Sunday, January 28, 2018

The God Almighty Is My Lord, My God | Christian Song "Our God Reigns as King"

The God Almighty Is My Lord, My God | Christian Song "Our God Reigns as King"
How beautiful! His feet are on the Mount of Olives.
Listen, we watchmen are singing loud together, for God has returned to Zion.
We’ve seen the desolation of Jerusalem!
Now we sing of joy for God’s comforts, and His salvation of Jerusalem.
Before all nations, God shows His holy arm, He appears as He truly is.
People on the earth, all see God’s salvation.
Your great love has held us fast,
Your sacred word pierces us through and through.
Almighty God! Thanks be to You, praise unto You!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom
Zhen Cheng was the owner of an appliance repair shop. He was kind, honest, and did business by the book. He would never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but he was only making enough money to barely support his family. After a time, a family member and a fellow tradesman urged him to practice the unwritten rules of business, and Zhen Cheng began to believe in sayings that represent a satanic philosophy such as: "A man without a second income will never get rich just like a horse starved of hay at night will never put on weight," "The bold die of gluttony; the timid die of starvation," "Money isn't everything, but without it, you can do nothing," and "Money is first." Zhen Cheng lost his good conscience that had guided him before and began using underhanded means to earn more money. Even though he earned more money than he had previously, and his living standards improved, Zhen Cheng nonetheless felt unhappy and a feeling of emptiness plagued him; life was hollow and fraught with suffering.

Friday, January 26, 2018

The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Kingdom Gospel Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

      Almighty God says, "Only when the light of the East gradually turns white will the darkness across the earth begin to turn to light, and only then will man discover that I have long ago gone from Israel and am rising anew in the East. Having once descended into Israel and later departed from it, I cannot again be born into Israel, because My work leads all of the universe and, what is more, the lightning flashes straight from East to West. For this reason I have descended in the East and brought Canaan to the people of the East. I wish to bring people from all over the earth to the land of Canaan, and so I continue to issue forth utterances in the land of Canaan to control the entire universe."At this time, there is no light in all the earth apart from Canaan, and all men are imperiled by hunger and cold. I gave My glory to Israel and then took it away, and afterward I brought the Israelites to the East, and all of humanity to the East. I have brought them all to the light so that they may be reunited with it, and be in association with it, and no longer have to search for it."

Thursday, January 25, 2018

How to Hear the Voice of God | Have You Met Lord Jesus? | "What a Beautiful Voice" Christian Movie

How to Hear the Voice of God | Have You Met Lord Jesus? | "What a Beautiful Voice" Christian Movie
       Dong Jingxin is a preacher in a house church in China. She's believed in the Lord for thirty years, and loves the truth; she frequently reads the Lord's words and is driven by them. She expends herself for the Lord with enthusiasm. Because of her preaching work, she was arrested by the police of the Chinese Communist government and sent to prison where she endured cruelty and torture. It was the words of the Lord that guided her through enduring seven years of inhuman prison life. After getting out, her co-worker Chenguang comes to see her and reads to her from the words of Almighty God, bearing witness that God has appeared and is working in the last days. She also gives her a copy of The Word Appears in the Flesh.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"

Christian Music Video | Live in the Light | "The Prayer of God’s People"
      God’s people are raised before His throne, many prayers in their hearts.
      God blesses all who return to Him; they all live in the light.
      Pray the Holy Spirit enlightens God’s word that we fully know God’s will.
May all people cherish God’s word and come seeking to know God.
May God give us more of His grace, so our dispositions can change.
May God perfect us to become one heart and mind with Him.
May God discipline us so we can fulfill our duty to Him.
May the Holy Spirit daily guide us to preach and witness God.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Gospel Movie clip "The Moment of Change" (2) - The Only Path to Be Raised Into the Kingdom of Heaven

Gospel Movie clip "The Moment of Change" (2) - The Only Path to Be Raised Into the Kingdom of Heaven
      Some people believe, since God was able to create the heavens and earth and all things with one word, able to raise the dead with one word, God will also be able to transform our images instantly, make us holy, lift us into the air to meet with the Lord when He returns in the last days. Is it really so to be raised into the kingdom of heaven? Is the work of God's return in the last days as simple as we imagine? God says, "You must realize it, and should not oversimplify matters. The work of God is unlike any ordinary work. Its marvel cannot be conceived by the mind of man, and its wisdom cannot be attained by such.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Gospel Movie "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?

Gospel Movie "The Moment of Change" (1) - How Are Wise Virgins Raptured?
Some people go by Paul's word on the matter of waiting for the Lord to be raised into the kingdom of heaven: "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1Co 15:52). They believe that although we still sin constantly without breaking away from the bondage of sinful nature, the Lord will change our images instantly and bring us into the kingdom of heaven when He comes. Also, there are people who go by God's word: "Not everyone that said to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven" (Mat 7:21). "… Be you holy; for I am holy" (1Pe 1:16).