. Everything He did or said was of great aid to others, and by His side Peter saw and learned things he had never seen or had before."

Friday, October 20, 2017

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
pray obey God's will
Let’s take a look at the Age of Grace, the period of time when the Lord Jesus arrived. John the Baptist was baptizing people with a group of disciples. After he saw the Lord Jesus, he suddenly felt something inside: “This is the Messiah I have been waiting for. He is the Lord and He has arrived!” John’s spirit could feel it. Before long, he was thrown in prison. After he was thrown in prison, he started to doubt the Lord: “If You are really the Lord, can You rescue me from this prison cell? If You can rescue me from this prison cell, then You truly are the Lord. If You cannot rescue me, then You are not the Lord.” John had this notion. In the end, the Lord did not rescue him, and he died. After he died, what happened to his disciples?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hearing God's Voice | Gospel Movie "A Late Answer"

Tang Jie served the Lord zealously for nearly forty years and expected the return of the Lord Jesus eagerly all the time. Having given up her family and her career, she established many house meeting places. As the work of the Holy Spirit shifted, the church became desolate gradually. She tried every possible way to revive it, but in vain. During this process, God’s gospel of the last days came upon her church. To “defend the Lord’s way,” she wrote a pamphlet to fabricate rumors against, slander, and attack Almighty God’s work of the last days, and sealed her church to hinder the believers from listening to the messages. However, increasingly more believers returned to Almighty God. At the end of her tether, Tang Jie fell into misery, confusion, and helplessness….

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Why the True Way Is Persecuted

Eastern Lightning   The Church Life of Almighty God   Lord Jesus
The Gospel Of Almighty God

Question 2: Since you testify the Eastern Lightning is the true way, how can you prove that? Our faith in the Lord Jesus is because the Lord Jesus can redeem us all. What proof do you have to show that the Eastern Lightning is the true way?

Answer: On this point, let’s read two passages of Almighty God’s words and see what Almighty God says. Almighty God says, “What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you” (“Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God” in The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Worship God in Spirit and in Truth | A Cappella "The Result Achieved by Knowing God" (Music Video)

The Result Achieved by Knowing God

One day, you will feel that the Creator is no longer a riddle, that the Creator has never been hidden from you, that the Creator has never concealed His face from you, that the Creator is not at all far from you, that the Creator is no longer the One that you constantly long for in your thoughts but that you cannot reach with your feelings, that He is really and truly standing guard to your left and right, supplying your life, and controlling your destiny, controlling your destiny. He is not on the remote horizon, nor has He secreted Himself high up in the clouds. He is right by your side, presiding over your all, He is everything that you have, and He is the only thing you have. Such a God allows you to love Him from the heart, cling to Him, hold Him close, admire Him, fear to lose Him, and be unwilling to renounce Him any longer, disobey Him any longer, or any longer to evade Him or put Him at a distance.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

XI Questions and Answers About How to Discern True Christ From False Christs

The Church Life Of Almighty God    Eastern Lightning    The Church of Almighty God   God's Word
The Church Life Of Almighty God 

Question 2: As we know, now deception from false Christs occurs in every country. Even in South Korea, many are fooled into believing false Christs. This has just fulfilled the Lord Jesus’ prophecy, “Then if any man shall say to you, See, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; so that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:23-24). I think all news preaching the Lord has returned is false. We can’t believe it! Otherwise, we’ll be fooled!

Answer: Well, from the time Almighty God starts expressing the truth and begins doing the work of judgment in the last days, then mankind has entered into the Age of Kingdom, and that Age has begun. But if people still remain in the Age of Grace, then they are falling behind, and are  left behind by God’s work. When the Lord Jesus has come again in secret to start the work of “judgment beginning with the house of God,” many false Christs and deceivers will appear at the same time to imitate and disturb God’s work.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

"The City Will be Overthrown" (2) - Why Has Woe Befallen the Hypocritical Pharisees?

It is recorded in the Bible that the Lord Jesus condemned the Pharisees to seven woes. Nowadays, the path walked by the pastors and elders of the religious world is that of the Pharisees and they similarly suffer God's detestation and rejection. So why did the Lord Jesus condemn and curse the Pharisees? It was primarily because they had a hypocritical essence that defied God, because they only paid attention to performing religious rituals and keeping rules, they only explained the rules and doctrines in the Bible and did not put God's words into practice or follow God's commandments whatsoever, and they even discarded God's commandments. Everything they did completely ran counter to God's will and requirements.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Do you want to know what causes the church’s desolation?

        Do you want to know what causes the church’s desolation? Do you want to receive the provision of God’s living water of life. Please stay tuned!
What is being saved? Can we be fully purified and enter the kingdom of heaven only through the Lord Jesussalvation? This film will show you the answer. Please stay tuned!
Now let’s read two passages of Almighty God’s word, and then we will be clearer about this question. Almighty God says, “People all have no faith to see my glory, and I do not force them to but remove my glory from among them and take it to another world. When people all repent again, I reveal my glory to more people of ‘faith.’ This is the principle of my working. For there is a time when my glory leaves Canaan, there is also a time when my glory leaves the chosen people, and even more, there is a time when my glory leaves the whole earth, so that the whole earth is dim and lightless, covered

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”

Gospel The Church Of Almighty God
Gospel-The Church Of Almighty God
The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God
Let’s take a look at the Age of Grace, the period of time when the Lord Jesus arrived. John the Baptist was baptizing people with a group of disciples. After he saw the Lord Jesus, he suddenly felt something inside: “This is the Messiah I have been waiting for. He is the Lord and He has arrived!” John’s spirit could feel it. Before long, he was thrown in prison. After he was thrown in prison, he started to doubt the Lord: “If You are really the Lord, can You rescueme from this prison cell? If You can rescue me from this prison cell, then You truly are the Lord. If You cannot rescue me, then You are not the Lord.” John had this notion. In the end, the Lord did not rescue him, and he died.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

New Gospel Movie | Know the Incarnate God | "The Mystery of Godliness: The Sequel"

Lin Bo'en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. Since accepting Almighty God, Christ of the last days, he was convicted, excluded, and expelled from the religious community by the pastors and elders, the antichrist forces. But even though Lin Bo'en was attacked, convicted, and framed, he did not shrink back in fear. Rather, his faith became more resolute than ever, and this led him to finally understand that the pastors and elders of the religious world were faking a virtuous appearance. At the same time,

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Why the CCP Crazily Suppresses and Cruelly Persecutes the Church of Almighty God

He is an ordinary Christian. During the years of his following Jesus Christ, he was persecuted and restricted by the CCP government. Later, he fortunately accepted the end-time salvation of the returned Lord JesusAlmighty God, but was persecuted more cruelly by the Chinese government. In order to force him to betray God and sell out the brothers and sisters, the lackeys of the CCP hung him to a tree for three days and nights, and put many ants on his

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Every Nation Worships the Practical God!

The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Almighty God says, “Did you not desire greatly to understand the God in heaven? Did you not desire greatly to see the destination of mankind? He will tell you all these secrets that no man has been able to tell you, and He will even tell you of the truths that you do not understand” (The Word Appears in the Flesh). After two thousand years of waiting and hoping, God has come and appeared to mankind in the flesh, and speaks with us face-to-face. We can listen to God’s words with our own ears, so how could we not be grateful? How could we not weep?
 Please stay tuned for the musical drama of the Church of Almighty God—Every Nation Worships the Practical God!
Recommendation:Eastern Lightning