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Showing posts sorted by date for query God. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 35

Seven thunders come forth from the throne, shake the universe, overturn heaven and earth, and resound through the skies! The sound is so penetrating that people can neither escape it nor hide from it. Flashes of lightning and peals of thunder are sent forth, upending heaven and earth in an instant, and people are on the verge of death. Then, a violent rainstorm sweeps the entire cosmos at lightning speed, falling from the sky! In the furthest corners of the earth, like a downpour flowing into every nook and cranny, not a single stain remains, and as it washes all from head to toe, nothing is hidden from it nor can any person be sheltered from it. Peals of thunder, like the chilly gleam of flashes of lightning, make men tremble with fear! The sharp double-edged sword strikes down the sons of rebellion, and the enemy faces catastrophe with no shelter at all to run to, their heads spinning in the violence of the storm, and, knocked senseless, they drop dead immediately into the flowing waters to be washed away. They simply die with no means whatsoever to save their lives. The seven thunders issue from Me and they convey My intention, which is to strike down the eldest sons of Egypt, to punish the wicked and to cleanse My churches, so that all are closely attached to each other, they think and act in the same way, and they are of one heart with Me, and so that all the churches in the universe can be built into one. This is My purpose.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 34

Almighty God is all-powerful, all-achieving and complete true God! He not only carries the seven stars, bears the seven Spirits, has seven eyes, opens the seven seals and opens the scroll, but more than that He administers the seven plagues and the seven bowls and opens the seven thunders; long ago He has sounded the seven trumpets! All things created and made complete by Him should praise Him, give glory to Him and exalt His throne. Oh, Almighty God! You are everything, You have accomplished everything, and with You all is complete, all bright, all emancipated, all free, all strong and powerful! There is nothing hidden or concealed, with You all mysteries are revealed. Furthermore, You judge the multitudes of Your enemies, You show Your majesty, show Your raging fire, show Your wrath, and even more You show Your unprecedented, everlasting, entirely infinite glory!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 33

    My kingdom requires those who are honest, not hypocritical, and not deceitful. Aren’t the sincere and honest people unpopular in the world? I am just the opposite. It is acceptable for the honest people to come to Me; I delight in this kind of person, I also need this kind of person. This is precisely My righteousness. Some people are ignorant; they cannot feel the work of the Holy Spirit and they cannot grasp My will. They cannot clearly see their family and surrounding environments, they do things blindly and lose many opportunities for grace. Time after time they regret for their actions and when they encounter a matter, they again can’t see it clearly. Sometimes they are able to rely on God to eke out a victory, but when they encounter the same kind of matter afterward, the old sickness relapses, and they cannot grasp My will. But I do not look at these things, and I don’t remember your transgressions. Rather, I want to save you from this promiscuous land and allow you to renew your lives. I have pardoned you time after time. However, now is the most critical step. You cannot be confused anymore and cannot press forward like that anymore—going and stopping. When will you be able to arrive at the destination? You have to do your utmost to run toward the finish line without stopping. Don’t slack off in the most critical time, move forward courageously, and a bountiful feast is before you. Quickly dress in your wedding garments and righteous robes and attend the marriage supper of Christ; enjoy the family bliss for eternity! No longer will you be depressed, sad and sighing as before. At that time everything will have vanished like smoke and only the life of the resurrected Christ will have power in you. It will be a purged and cleansed temple on the inside and the life of resurrection you have gained will dwell in you forever and ever!

From : The Word Appears in the Flesh

source : Chapter 33

Recommendation: The origin of the Church of Almighty God

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 27

The one true God who administers all things in the universe—the almighty Christ! This is the testimony of the Holy Spirit, it is irrefutable proof! The Holy Spirit is working to bear testimony everywhere, so that no one will have any doubt. The triumphant King, Almighty God! He has prevailed over the world, He has prevailed over sin and accomplished redemption! He saves us, this group of people who have been corrupted by Satan, and He makes us complete to do His will. He reigns over the whole earth, takes it back and chases Satan into the bottomless pit. He is judging the world, and no one can escape from His hands. He reigns as King.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 26

My sons, take heed to My words, listen quietly to My voice and I will reveal to you. Be quiet within Me, for I am your God, your only Redeemer. You must quiet your hearts at all times, live within Me; I am your rock, your backer. Have no other mind, but wholeheartedly lean on Me and I will certainly appear to you—I am your God! Ah, those doubters! They surely cannot stand firm and they will gain nothing. You must know what the time is now, what a crucial time it is! What a key point it is! Don’t bustle about things that are of no use; quickly get close to Me, fellowship with Me, and I will reveal all mysteries to you.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 25

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace, our God reigns! Almighty God sets His feet on the Mount of Olives. How beautiful it is! Listen! We watchmen lift up our voices; with our voices we sing together, for God has returned to Zion. We see with our own eyes the desolation of Jerusalem. Break forth into joy and sing together, for God has brought comfort to us and has redeemed Jerusalem. God has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, the real person of God has appeared! All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 24

The time draws ever closer. Awaken! All saints! I will utter unto you. All those who hear shall wake up. I am the God you have had faith in these many years. Today I have become flesh and come before your eyes, and this reveals who truly wants Me, who is willing to pay any cost for Me, who truly listens to My word, and who is willing to put the truth into practice. For I am the almighty God, I can see all of man’s secrets hidden in darkness, I know who truly wants Me and I know who resists Me; I can observe all things.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 23

   To all the brothers and sisters who have heard My voice: You have heard the voice of My strict judgment and you have endured extreme suffering. However, you should know that behind My stern voice are hidden My intentions! I discipline you so that you may be saved. You should know that for My beloved sons, I will discipline you and prune you and make you complete soon. My heart is so eager, but you do not understand My heart and you do not act according to My word. My words today come upon you and make you truly recognize that God is a loving God and you have all experienced the sincere love of God. However, there are also a small number of people who are faking it and when they see the sorrow of other people they too will have tears in their eyes. There are others who—on the surface—appear to owe a debt to God and they appear remorseful, but within them, they do not truly understand God and nor are they certain about Him; rather, it is just a facade. I loathe these people the most! Sooner or later, these people will be cut off from My city. My intention is that I want those who fervently want Me, and only those who pursue Me with a true heart can please Me—for them I shall certainly support with My own hands and ensure that they encounter no calamities. The people who truly want God will be willing to be considerate of God’s heart and do My will. So, you should enter into reality soon and accept My word as your life—this is My greatest burden. If the churches and the saints all enter into reality and all are able to fellowship with Me directly, be face to face with Me, and practice truth and righteousness, only then are they My beloved sons, the ones in whom I am well pleased, and upon them I shall bestow all great blessings.

From : The Word Appears in the Flesh

source : Chapter 23

Recommendation: The brief introduction of the Church of Almighty God

Friday, April 5, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 22

Believing in God is not an easy thing to do. You muddle along, eating everything and thinking that it is all so interesting, so tasty! There are some who are still applauding—they just have no discernment in their spirits. It is worth taking the time to summarize this experience. In the last days, all kinds of spirits emerge to play their roles, openly defying the forward steps of God’s children and taking part in the breaking down of the church’s construction. If you take this lightly, giving Satan opportunities to work, it will make a mess of the church, people will panic and feel desperate, and in serious cases people will lose visions. In this way, the painstaking price I have paid over many years will all come to naught.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 21

The work of the Holy Spirit has now brought you into a new heaven and a new earth. Everything is being renewed, everything is in My hands, everything is beginning anew! With their notions, people are unable to think it through, and to them it does not make sense, but it is I who am at work, and My wisdom is in it. You may therefore put down all of your notions and opinions. You may concern yourselves with eating and drinking the word of God in submission, with no misgivings whatsoever. Working this way I am shouldering a sacred responsibility. In fact people do not need to be a particular way. Rather, it is God doing miraculous things, making manifest His omnipotence. People may not brag unless they brag about God. Otherwise they will suffer loss. God lifts the needy from the dust and the humble must be made high. I will use My wisdom in all its forms to govern the universal church, to govern all nations and all peoples, so that they are all within Me, and so that all of you in the church might submit to Me.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 20

The work of the Holy Spirit shoots ahead, bringing you into a completely new realm, which is that the reality of the life of the kingdom has appeared before you. The words spoken by the Holy Spirit have directly revealed the profundity within your heart and consequently one picture after another appears before you. All those who have a hunger and a thirst for righteousness, who have the intention to obey will surely remain in Zion and will stay in New Jerusalem. They will surely gain glory and honor together with Me, and share beautiful blessings together with Me. Now there are some mysteries of the spiritual world that you have not yet seen, as your spiritual eyes are not opened; all things are absolutely wonderful, and miracles and wonders, things people have never even thought of, will gradually come to be. The almighty God will show His greatest miracles so that the ends of the universe and all nations and all peoples can see them with their own eyes, and see wherein My majesty, righteousness and almightiness lie.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 17

The church is being built and Satan is trying its utmost to demolish it. It wants to demolish My construction by any means possible, therefore the church must quickly be purified. There must be no dregs or any evils leftover; it must be purified so that it becomes flawless and remains as pure as it was before. You must be awake and waiting at every moment, and you must pray more before Me. You must recognize the various plots and cunning schemes of Satan, know the spirit, know people and be able to discern all kinds of people, matters and things; you must eat and drink more of My words and, more importantly, you must be able to eat and drink them by yourselves. Equip yourselves with all the truth, come before Me so that I may open your spiritual eyes and allow you to see all the mysteries that lie within the spirit…. When the church enters its construction phase, a battle of the saints against Satan[a] ensues. Satan’s various hideous features are set before you; do you stop and backslide, or do you stand up and walk onward, relying on Me? Thoroughly expose Satan’s corrupt and ugly features, spare no feelings and show no mercy! Fight Satan to the death! I am your backup and you must have the spirit of the male child! Satan is lashing out in its final death throes but it will still be unable to escape My judgment. Satan is beneath My feet and it is also trodden underneath your feet—it’s true!

Monday, April 1, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 15

The appearance of God has already arisen in all churches. It is the Spirit that speaks, He is a raging fire, He carries majesty and He is judging; He is the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the breasts with a golden girdle. His head and His hairs are white like wool, and His eyes are as a flame of fire; and His feet like to fine brass, as if they burn in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters. He has in His right hand seven stars, a sharp two-edged sword is within His mouth and His countenance is as the sun shining in its strength!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 13

In your current condition you overly adhere to the conceptions of the self, and your religious interruption is rather serious. You are unable to act in the spirit, you can’t grasp the work of the Holy Spirit, and you reject the new light. You don’t see the sun in the daytime because you are blind. You do not understand people, you are unable to leave your “parents,” you lack spiritual discernment, you do not know the work of the Holy Spirit, and you have no idea how to eat and drink of My word. It is a problem that you do not know how to eat and drink on your own. The work of the Holy Spirit moves forward at an astounding speed day by day. There is new light every day, and there are new and fresh things every day, but you do not understand. Instead, you like to do research, and you look at things through the lens of your personal preferences without carefully considering them and you listen in a daze. You do not pray diligently in the spirit, do not look to Me or ponder My words more. So all that you have are letters, rules and doctrines. You must know how to eat and drink of My word and come before Me often with My word.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 11

Am I your God? Am I your King? Have you truly allowed Me to reign as King inside you? You should thoroughly reflect on yourself. Did you not scrutinize and refuse the new light and even go so far as to stop without following it as it came? For this you shall undergo judgment and fall to your doom, you will be judged and flogged by the iron rod and you will not feel the work of the Holy Spirit. You will quickly cry and bend your knees in worship all while wailing. I have always told you and I have always said to you and I have told you everything. Think carefully back on it, when have I ever failed to tell you something? Nonetheless, there are some people who persist in doing things the wrong way. They are lost in a haze of doubts that blocks the sun and they never see the light. Isn’t this because their will of “the self” is too strong or their own notions are too great? How can you see Me in your eyes? How can you have room for Me in your heart? When you have failed, when you are incapable, and when you are out of options, only then do you pray to Me. Well, why don’t you do things on your own now? You people! It is your old selves that have ruined you!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 9

I want to remind you that you cannot be even a little vague on My word and any carelessness is unacceptable. You must heed and obey it and go about things in accordance with My intentions. You must always be alert and never have a disposition that is arrogant and self-righteous, and you must always rely on Me to cast away the natural old disposition that dwells within you. You should always be able to maintain the normal condition before Me, and have a stable disposition. Your thinking must be sober and clear and should not be swayed or controlled by any person, event, or thing. You should always be calm in My presence and always maintain a continuous closeness and fellowship with Me. You shall show unyielding courage and stand firm in your testimony to Me.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 7

The raising up of environments around us hastens our retreat into the spirit. Don’t act with a hardened heart, don’t disregard whether or not the Holy Spirit is worried, don’t try to be smart and don’t be complacent and self-satisfied or make too much of your own hardships; the only thing to do is to worship God in spirit and truth. You cannot leave God’s words behind or turn a deaf ear to them; you must figure them out carefully, repeat your pray-reading, and grasp the life within the words. Don’t engage in futility by wolfing them down without giving yourself time to digest them. Do you rely on God’s words in everything you do? Don’t talk big like a child and then get all in a muddle whenever anything crops up. You must exercise your spirit every hour of every day, don’t relax even for a moment. You must have a keen spirit.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 3

The triumphant King sits upon His glorious throne. He has accomplished redemption and led all His people to appear in glory. He holds the universe in His hands and with His divine wisdom and might He has built and made firm Zion. With His majesty He judges the evil world; He judges all nations and all peoples, the earth and seas and all the living things in them, as well as those who are drunk on the wine of promiscuity. God shall surely judge them, and He shall surely be angry with them and therein God’s majesty shall be revealed. Such judgment shall be instantaneous and delivered without delay. The fire of God’s wrath shall incinerate their heinous crimes and calamity shall befall them anytime; they shall know no avenue of escape and have no place to hide, they shall weep and gnash their teeth, and they shall bring destruction upon themselves.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 6

Almighty God, the Head of all things, wields His kingly power from His throne. He rules over the universe and all things and He is guiding us on the whole earth. We shall often be close to Him, and come before Him in quietness; never shall we miss a single moment, and there are things to learn at all times. The environment around us as well as the people, matters and objects, all are permitted by His throne. Do not have a complaining heart, or God will not bestow His grace upon you. When sickness happens it is due to God’s love, and His good intentions are surely behind it. Even when your body endures suffering, take no ideas from Satan. Praise God in the midst of illness and enjoy God in the midst of your praise. Do not lose heart in the face of illness, keep seeking and never give up, and God shall shine His light on you. How faithful was Job? Almighty God is an all-powerful physician! To dwell in sickness is to be sick, but to dwell in the spirit is to be well. If you have but one breath, God will not let you die.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 5

Mountains and rivers keep changing, streams flow along their course, and man’s life is less enduring than the earth and sky. Only Almighty God is the eternal resurrected life, through generations eternally living! All things and events are in His hands, Satan is under His feet.