Friday, October 26, 2018

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"

English Christian Song 2018 "Do You Know God's Work"


God's work in the flesh is not spectacular, nor is it shrouded in mystery. It's real and actual, like one and one is two; it's not hidden and there's no duplicity. All people see is authentic, so is the truth and knowledge they attain. When the work comes to its end, their knowledge of Him will be renewed. And the conceptions of those, who truly seek Him will all be gone. This isn't just the effect of His work on Chinese people, but reflects His work of conquering all of man, reflects His work of conquering all of man.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Significance of God's Work Is So Great

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words

The Significance of God's Work Is So Great

 As an individual in this stream, each of you should really know the purpose of God's great plan, His entire management plan, know the facts He's already fulfilled, why He's chosen a group of people, what its goals and significance are, and what God wants to achieve in you. In the land of the great red dragon, God's raised up a group of average people, trying and perfecting them in various ways. He's said countless words and done much work, sending so many serving objects. The significance of God's work is so great, but you can't yet see into it entirely, entirely.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Return of a Prodigal Son (Part 3)

February 26, 2018
Ruth, United States

In 2014, after my son was born, my fights with my husband intensified because there wasn’t breast milk to feed our child with. Every day when my husband would return home from work, the first thing that he would say was: “How is there still no milk? There’s no milk for our son to eat, and that will lower his immunity.” This was the first time I had experienced my own incompetence, and it made me feel as though I was entirely unfit to be a mother. I saw Western doctors and Chinese doctors, I even searched for home remedies online, but not a single method got me to produce milk. I felt hurt, sad, angry, as if I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and I felt that if I continued in this way then I would truly soon go insane. During my entire convalescence after childbirth I was washing my face with tears nearly every day, and no matter what I did I couldn’t get over why this was happening to me. I often felt an indescribable panic come over me, and all it took was for me to hear words such as “mother’s milk” or “feeding,” and I would immediately burst out sobbing, completely unable to control myself.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Return of a Prodigal Son (Part 2)

February 26, 2018
Ruth, United States

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's word
Picture of The Church of Almighty God

Mother’s words made me feel as if I was awakening from a dream, and I couldn’t help but reflect on them: She’s right, why did I blindly believe the negative news online without having read the word of Almighty God and without inspecting it? This world has been corrupted by Satan to the point where it’s brimming with lies and deception, and there is treachery everywhere, making it impossible for people to defend against it effectively.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Return of a Prodigal Son(Part 1)

February 26, 2018
Ruth, United States

I was born in a small town in southern China, and starting from my paternal great-grandmother’s generation, our family has believed in the Lord. Stories from the Bible, hymns of worship and ecclesiastical music in the church accompanied me as I passed through the happy days of my childhood. As I started getting older, pressure grew in my studies, and in my heart I started to slowly grow distant from the Lord. However, the Lord never left me, whenever I would call out for Him, He would help me. The grace and holy name of the Lord Jesus are rooted deep within my heart. I remember in the year I took the college entrance exam that no one thought I’d be able to test into a good college, and this included my teachers. Amidst all these setbacks I nearly gave up all hope, and I too thought that I certainly would not be able to test into the college I wanted to get into. But I inadvertently recalled a phrase I heard in the church in my childhood: “When people have reached their limit, that’s when God begins,” and in a flash it was as if I’d been enlightened: That’s right, my extremity is God’s opportunity, the Lord’s abilities are the greatest, I believe that as long as I sincerely rely on the Lord then He will certainly help me. Thereupon, I often prayed to the Lord Jesus: “Oh Lord, please help me, if I’m able to test into the college of my dreams without a hitch then starting from today I promise I will never shun You, and I will accept You as my only Savior in this life.” At the same time, I also paid a price that a normal person would be unable to imagine, during my entire senior year of high school, besides when I was eating and sleeping, I was practicing the piano. I was basically keeping up 10 to 12 hours of practice a day. I didn’t know where this strength was coming from that was supporting me, but I thought that it must be the Lord listening to my prayers and secretly helping me, and in my heart I gave more thanks to the Lord. In the end, I was awarded with my long-cherished wish by testing into one of the top music academies in the country, and as a result I believed firmly that the Lord Jesus was my only Savior. In my fourth year of college I didn’t know what path I should take after graduating, so I called on the Lord Jesus and asked the Lord to show me the way and set up a path for me to take. In 2004, shortly after America had gone through the 9/11 terrorist attack, when almost all visas for entry into America were frozen, I was relying on a music CD that I had recorded professionally for myself, and to my surprise I received a full-ride scholarship to a university in America. On top of that, I got a student visa without a hitch and went to America to pursue my studies. After experiencing these two events—testing into college and going abroad—I saw that the Lord had helped me to achieve goals that I would not have been able to achieve by relying solely on myself, and I was of even firmer conviction that the Lord Jesus is the true God and that He is my Savior, and I need to properly practice my faith in the Lord and follow the Lord.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Almighty God Appears as the Sun of Righteousness

Smiley face

A Hymns of God's Words

Almighty God Appears as the Sun of Righteousness

Oh! Almighty God! Amen!In You all is released, free, and open, all is bright, unconcealed and not hidden.You are Almighty God incarnate.

Friday, October 19, 2018

2018 Comedy Skit | Christian Video "The Pastor's 'Good' Intentions"


Yang Xiangming is a worker in a denomination, and once he determines Almighty God is the returned Lord Jesus in the last days, he guides some of his brothers and sisters to turn toward Almighty God. This makes his pastor uneasy, so his pastor uses status and money to tempt him, and also uses his son's wedding to threaten Yang Xiangming into abandoning the true way…. Faced with his pastor's "good" intentions, what will Yang Xiangming finally decide to do? At this critical moment when we ought to welcome the Lord's coming, why does this pastor prevent believers from investigating the true way? The skit The Pastor's "Good" Intentions helps you understand the truth of the matter.