Showing posts with label Lord's return. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord's return. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2018

2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show


2018 Comedy Skit "The Lord Is Knocking" | Welcome the Return of the Lord | Christian Variety Show

The skit The Lord Is Knocking explains how, in the last days, the Lord knocks at the door of our hearts with His words, and that wise virgins can hear God's voice and feast with the Lamb.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

"What a Beautiful Voice" (1) - How Do the Prophecies of the Lord Jesus' Return Come True

"What a Beautiful Voice" (1) - How Do the Prophecies of the Lord Jesus' Return Come True
       Many people in religious circles adhere to the prophecy that the Lord will descend riding on a cloud and they are waiting for Him to come that way to rapture them into the kingdom of heaven, but overlooking the Lord's prophecies of coming in secret: "Behold, I come as a thief" (Revelation 16:15). "And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes; go you out to meet him" (Matthew 25:6). So how are these prophecies of the Lord's return fulfilled? And how should we be the wise virgins who welcome the Lord's return?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

"What a Beautiful Voice" (2) - How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?

"What a Beautiful Voice" (2) - How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?
      Ever since the churches began suffering from desolation, many brothers and sisters in the Lord have clearly felt the lack of the Holy Spirit's work and the presence of the Lord, and they are all longing for the Lord's return. But when hearing the news that the Lord Jesus has already returned, how can we really be sure of this?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

"What a Beautiful Voice" (3) - Are There No Words or Work of God Outside of the Bible?


"What a Beautiful Voice" (3) - Are There No Words or Work of God Outside of the Bible?

Most people in religious circles believe that all of God's words are in the Bible, and anything outside of the Bible does not contain His work and words. They do not seek outside of the Bible for His utterances in His return. Will they be able to welcome the Lord's return if they hold on to this idea? Could God be limited to only speaking the words within the Bible? The Bible says: "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25). God says: "All that is recorded within the Bible is limited and unable to represent all the work of God" (The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Gospel Movie clip "The Moment of Change" (2) - The Only Path to Be Raised Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Gospel Movie clip "The Moment of Change" (2) - The Only Path to Be Raised Into the Kingdom of Heaven
      Some people believe, since God was able to create the heavens and earth and all things with one word, able to raise the dead with one word, God will also be able to transform our images instantly, make us holy, lift us into the air to meet with the Lord when He returns in the last days. Is it really so to be raised into the kingdom of heaven? Is the work of God's return in the last days as simple as we imagine? God says, "You must realize it, and should not oversimplify matters. The work of God is unlike any ordinary work. Its marvel cannot be conceived by the mind of man, and its wisdom cannot be attained by such.

Friday, September 22, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Have you welcomed the Lord

The book of the prophets says, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD come” (Joel 2: 31). In recent years, disasters have kept happening all around the world and the four blood moons have appeared. Some exegetical scholars in religious circles begin to think, “It can’t be taken up before the disaster, but may be taken up during the disaster,” and some say, “The church may be taken up after the disaster.” In fact, these disasters are God’s warning to us. Now, the prophecies of the Lord’s return have basically all been fulfilled. Have you welcomed the Lord’s second coming? Do you want to be taken up before the disaster?

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Discover the Mysteries of the Bible | Gospel Movie "Break the Spell"

Fu Jinhua was an elder of a house church in China. Like many other Christians, she enthusiastically dedicated herself to the Lord, and toiled hard in her labor for Him. She was particularly self-confident, and thought herself to be someone who truly loved the Lord. Having followed the Lord for many years, she wholeheartedly believed that the Bible was inspired by God, and that the words in the Bible were all God's words. Therefore, in her mind, she equated believing in the Lord with believing in the Bible. She thought that those who departed from the Bible could not be called followers of the Lord. She also believed that she needed only to adhere to the Bible to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord descends with