Thursday, October 11, 2018

Gospel Song 2018 "All Things Are in God's Hand"

Gospel Song 2018 "All Things Are in God's Hand"

God had once said such words: What God says counts and shall come to pass, can’t be changed by anyone. No matter if it’s words said before or words yet to be said, they all shall be fulfilled, so that everyone can see everything in the universe is determined by God. What is not in the hands of God? Anything that God says will be done. Who is able to change the will of God? Nothing can hinder God’s plan from moving ahead. God is working at all times. All things are in God’s hand.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Is There Any Biblical Basis for the Statement “Once Saved, Always Saved” (Part 1)

Is There Any Biblical Basis for the Statement “Once Saved, Always Saved”
 (Part 1)
September 13, 2018
By Yang Xin, Shandong Province

The sun sank into the west, and the last light of the sinking sun spread across the world as I walked back home after a meeting, thinking of what the pastor had said: “Once saved, then we are always saved, for the Bible says, ‘That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes to righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made to salvation’ (Romans 10:9-10). As we believe in the Lord Jesus, as long as we believe in our hearts and acknowledge Him with our mouths, then we are saved, and if we are saved once then we are always saved. As long as we keep working and expending ourselves for the Lord and endure till the very end, then when the Lord returns, we will immediately be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven!” I gave an Amen to the pastor’s words: “Yes! The Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross so that we could be redeemed, so as long as we call upon the Lord’s name, confess our sins and repent to the Lord, then our sins will be absolved and we will be saved by His grace—once saved, always saved, and afterward we will surely be raptured up into the kingdom of heaven.” Over the years of my belief in the Lord, I had always firmly believed that this view was correct, and never once doubted it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Hymn of God's Words "None Care to Actively Understand God"

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words 
None Care to Actively Understand God

When God is upset,He faces a mankind who doesn't pay attention to Him, who follows Him, claims to love Him, yet neglects what He feels.How can His heart not hurt?Even those who want to become the confidants of God, they don't want to get close to Him, know Him or care for His heart.God is lonely!Not just because corrupt mankind opposes God, but those who seek to be spiritual, those who seek to know God, even those willing to devote their lives to God don't understand His thoughts.They don't know His disposition or His emotions at all.Oh, God is lonely, God is lonely.

Monday, October 8, 2018

A Hymn of God's Words“The True Meaning of God's Words Has Never Been Understood”

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words
The True Meaning of God's Words Has Never Been Understood

Humans don't know how to enjoy their destined blessings in God's hands, for they can't tell suffering from blessing.So they're not true in their quest for God.If tomorrow doesn't happen, which of you, standing before God, would be white as the driven snow, like pure jade with no single spot.Surely your love for God can't be exchanged by a delicious meal or be exchanged by classy clothes or a high office with handsome pay? Can it be swapped for other's love or abandoned because of trials?Surely tribulation won't cause complaints against the plans of God?

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Footsteps of the Holy Spirit | God's Word "Only Those Who Know God and His Work Can Satisfy God"


Almighty God says, "Knowing the work of God is no simple matter: You should have standards and an objective in your pursuit, you should know how to seek the true way, and how to measure whether or not it is the true way, and whether or not it is the work of God. What is the most basic principle in seeking the true way? You have to look at whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit, whether or not these words are the expression of the truth, who is testified to, and what it can bring you. Distinguishing between the true way and the false way requires several aspects of basic knowledge, the most fundamental of which is to tell whether or not there is the work of the Holy Spirit."

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)


Christian Variety Show | Testimony of the Faith of a Christian "Escaping the Cage" (2018 Crosstalk)

The crosstalk Escaping the Cage tells the story of how Christian Xiaolan was persecuted and locked in her home for a month by her Communist Party official father, where she was unable to take part in church life, and her experience of escaping her home and running away. A once-happy family was split apart, a daughter left her mother, and her father held a deep grudge against her. Who was the chief architect? And who gave Xiaolan faith and strength, and led her to escape her cage and walk the correct path in life?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Now That Our Sins Have Been Forgiven (Part 2)

Can We Enter the Kingdom of Heaven Now That Our Sins Have Been Forgiven (Part 2)
September 18, 2018
He Jun, Sichuan

Monday August 13th, 2018. Cloudy yielding to sun.

Today, I bumped into Brother Zheng, who I haven’t seen for ages, and I was really happy to see him. As we chatted, I mentioned the thing that had been puzzling me all this time. After I’d told him about it, Brother Zheng gave me fellowship, saying, “Man’s sins were forgiven when the Lord Jesus was crucified, and when we believe in the Lord, our sins are forgiven and we are saved. But what exactly does it mean to say that our sins are forgiven? If we can understand this issue, then we would know why we still commit sin even after believing in the Lord and having our sins forgiven.