Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Church. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great

Praise and Worship Song With Lyrics | "God’s Authority Is Unique" | God Is Great | The Church of Almighty God

God’s authority is unique; it’s His special expression and essence,

which no other beings possess, created or non-created.

The Creator alone has such power, God the Unique has this substance.

God created everything, He holds dominion over them all.

He controls not just some planets, not only part of creation or all mankind.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 24

The time draws ever closer. Awaken! All saints! I will utter unto you. All those who hear shall wake up. I am the God you have had faith in these many years. Today I have become flesh and come before your eyes, and this reveals who truly wants Me, who is willing to pay any cost for Me, who truly listens to My word, and who is willing to put the truth into practice. For I am the almighty God, I can see all of man’s secrets hidden in darkness, I know who truly wants Me and I know who resists Me; I can observe all things.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 41

Regarding the problems that arise in the church, don’t be filled with so many misgivings. When the church is built it’s impossible to avoid mistakes, but don’t panic when you face the problems; be calm and collected. Haven’t I told you so? Pray to Me often, and I will clearly show you My intentions. The church is My heart and it is My ultimate goal, how could I not love it? Do not be afraid, when things like this happen in the church, it is all permitted by Me. Stand and be My voice. Have faith that all things and matters are permitted by My throne and all have My intentions within them. If you continue with willful fellowship there will be problems, have you thought about the consequences? This is the type of thing that Satan will take advantage of. Come before Me often. I shall speak plainly: If you are going to do something without coming before Me, then don’t think you are able to complete it. It is you who have put Me in this position.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Return of a Prodigal Son(Part 1)

February 26, 2018
Ruth, United States

I was born in a small town in southern China, and starting from my paternal great-grandmother’s generation, our family has believed in the Lord. Stories from the Bible, hymns of worship and ecclesiastical music in the church accompanied me as I passed through the happy days of my childhood. As I started getting older, pressure grew in my studies, and in my heart I started to slowly grow distant from the Lord. However, the Lord never left me, whenever I would call out for Him, He would help me. The grace and holy name of the Lord Jesus are rooted deep within my heart. I remember in the year I took the college entrance exam that no one thought I’d be able to test into a good college, and this included my teachers. Amidst all these setbacks I nearly gave up all hope, and I too thought that I certainly would not be able to test into the college I wanted to get into. But I inadvertently recalled a phrase I heard in the church in my childhood: “When people have reached their limit, that’s when God begins,” and in a flash it was as if I’d been enlightened: That’s right, my extremity is God’s opportunity, the Lord’s abilities are the greatest, I believe that as long as I sincerely rely on the Lord then He will certainly help me. Thereupon, I often prayed to the Lord Jesus: “Oh Lord, please help me, if I’m able to test into the college of my dreams without a hitch then starting from today I promise I will never shun You, and I will accept You as my only Savior in this life.” At the same time, I also paid a price that a normal person would be unable to imagine, during my entire senior year of high school, besides when I was eating and sleeping, I was practicing the piano. I was basically keeping up 10 to 12 hours of practice a day. I didn’t know where this strength was coming from that was supporting me, but I thought that it must be the Lord listening to my prayers and secretly helping me, and in my heart I gave more thanks to the Lord. In the end, I was awarded with my long-cherished wish by testing into one of the top music academies in the country, and as a result I believed firmly that the Lord Jesus was my only Savior. In my fourth year of college I didn’t know what path I should take after graduating, so I called on the Lord Jesus and asked the Lord to show me the way and set up a path for me to take. In 2004, shortly after America had gone through the 9/11 terrorist attack, when almost all visas for entry into America were frozen, I was relying on a music CD that I had recorded professionally for myself, and to my surprise I received a full-ride scholarship to a university in America. On top of that, I got a student visa without a hitch and went to America to pursue my studies. After experiencing these two events—testing into college and going abroad—I saw that the Lord had helped me to achieve goals that I would not have been able to achieve by relying solely on myself, and I was of even firmer conviction that the Lord Jesus is the true God and that He is my Savior, and I need to properly practice my faith in the Lord and follow the Lord.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Christian Short Sketch "A Warning From History" | The Church of Almighty God

Two thousand years ago, when the Lord Jesus appeared and worked, the Pharisees clung to the laws and condemned His work, saying that His work went beyond the Scriptures. To protect their status and livelihood, they strove with all their might to stop people from seeking the Lord Jesus' work, and joined forces with the Roman government to nail Him to the cross. In the last days, as the Lord Jesus again appears in the flesh to do work, the leaders of the religious world repeat the historical tragedy of the Pharisees' resistance of Lord Jesus. How do they resist God's work of the last days? Through a pastor acting a Pharisee in a performance, this skit exposes how modern pastors and elders hold on to the Bible to resist God, and shows clearly that the path they walk is exactly the same as that of the Pharisees.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Gospel Movie clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals to the CCP's Rumors and Slander

Gospel Movie clip (3) - Christians' Incredible Rebuttals to the CCP's Rumors and Slander
     In order to deceive Christians into betraying God and giving up their faith, the CCP has openly blasphemed both Christ of the last days and the Lord Jesus, saying that They are both average people and are not God incarnate. The CCP has maligned Christians as merely believing in a person, and not God. It has also spread the rumor that The Church of Almighty God was created by a person just because the man who is used by God is the one who runs all the administrative affairs of the church. What really is incarnation? How did The Church of Almighty God come to be, and who founded it? 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

How to Know God? | Christian Song | "God's Righteous Disposition Is Unique"

How to Know God? | Christian Song | "God's Righteous Disposition Is Unique"
        How to Know God? | Christian Song | "God's Righteous Disposition Is Unique"
       God expresses His righteous disposition in unique ways and principles, not subject to control of people, events or things. And no one can change His ideas or thoughts, or persuade Him to try a different path. This is the unique nature of the Creator's righteous disposition! His righteous disposition!
      God judges by His righteous disposition all creations' deeds and all thoughts. And based on this, He issues wrath or gives mercy. And no one can change His mercy or wrath. And only His substance can decide on this path. This is the unique nature of the Creator's righteous disposition! His righteous disposition!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Gospel Movie clip "Sweetness in Adversity" (6) - Exposing the Truth of the CCP's Religious Policy Masked by Its Constitution

Gospel Movie clip "Sweetness in Adversity" (6) - Exposing the Truth of the CCP's Religious Policy Masked by Its Constitution
       The Constitution of the Chinese Communist government explicitly provides for freedom of religion and worship, yet on the sly there is unbridled suppression and attacks on religion and worship. Followers of Christ are made out to be major national criminals and revolutionary methods are adopted to suppress, detain, persecute and even cruelly kill them. The Chinese Communist government uses the Constitution to gain fame by deceiving the public yet what secrets behind the scenes are after all being concealed from public knowledge? Why does the Chinese Communist government insist on treating Christ's followers as enemies, why are they irreconcilable with the followers of Christ?

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

"What a Beautiful Voice" (2) - How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?

"What a Beautiful Voice" (2) - How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?
      Ever since the churches began suffering from desolation, many brothers and sisters in the Lord have clearly felt the lack of the Holy Spirit's work and the presence of the Lord, and they are all longing for the Lord's return. But when hearing the news that the Lord Jesus has already returned, how can we really be sure of this?

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Road to Purification

The Church of Almighty God,Reading the words of Almighty God
reading Almighty God's words
Christopher, Philippines
      My name is Christopher and I am a pastor from a family church in the Philippines. In 1987, I was baptized and returned to the Lord Jesus. By the Lord’s grace, in 1996 I became a pastor of the local church. At that time, apart from preaching in many places around the Philippines, I also preached in places like Hong Kong and Malaysia. Because of the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I felt that I had inexhaustible energy in my work for the Lord and an unceasing flow of words in my sermons. I would often go to support brothers and sisters when they were negative and weak. Sometimes members of their family who did not believe in the Lord were unfriendly toward me, yet I could be tolerant and patient and not lose faith in the Lord and I believed that the Lord could change them.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

"Red Re-Education at Home" (7) - The CCP Slanders The Church of Almighty God as a "Human Organization." What's Their Motive?

"Red Re-Education at Home" (7) - The CCP Slanders The Church of Almighty God as a "Human Organization." What's Their Motive?
       Everyone who believes in the Lord knows that without the appearance and work of the Lord Jesus, there wouldn't be any believers or followers of the Lord. Even more, Christianity never would have come into being—no matter how gifted the apostles were, they could not have created the church. Likewise, The Church of Almighty God came into being entirely because of the appearance and work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days. It is because Almighty God expressed many truths and people turned back toward God after hearing His voice that the church was formed. But the Chinese Communist government slanders The Church of Almighty God, saying it is just a human organization. What kind of sinister motive do they have?
Know more :Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Only Solution For Feeling Empty: The Spiritual Salvation

The Church Of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning
A wonderful documentary by the church of Almighty God
      God says:"Those who die take with them the stories of the living, and those who are living repeat the same tragic history of those who have died. And so mankind can’t help but ask itself: Why do we live? And why do we have to die? Who is in command of this world? And who created this mankind? Was mankind really created by Mother Nature? Is mankind really in control of its own fate?
       How can we live a valuable life?From ancient to modern times, different people in different ages obey the same rules of life. We run about from we utter our first words to having grey hair, finally we return to ashes. How can our years on earth be not in vain? How to live a valuable life? 

Monday, March 19, 2018

Church Life Movie | "Awoken" | How Christians Break Free From the Shackles of Fame and Status

Church Life Movie | "Awoken" | How Christians Break Free From the Shackles of Fame and Status
     Her name is Chen Xi, and since she was little the education and influence of her parents and her schooling made her always want to stand out from the crowd and seek to be above others, so she was diligent in her studies and would spare no effort. After believing in God Chen Xi read a great deal of God's words and came to understand some truths. She saw that the only correct path in life is to believe in and follow God and became an enthusiastic seeker, and was very proactive in performing her duty.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Best Christian Video | "Dawn Light" | How to Find a Church With the Work of the Holy Spirit

As a child, Yangwang followed her parents in their faith in the Lord, and as an adult she served the Lord in the church. In 2013, her church joined the World Council of Churches, which advocates universal church unification and religious pluralism. Believing that her pastors and elders' insistence on joining the Council was a departure from the Lord's way and not in accord with the Lord's heart, eventually she left her denomination and began to search for a church with the work of the Holy Spirit. But, after visiting several, she found that all the denominations were desolate, and that there was no light in the preaching of their pastors and elders. She could find no provision of life, and her spirit was withering and turning to darkness. In her pain, she often called to the Lord, asking the Lord to return quickly. …

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Power of Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

The Power of  Faith in God | Christian Video | "Seventeen? The Hell You Are!"

       "Kid! Do you know that the Communist Party is atheist and against belief in God? In China, what God is there for you to believe in? Where is this God of yours?" "Do not assume that because you are young, we will be lenient with you! If you keep believing in God, you will end up dead!" With electric rods in hands, the Chinese Communist police rush this youngster who is covered with bruises. This youngster's name is Gao Liang and he was 17 years old that year. He was on his way home from spreading the gospel with an older brother when he was arrested by the Chinese Communist police. The police did not give him anything to eat nor allowed him to sleep for three days and three nights. They interrogated him, tried to extort a confession from him and subjected him to cruel torture.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Christian Movie | "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" | Revealing the Truth

Christian Movie | "The Lies of Communism: Account of the CCP's Brainwashing" | Revealing the Truth
      Zhang Mingdao is a Christian in The Church of Almighty God who has experienced several years of Almighty God's work in the last days, understands some truths, and can see the real significance of human life. He is resolved to abandon everything and follow God, and bear witness for God's work and appearance of the last days. Once, while Zhang Mingdao was in the midst of spreading the gospel, he was arrested by Chinese Communist police, who carried out inhuman torture and torment on him, attempting to force him to divulge information about the leaders and finances of the church. Zhang Mingdao prayed to God and relied on God. He endured the painful torture, torment, and cruel beating, and stood firm witness.