Sunday, April 21, 2019

2019 Praise and Worship Song "God’s Humbleness Is So Lovable" | God Is Love

2019 Praise and Worship Song "God’s Humbleness Is So Lovable" | God Is LoveThe Church of Almighty God

God humbles Himself and does His work

on the filthy and corrupt man to make them perfect.

God becomes man.

He shepherds and attends to them, comes to the great red dragon’s heart

to save and to conquer those corrupt,

doing the task of changing and making them new.

He humbles Himself to be man and endures the hardship it brings.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 47

Almighty God of righteousness—the Almighty! In You absolutely nothing is hidden. Each and every mystery from time immemorial to eternity, that humans have never revealed, in You is manifest and altogether clear. We need no longer seek and grope, for today Your person is openly manifest to us, You are the mystery that has been revealed, and You are the living God Himself, and for today You have come face to face with us, and for us to see Your person is to see every mystery of the spiritual realm. Truly this is something no one could imagine! You are among us today, even within us, indeed so close to us; this defies description and the mystery within this is infinite!

Friday, April 19, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 46

Whoever sincerely expends and offers yourself up for Me, I will surely protect you until the very end; My hand will surely hold you so that you are always at peace and always joyful and every day you have My light and revelation. I will surely double My blessings upon you, so that you have what I have and possess what I am. That which is given within you is your life, and no one can take it from you. Don’t bring trouble on yourself or get depressed; within Me there is only peace and joy. I sincerely love you, you child who sincerely heeds and obeys Me. Those I hate most are the hypocrites and I will certainly wipe them out. I will eliminate any hint of the world from My house, and eliminate all those things that I cannot bear the sight of.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 43

Haven’t I reminded you? Do not be apprehensive; you just haven’t listened to Me, such thoughtless people! When will you be able to understand My heart? Every day there is new enlightenment, every day there is new light. How many times have you grasped it for yourselves? Have I not told you Myself? You are still passive like insects that will move only when poked, but you are unable to take the initiative to cooperate with Me, to show consideration for My burden. I would like to see all your lively and lovely smiles, to see My sons’ active and lively manner, but I cannot. Instead, you are weak in the head, silly, and foolish. You should take the initiative to seek. Boldly pursue! Just open your hearts and let Me live within you. Be cautious and keep an eye out! Some people in the church are deceivers and you should always put much emphasis on these words, lest your lives be affected or suffer some loss. Rest assured, as long as you have the courage to stand up and speak for Me, I will bear the burden of it all and empower you! As long as you satisfy My heart, I will always show you My smile and My will. As long as you have a strong backbone and live out the male child’s disposition, I will support you and put you in an important position. When you come before Me, just draw near to Me. Don’t be afraid if you can’t speak. So long as you have a seeking heart, I will give you the words. I do not need pretty sounding words or your flattery; I hate this type of thing most of all. I frown upon that type of person most of all. They are like a sliver in My eye or a thorn in My flesh that must be removed. Otherwise My sons cannot wield power for Me and shall be subject to stifling control. Why have I come? It is to support and encourage My sons, so that the days of them enduring pressure, bullying, cold-heartedness, and abuse will be gone forever!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 44

I am righteous, I am faithful, I am the God who examines the innermost heart of man! I will reveal at once who is true and who is false. No need to be alarmed, all things work to My time. Who wants Me sincerely, who doesn’t want Me sincerely—I will tell you. Just eat well, drink well, come before Me and get close to Me and I will do My work Myself. Don’t be too anxious for quick results, My work is not something that can be done all at once. Within it there are My steps and My wisdom, so My wisdom can be revealed. I will let you see what it is that is done by My hands—the punishing of evil and rewarding of good. I certainly do not favor anyone. I sincerely love you who sincerely love Me, and My wrath will ever be with those who don’t sincerely love Me, so that they may always remember that I am the true God, the God who examines the innermost heart of man. Don’t act one way to others’ faces but another way behind their backs, as I see clearly everything you do and though you may fool others you cannot fool Me. I see it all clearly. It is not possible for you to conceal anything; all is within My hands. Don’t think yourself clever, making all your selfish calculations ready. I say to you, man can make a thousand plans, or ten thousand plans, but in the end they cannot escape from the palm of My hand. All things and events are administered in My hands, how much more so is one person! Don’t try to avoid or hide, don’t cheat or conceal. Can you not see that My glorious countenance, My wrath and My judgment have been publicly revealed? I will judge immediately and without mercy all those who do not want Me sincerely. My pity has come to its end and there is no more left. Don’t be hypocritical anymore and stop your wild ways.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 45

You publicly judge your brothers and sisters as if it were nothing. You truly do not know good from evil; you do not know shame! Is this not terribly audacious, reckless behavior? Every single one of you is confused and heavy of heart; you carry so much baggage and there is no place for Me in you. Blind men! How cruel you are—when will it end?

Monday, April 15, 2019

Utterances of Christ | Chapter 37

You truly lack faith in My presence and often rely on yourselves to do things. “You can’t do anything without Me!” But you corrupt people are always taking My words into one ear and out the other. Life nowadays is a life of words; without words there is no life, there is no experience, not to mention that there is no faith. Faith is in words; only by throwing yourselves more into God’s words can you have everything. Don’t worry about not growing up; life comes through growth, not through worrying.