Showing posts sorted by relevance for query judgment. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query judgment. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”

By En Hui, Malaysia

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words, Christian
Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”

My name is En Hui and I’m 46 years old. I live in Malaysia, and I have been a believer in the Lord for 27 years. In October 2015, I moved to another city to take up a job. My new colleagues were all big fans of Facebook, which they used for chatting, finding new friends, and posting images. Seeing that I didn’t have a Facebook account they set one up for me, and I gradually learned how to go online and use it. Sometimes I would see the postings of some brothers and sisters in the Lord and I’d share them and “like” them. Sometimes I’d post things that praised the Lord or share the Lord’s grace with some of my good friends. Every day I felt that there was fulfillment in my life.

Friday, November 17, 2017

IX Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus
Second Coming of Jesus

Question 5: You testified that God has returned and does His work of judgment beginning at the house of God. This completely conforms with the Bible’s prophecy, I can accept it. But I don’t understand: Is this the same as the great white throne judgment in the Book of Revelation? What we think is that the great white throne judgment is targeted at the non-believers that belong to the devil Satan. When the Lord comes, the believers will be taken up into heaven, and then He will send disaster to destroy the non-believers. That’s the judgment before the great white throne. You testify to the start of God’s judgment in the last days, but we haven’t seen God bring disaster to destroy the non-believers. Then how could it be the great white throne judgment? What is God’s judgment in the last days exactly? Please communicate this to us more clearly.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | IX Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus,Cross
Question 7: Many brothers and sisters all think that our belief in the Lord Jesus means our sins have already been forgiven, and that we’ve enjoyed so much of the Lord’s grace and all experienced the Lord’s compassion and mercy. The Lord Jesus already does not see us as sinners, so we should be able to be brought directly into the kingdom of heaven. Then why did the Lord not bring us into the kingdom of heaven when He came, but still has to perform His work of judgment in the last days? Is God’s judgment of the last days to cleanse and save mankind or to condemn and destroy? Many people are unable to see through this. Please fellowship this to us more specifically.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Questions and Answers About Salvation and Final Salvation

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,judgment
Almighty God's words

Question 6: You said that for man to break free from sin and become holy, he must accept God’s judgment of the last days. Then how does God judge and purify man in the last days? For many years I’ve often wondered. What a joy to be without sin. Then life wouldn’t be painful!

Answer: As to how Almighty God judges and purifies man in the last days, let’s read Almighty God’s word first! Almighty God says, “when God becomes flesh this time, His work is to express His disposition, primarily through chastisement and judgment. Using this as the foundation, He brings more truth to man, shows more ways of practice, and so achieves His objective of conquering man and saving man from his corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Friday, February 8, 2019

The Church of Almighty God | A Wandering Heart Comes Home

By Novo, Philippines

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
The Church of Almighty God | A Wandering Heart Comes Home

    My name is Novo, and I’m Filipino. I have followed my mom in her belief in God since I was little, and would go listen to sermons at church together with my siblings. Although I had believed in the Lord for many years, I felt that I had not changed, and that I was the same as an unbeliever, in my heart thinking all day about how to make more money, and about how to spend my days in comfort and enjoy the good life. Furthermore, I also often went drinking with my friends, and the moment I had any spare cash I’d go gambling. I knew that doing these things was at odds with the Lord’s will, I would often pray to the Lord and confess my sins, and I would make firm my resolution to Him that I would give up these bad habits and never sin again from that day on. But with the cajoling and enticement of my friends, I simply couldn’t control myself. And so it was that I became more and more degenerate, my heart got farther and farther away from God, there was no longer any sincerity when I prayed to the Lord, and every week I would just say a few simple prayers, and do it in a slipshod way.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

XII Questions and Answers How to Discern God’s Work From Man’s Work

The Church of Almighty God,Read Almighty God's words
Read Almighty God's words
Question 5: God used Moses to do the work of the Age of Law. Then, why does God personally do the work of judgment in the last days rather than using man to do it?
Answer: Why is it that God’s work of judgment in the last days has to be done by God incarnate instead of being done by the man used by God? This question is crucial, and directly related to whether man can be raptured before God’s throne, or whether they can be saved and then enter into the kingdom of heaven. Almighty God has said many words in answer to this. Let’s look at some of the words of Almighty God.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | Ⅹ Questions and Answers About the Truth of Incarnation

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus
Jesus Almighty God
      Question 2: Why does God have to do the work of judgment during the last days through incarnation? During the Age of Law, God used Moses to do His work. Can’t God also use man to do His work of judgment in the last days?
      Answer: This question is quite practical. About why God must be incarnated to do the work of judgment in the last days, most believers who long for the truth and seek God’s appearance care the most. It also directly relates to whether man can be taken into the kingdom of heaven. So it’s very important to understand this truth. Why must God do the work of judgment through incarnation rather than through man? It’s determined by the nature of the work of judgment, for the work of judgment is God expressing the truth and His righteous disposition to conquer, purify, and save man. Let’s read Almighty God’s words.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | We believe that when the Lord comes again, man’s body will be transformed into a holy body instantly. Why does God still need to do the work of judgment and chastisement?

The answer from God’s word:
“In His final work of concluding the age, God’s disposition is one of chastisement and judgment, which reveals all that is unrighteous, and publicly judges all peoples, and perfects those who truly love Him. Only a disposition such as this can bring the age to an end. The last days have already arrived. All things will be classed according to kind, and will be divided into different categories based on their nature. This is the time in which God reveals the end

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Meeting the Lord Again

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
Meeting the Lord Again
Jianding, USA
I was born into a Catholic family, and from an early age my mother taught me to read the Bible. At the time, the Chinese Communist Party was re-building the nation after the civil war, and as the CCP was suppressing all religions, I was 20 years old before I finally got the chance to go to church and listen to sermons. The priest often said to us: “We Catholics must properly confess our sins and repent. We must do good, not evil, and always go to Mass. During the last days, the Lord is going to come and judge everyone and send people to heaven or to hell according to how they have acted and behaved on earth. The biggest sinners will be punished in hell eternally, whereas those who commit minor sins can still go to heaven as long as they confess their sins to the Lord and repent. Anyone who doesn’t believe in the Lord will never get to heaven, no matter how good they are.”

Monday, November 20, 2017

Question 8: How exactly does God perform His judgment work to cleanse and save mankind in the last days?

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty Godm,Eastern Lightning,Jesus
Answer: Everyone who currently seeks and investigates the true way wants to understand how Almighty God performs His judgment work of the last days. Almighty God has expressed a lot of words in regard to this aspect of the truth. Let’s read a few passages of Almighty God’s word, “Of course, when God becomes flesh this time, His work is to express His disposition, primarily through chastisement and judgment. Using this as the foundation, He brings more truth to man, shows more ways of practice, and so achieves His objective of conquering man and saving man from his corrupt disposition. This is what lies behind the work of God in the Age of Kingdom” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Church of Almighty God | A Different Kind of Love

By Chengxin, Brazil

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
The Church of Almighty God | A Different Kind of Love
By a chance opportunity in 2011, I came to Brazil from China. When I had just arrived, my eyes were overflowing with fresh and new experiences, curiosity, and I had a beautiful feeling about the future. But after a short time, this fresh and new feeling was quickly replaced by the loneliness and pain of finding myself in a far-off foreign land. Every day I went back home all alone, ate by myself, looking at the walls around me every day without anyone even to talk to, and I felt especially lonely in my heart, often crying all alone. When I felt the most pain and helpless, the Lord Jesus brought me into a gathering by means of a friend. Through reading the word of the Lord, singing hymns, and praying in gatherings, my lonely heart received the consolation of the Lord. I learned from the Bible that the heavens and earth and all things were created by God, and man too is God’s creation. The Lord Jesus was crucified for the redemption of mankind, and it was the Lord Jesus who redeemed us from sin, and He is the only Redeemer of mankind. In the face of the Lord’s salvation, which is greater than all else, I felt deeply moved and resolved to follow the Lord for the rest of my life. Because of this I was baptized on Thanksgiving to become a Christian not just in name but in reality. Because I liked singing songs, especially those in praise of God, after I was baptized I took the initiative to join the choir and work as part of it. Through God’s guidance and blessings, I lived in peace and happiness. Every time I went to a gathering or praised God in worship, I felt suffused with energy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Questions and Answers on Dissecting the Essence of the Pharisees

The Church of Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,the church
The Life Of The Church Of Almighty God
      Question 9: I want to know how Almighty God of the last days performs His judgment work to save mankind from Satan’s influence. Can you tell us about your experience and testimonies?
      Answer: That’s a great question! We should ask these key questions in investigating and seeking God’s work of the last days. This is too beneficial for us to gain salvation through our faith in God! In regard to how Almighty God performs His judgment work of the last days to save man from Satan’s influence, let’s first read Almighty God’s words! Almighty God says, “In the last days, Christ uses a variety of truths to teach man, expose the essence of man, and dissect his words and deeds. These words comprise various truths, such as man’s duty, how man should obey God, how man should be loyal to God, how man ought to live out the normal humanity, as well as the wisdom and the disposition of God, and so on. These words are all directed at the essence of man and his corrupt disposition.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

IX Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God,Jesus
Jesus-the Bible
Question 4: You said that the most prophesied thing in the Bible is God’s judgment work in the last days. There are at least 200 places in the Bible mentioning that God will come to carry out His judgment. This is completely true. This was stated even more clearly in 1 Peter 4:17: “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God.” It seems God’s judgment work in the last days is a certainty. But what you witnessed is God coming into the flesh to do His judgment work in the last days. This is different to what we accept. We believe the Lord in the last days will appear to mankind and work in the form of Jesus’ spiritual body following the resurrection. This is also the view of the majority in religious circles. This concept of the returned Lord appearing to man and working in the flesh is something we still cannot see through. Please communicate some more with us.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The aim and significance of God’s work in the Age of Kingdom

(3) The aim and significance of God’s work in the Age of Kingdom

Relevant Words of God:

When Jesus came into the world of man, He brought the Age of Grace and ended the Age of Law. During the last days, God once more became flesh, and when He became flesh this time, He ended the Age of Grace and brought the Age of Kingdom. All those who accept the second incarnation of God will be led into the Age of Kingdom, and be able to personally accept the guidance of God. Though Jesus did much work among man, He only completed the redemption of all mankind and became man’s sin offering, and did not rid man of all his corrupt disposition. Fully saving man from the influence of Satan not only required Jesus to take on the sins of man as the sin offering, but also required God to do greater work to completely rid man of his disposition, which has been corrupted by Satan. And so, after man was forgiven his sins, God has returned to flesh to lead man into the new age, and begun the work of chastisement and judgment, and this work has brought man into a higher realm. All those who submit under His dominion shall enjoy higher truth and receive greater blessings. They shall truly live in the light, and shall gain the truth, the way, and the life.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Road to Purification | Gospel Testimonies

The Road to Purification

Christopher, Philippines

My name is Christopher and I am a pastor from a family church in the Philippines. In 1987, I was baptized and returned to the Lord Jesus. By the Lord’s grace, in 1996 I became a pastor of the local church. At that time, apart from preaching in many places around the Philippines, I also preached in places like Hong Kong and Malaysia. Because of the work and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I felt that I had inexhaustible energy in my work for the Lord and an unceasing flow of words in my sermons. I would often go to support brothers and sisters when they were negative and weak. Sometimes members of their family who did not believe in the Lord were unfriendly toward me, yet I could be tolerant and patient and not lose faith in the Lord and I believed that the Lord could change them. So I felt like I had changed a great deal since believing in the Lord. However, since 2011, I have not felt the work of the Holy Spirit as strongly as before.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Breaking Free From Shackles and Returning to the Presence of God

By Yongyuan, USA

   In November of 1982, our whole family emigrated to the USA. Because our family had been faithful to the Lord since the generation of my grandfather, we quickly found a Chinese church in Chinatown, New York where we could attend mass after we arrived in the United States. We never missed a single mass since we started attending, and my mother and elder sister were especially good about reading the scriptures whenever they had time to seek the Lord’s blessing. At that time, the priest would often say: “When the Lord comes, He will judge people publicly and divide people into categories: Those who truly repent and confess, and who are of good faith in Him, will be able to go to heaven; those who commit sins but not grave ones will suffer the torment of purgatory but are still able to be saved and ascend to heaven; those who do not believe in the Lord or commit sins that are too grave will suffer the punishment of hell.” These words left an impression on my heart as if they had been branded there. They caused me to believe in the Lord with enthusiasm, and even if I was busy with work, I never stopped going to mass.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Almighty God Led Me Onto the Path of Obtaining Cleansing

By Gangqiang, USA

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
Almighty God Led Me Onto the Path of Obtaining Cleansing
In 2007, I came to Singapore by myself to work to make a living. All year round, the climate in Singapore is very hot, so every day I would sweat profusely when I was working. It was so rough that I suffered an unspeakable amount, and on top of that it was an unfamiliar life without any relatives or friends, so I thought it to be boring and tedious. One day in August, I received a gospel leaflet on my way home from work which read: “But the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you” (1Pe 5:10). I felt warmth in my heart on reading these words. After that I followed a brother into the church. The enthusiastic reception from the brothers and sisters, asking after my well-being, made me feel the warmth of my family which I hadn’t had in a long time. My eyes suddenly filled with hot tears, and I had a sensation as if I had come home. From that time, every Sunday the church became the place where I had to be.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Church of Almighty God | That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny

Eastern Lightning,The Church of Almighty God,the church
That Day the Sky Was Especially Clear and Sunny
By Tian Ying, China
I used to be a believer in the Three-Self Church in China. When I first started participating in gatherings, the pastors would often say to us: “Brothers and sisters, it is recorded in the Bible that: ‘For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation’ (Rom 10:10). We’ve been justified due to our faith. Since we believe in Jesus, we have been saved. If we believed in any other, then we wouldn’t have been saved….” I held on to these words of the pastors. As a result, I ardently pursued and actively attended gatherings as I waited for the Lord to come and let me into the kingdom of heaven. Later on, as unlawful deeds kept occurring in the church, it made me feel fed up with the gatherings there. Among the pastors they were divided and partitioned, each trying to establish themselves at the top of the faction and set up independent kingdoms. The sermons from the pastors needed to obey the United Front Work Department (UFWD).

Monday, January 15, 2018

Almighty God's Word "Peter's Experience—His Knowledge of Chastisement and Judgment"

Almighty God says, "In chastisement, Peter could pray like this, “God! My flesh is disobedient, and you chastise me and judge me. I take your chastisement and judgment as a joy. Even if you do not want me, I can see your holy and righteous disposition from your judgment. You judge me so that others can see your righteous disposition in your judgment, and thus I will be content. As long as your disposition can be expressed so that your righteous disposition can be seen by all created beings, and I can have a purer heart of loving you and live up to the image of a righteous man through your judgment, such judgment of yours is good, for this is your good purpose."

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

IX Questions and Answers About God’s Work of Judgment in the Last Days

The Church of Almighty God,Almighty God,Eastern Lightning,Jesus,pray

Question 9: We accept God’s work of the last days, but how do we experience God’s judgment and chastisement so that we can receive the truth and life, get rid of our sinful nature, and achieve salvation to enter the kingdom of heaven?
        Answer: How to experience God’s judgment and chastisement to receive the truth and life, and get rid of our sinful nature to achieve salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven. This question you have raised is very important, because this relates to the major issues of man’s ending and destination. To seek this aspect of the truth, we should first read a few passages of Almighty God’s word:
      “True faith in God means experiencing the words and work of God based on a belief that God holds sovereignty over all things. So you shall be freed of your corrupt disposition, shall fulfill the desire of God, and shall come to know God. Only through such a journey can you be said to believe in God” (Preface to The Word Appears in the Flesh).