Showing posts with label worshiping God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worshiping God. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2018

What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

What Is the Meaning of Christmas, and Are You Truly Worshiping the Lord Jesus?

December 8, 2018
By Siyuan

The Origins of Christmas

Every year, as Christmas approaches, shops on the street arrange a dazzling display of Christmas presents, with Santa Claus and Christmas trees, and so on. Festooned in trees and on buildings there are many-colored lights, and whole cities are decorated with lanterns and colored hangings, and everywhere there is joy and excitement. To Christianity, Christmas is a very special holiday, and several months before Christmas, many churches will begin to busy themselves preparing everything necessary for the Christmas holiday. On Christmas Day, the churches are filled, and brothers and sisters get involved in the celebrations, eating Christmas dinner, putting on performances and worshiping the Lord Jesus, and so on. Everyone’s face is flushed with happiness. However, when we get together in joyous gatherings to celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth, do we understand the meaning of Christmas? Perhaps brothers and sisters will say, “The Lord Jesus was nailed upon the cross to redeem all mankind, and so as to remember and celebrate the Lord Jesus’ birth, Christians established Christmas. Though the specific day on which the Lord Jesus was born is not recorded in the Bible, Christmas gradually became a universal holiday in the wake of the expansion of Jesus Christ’s gospel.” We may have known this, but do we know God’s love and His will for us that was actually hidden behind the birth of the Lord Jesus? And how should we approach Christmas in a way that is after the Lord’s heart?

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Knowing the purpose of the three stages of work of God’s management of mankind

the Age of Law, the Age of Grace, the Age of Kingdom
The three stages of work of God’s management of mankind

II. One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning the Three Stages of Work of God’s Salvation of Mankind

1. Knowing the purpose of the three stages of work of God’s management of mankind

Relevant Words of God:

My entire management plan, a plan that spans six thousand years, consists of three stages, or three ages: the Age of Law in the beginning; the Age of Grace (which is also the Age of Redemption); and the Age of Kingdom in the last days. My work in these three ages differs in content according to the nature of each age, but at each stage it accords with man’s needs—or, to be more precise, it is done according to the tricks that Satan employs in the war that I wage against it.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

What Is the Incarnation? What Is the Substance of the Incarnation?

I. One Must Bear Witness to the Aspect of Truth Concerning God’s Incarnation

2. What Is the Incarnation? What Is the Substance of the Incarnation?

 Lord Jesus, Substance of the Incarnation, Almighty God's Word
What Is the Substance of the Incarnation

Bible Verses for Reference:

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (Jhn 1:14).

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Worshiping God | Gospel Music Video "Come Before God Often"


Worshiping God | Gospel Music Video "Come Before God Often"

Come Before God Often
Take the chance when you have time, sit in silence before God.
Read His word, know His truths, right the transgressions in you.
Trials come, take them on; know God’s will and you’ll have strength.

Tell Him what things you lack, share His truth always.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Testimony of a Christian: I Have Wealth More Valuable Than Money

October 27, 2018
By Shunxin, Thailand

Editor’s Note: If you have someone like this in your life, someone who wants to become wealthy but never succeeds, and who lives in torment, how should you help him escape his misery? What follows is the experience of author Shun Xin, whose predicament was precisely this, but today she can calmly evaluate her monetary gains and losses, and has found a wealth more valuable than riches. How did she emerge from her torment? And what is this wealth more valuable than money? Let’s discover these things through her story.

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Fruits of Obeying God

The Fruits of Obeying God
September 25, 2018
Xie Cheng

A few days ago, my leader Sister Cheng told me that the church had a new work that required some manpower, and asked me whether I’d be willing to do it. Hearing my leader say this, I was beside myself with joy, and I thought: “For three months now, I’ve been reflecting on how I was replaced because my striving for fame and gain in my duties interrupted and disturbed the church’s work. Now, at last, I can perform my duty again! If my brothers and sisters knew this, they’d definitely pay special regard to me, and would think that I’ve made progress by experiencing this failure.” I agreed to do it there and then. After my leader had gone, every day I looked forward to receiving notice of my new duty, but the days went by and no notice arrived. What did arrive was a stack of paper documents, and my leader asked me to type them up. Holding this stack of paper documents, my heart was full of questions: “What’s the meaning of this? Wasn’t it agreed that I’d be doing a new duty? How then can I be asked to type up all these paper documents? What am I, a typist? What on earth’s going on? If I’m not going to be doing the new duty, then surely my leader has to tell me why!” My mind was in a whirl, and I was unwilling to accept the reality of the situation. Faced with this pile of documents, I thought: “Typing isn’t a real duty. Anyone can do this work. Aren’t I a little overqualified to stay at home just typing up all these documents? If I’m not able to do any important duty, my brothers and sisters will surely say that, after being replaced, I still don’t have any true knowledge of myself and have not truly reflected on myself. What’s more, if I’m staying at home typing all day, then no matter how much I do or how well I do it, no one will know about it and I won’t have a chance to shine. I’ll forever be just a nobody, without any possibility of being promoted or put to some important use.” I was filled with misgivings, but I couldn’t refuse; all I could do was accept the duty.

Friday, October 6, 2017

A Hymn of God's Words "Two Thousand Years of Longing"

That God has become flesh shakes the religious world, upsets the religious order, and stirs up the souls of all who long for God's appearance. Who does not marvel at this? Who does not long to see God? God has spent years among man, but man is simply unaware of this. Today, God Himself has appeared to renew His old love with man.
After He left from Judea, God vanished without a trace. People long to see Him again, but never have they expected to reunite with Him here and today. How could this not bring back memories of the past? Two thousand years ago, Simon son of Jonah met Lord Jesus, and ate with the Lord at the same table. Years of following deepened his love for Him. He loved Jesus to the bottom of his heart. God has spent years among man, but man is simply unaware of this. Today, God Himself has appeared to renew His old love with man, to renew His old love with man.