Showing posts with label Testimony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Testimony. Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Christian Testimony | A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood (Audio Essay)

Christian Testimony | A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood (Audio Essay)

November 2, 2018
By Xia Zixuan, Hubei Province

A Grey Childhood

There was no mother and no father around when Zixuan was growing up; she didn’t know what the cakes the children from the city talked about tasted like, and she’d never seen a goldfish blow bubbles in a fish tank. On no evening did she ever hear the stories of Grimm’s fairytales, but instead she listened to her grandpa tell her the story of The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Her real father leaving and her mother remarrying had brought about feelings of inferiority when she was little, and even more so had become a shadow in the depth of her heart that she could not drive away. Especially when she saw the other children with their parents, caring for them and being with them, Zixuan’s heart would ache with pain.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)


Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)

The crosstalk Escaping the Cage tells the story of how Christian Xiaolan was persecuted and locked in her home for a month by her Communist Party official father, where she was unable to take part in church life, and her experience of escaping her home and running away. A once-happy family was split apart, a daughter left her mother, and her father held a deep grudge against her. Who was the chief architect? And who gave Xiaolan faith and strength, and led her to escape her cage and walk the correct path in life?

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God

Christian Documentary "The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything" Testimony of the Power of God
      In the vast heavens of the universe, strewn with stars, every celestial body travels precisely along its own track. The distances between the sun, the earth, and the moon are just perfect…. This has created an environment suitable for human life. Under the great sky, the mountains, rivers, plains, and lakes all have their boundaries. Humans, animals, and plants all thrive and multiply within their own living environments. All creatures cycle through the four seasons, obeying the laws of life…. All of this is such an exquisite design—is there a Mighty One ruling and arranging this?