Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label faith. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Christian Video 2018 | "Surveillance" (Crosstalk) | The CCP Uses High Tech to Violate Human Rights


Since the CCP took power, it has always attacked dissidents and persecuted religious faith. To permanently control China's people, the CCP has spent massive sums to build many kinds of national surveillance networks, and monitoring of Christians is especially intense. The multiple layers of phone monitoring, internet monitoring, and surveillance cameras have allowed the CCP to wildly arrest countless Christians, many more have been forced to leave home and wander, many others are in jail, and some have even been crippled or killed! The group crosstalk Surveillance exposes the hypocrisy of China's "religious freedom" and "freedom of speech," and shows you the sinful proof of how China uses high-tech means to attack righteousness and persecute religious faith.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)


Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)

The crosstalk Escaping the Cage tells the story of how Christian Xiaolan was persecuted and locked in her home for a month by her Communist Party official father, where she was unable to take part in church life, and her experience of escaping her home and running away. A once-happy family was split apart, a daughter left her mother, and her father held a deep grudge against her. Who was the chief architect? And who gave Xiaolan faith and strength, and led her to escape her cage and walk the correct path in life?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Word of the Holy Spirit | Almighty God's Word "Are You a True Believer of God?"

   Know more :The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally 
                                              Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christian Video | Chronicles of Religious Persecution | "Who Forced Her to the End of the Road?"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches. This documentary film tells the story of Gao Yufeng, a Christian in mainland China, who was arrested by the CCP police and subject to all kinds of inhuman torture that finally led to her suicide in the labor camp for believing in God and performing her duty. The film truly reflects the heinous abuses and inhumane persecution suffered by Christians in post-arrest incarceration under the CCP's evil rule, exposing the demonic essence of CCP's hatred of God and slaughter of Christians.
 Know more :The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally
                             Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?   

Monday, October 9, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God I "The Moment of Change" | Hearing God's Voice and Being Raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven (Trailer)

Su Mingyue is a preacher of a house church in mainland China. Over the years, she has been a devout servant of the Lord who insists on doing preaching work for the Lord and bearing the burden of work for the church. She goes by Paul's word in the Bible, feeling that merely believing in the Lord is enough to be called righteous and be saved by grace. Although man still sins constantly, his sins have been forgiven by the Lord, his image will be changed instantly to become holy and he will be raised into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord arrives. However, in recent years, the church has become increasingly desolate, the believers have been negative and weak in general, their faith and love have cooled.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Chronicles of Religious Persecution | Christian Movie "The Cover-up"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches.A woman went out at dawn but why did she die unexpectedly? The CCP police changed the statement of the cause of her death frequently, which added further confusion to this case. Who exactly is the culprit behind the killing?

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Chronicles of Religious Persecution | Christian Movie Trailer "The Cover up"

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been unceasing in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and burned countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and tried to eradicate all house churches.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | A Hymn of God's Words "True Meaning of Faith in God"

So many people believe, but so few understand what faith in God really means, what they need to do to beat with God's heart. So many know the word "God," know phrases like the "work of God," but they don't know Him, nor what He really does. No wonder their faith is blind. They're not serious about this because it's unfamiliar and strange. So they are far short of God's demands. If you don't know God and His work, can you be fit for His use? Can you fulfill the desire of God? Believing that God exists is not enough. That's too simple, it's too religious.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | 33 God’s Love Is Boundless

 church, faith, the Church of Almighty God,  prayer,

33 God’s Love Is Boundless

Li Qing    Shandong Province
I suffered many hardships in the world. My husband died a few years after we married, and since then, the family burden completely fell on me. I lived a hard life with my young child and was always cold-shouldered and bullied by others. Weak and helpless, I was in tears every day, feeling it so hard to live in the world…. Just when I was in depression and despair, a sister preached Almighty God’s end-time work to me. Almighty God says, “When you feel tired and when you slightly feel a sense of desolation of this world, do not feel perplexed and do not weep. Almighty God, the Watcher, is ready to embrace your coming at any time.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Victorious Testimonies of the Christians | Christian Movie Trailer "The Winter Plum Blossom"

She is Xiao Li, a Christian who has believed in God for over a decade. In the winter of 2012, she got arrested by the CCP police in a congregation. During her interrogation, the police resorted to both soft and hard tactics, threatening, coaxing, beating, and torturing, and made repeated attempts to get out of her the whereabouts of her church's leaders and money and coax her into betraying God. In particular, the police forcibly stripped off her clothes on a 20-degree-below-zero night, then froze her with icy water,

Friday, August 11, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | "The Moment of Change" | Hearing God's Voice and Being Raptured to the Kingdom of Heaven (Trailer)

Su Mingyue was a preacher of a house church in mainland China. For many years, she had been godly in her service to the Lord, unremittingly working and preaching for the Lord and much burdened for the church work. Based on Paul's words in the Bible, she thought that believers in the Lord have already been justified through faith and saved through grace. Despite the fact that they still sin often, she believed that the Lord has forgiven the believers of their sins and that the Lord at His return will transfigure and sanctify them, and rapture them to the