Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Gospel Movie clip "The Bible and God" (2) - Are All of God's Work and Words in the Bible?

The entire religious world all believes that the work and words of God are all in the Bible, and that with the exception of the Bible, there are no words spoken by God and His work. Therefore, so long as you are faithful to the Bible, it will guarantee that you will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. Do these ideas accord with the fact of God's work? Are there God’s words outside the Bible? What exactly is it that will lead a man to enter the kingdom of heaven?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Yu Congguang preaches the gospel for the Church of Almighty God. While preaching the gospel, he was pursued by the Chinese Communist government. He fled to the mountains, where he received help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. When they first met each other, they felt like they had already known each other for a long time. Zheng Xun took Yu Congguang to the thatched shack where he and his co-workers gathered. There, a debate unfolded among Zheng Xun and his co-workers over whether or not a believer in God should obey those in power. Yu Congguang gave fellowship in light of this issue and dispelled their confusion.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | What Is Meant by “Offending God”

pray Church life of Almighty God
pray-Almighty God 

     If you alter or distort the word of God Himself, then that amounts to defiance of God, blasphemy against Him and betrayal. This is just the same as the archangel saying: “God, You can create the heavens and earth and all things and You can work miracles, but so can I. You ascend to the throne, and so do I. You rule all nations, I rule all nations too. You created man yet I manage them!” Isn’t this of the same nature? Some have such an impudent attitude toward the work arrangements from the above. They think: “The above makes the work arrangements and we work on the lower levels. There are some words and some

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God”

Gospel The Church Of Almighty God
Gospel-The Church Of Almighty God
The Truly Obedient Shall Surely Be Gained by God
Let’s take a look at the Age of Grace, the period of time when the Lord Jesus arrived. John the Baptist was baptizing people with a group of disciples. After he saw the Lord Jesus, he suddenly felt something inside: “This is the Messiah I have been waiting for. He is the Lord and He has arrived!” John’s spirit could feel it. Before long, he was thrown in prison. After he was thrown in prison, he started to doubt the Lord: “If You are really the Lord, can You rescueme from this prison cell? If You can rescue me from this prison cell, then You truly are the Lord. If You cannot rescue me, then You are not the Lord.” John had this notion. In the end, the Lord did not rescue him, and he died.

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | What Is Meant by “Offending God”

Life Of the Church Of Almighty God
life of the church of Almighty God 
If you alter or distort the word of God Himself, then that amounts to defiance of God, blasphemy against Him and betrayal. This is just the same as the archangel saying: “God, You can create the heavens and earth and all things and You can work miracles, but so can I. You ascend to the throne, and so do I. You rule all nations, I rule all nations too. You created man yet I manage them!”

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Change Your Life | Gospel Movie "Come Out of the Bible"

She is a preacher of a house church in China. She preached and shepherded the church whole-heartedly for the Lord. However, confronted with the gradual desolation of the church, she was burning with anxiety yet unable to do anything. When she was distressed and perplexed, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. Enjoying the rich supply of God’s word, she deeply knew the greatness of God’s salvation and

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Gospel Movie "Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible" (6) - Can't Man Gain Life Without the Bible?

If man departs from the Bible, how could he believe in the Lord and gain life? Do you have the same puzzle? This film clip will give you a satisfactory answer.
She believed in the Lord from childhood. At 18, she entered a theological school. In her 30’s, she became one of the leaders of a house church in Shanxi Province, China. For a long time, the Bible had a holy place and supreme authority in her heart. She thought that one could only know God and find God’s footsteps in the Bible. Thus, she devoted herself to reading and studying the Bible. However, there were still many mysteries in the Bible which puzzled her. Until one day.....

Friday, August 25, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Almighty God's words 

Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Most followers of the Lord Jesus Christ hear about the Eastern Lightning from their pastors, elders, or preachers, but in actuality no one knows where the Eastern Lightning came from. When it comes to the origin of the Eastern Lightning, everyone has their own opinion: Some people believe it is nothing more than a new denomination in Christianity, others decry it as “heresy” or an “evil cult.” People have these absurd ideas because they don’t know the work of God.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | The Best Salvation | Short Film "God's Work Has Made Me Live Out the Likeness of a Man"

He has worked in the construction and decoration industry for fifteen years. As to how such jerry-built buildings as “the leaning building” and “the falling building” were produced, he knows it better than anyone else.In this dark society where if one doesn’t practice the “unspoken rule” of “collusion between officials and businessmen,” he’ll have no business, in order to survive, he helplessly followed the evil trends of the society. Offering bribes, indulging himself, and acting in collusion with the government officials, he lost himself and lost his character and dignity. The pricks of his conscious accompanied him everyday, and made him struggle painfully.…Later, Almighty God’s end time gospel came upon him. Through reading God’s words, his soul revived. Under the judgment and chastisement of God’s word and God’s discipline, he gradually gets to break free from the bondage of satanic poisons, be an honest person according to God’s word and the truth, live in God’s blessing and keeping, and walk on the bright right way of human life….
 Know more :The Church of Almighty God was founded by Almighty God personally 
                               Where Does Eastern Lightning Come From?

Monday, August 14, 2017

How I Prostrated Myself Before Almighty God

Church life of Almighty God

Dong Xiguo

Huaian City, Jiangsu Province

I was formerly a district leader of the Joseph Church. In 1998, in a co-workers’ meeting, my senior leader warned me in particular, “Brother Dong, the situation of the churches in your district is rather messy, so you have to work harder. Now the preachers of Almighty God are very rampant, and they grow very fast in number. And their little scroll is even more intriguing. You

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Change Your Life | Gospel Movie "Come Out of the Bible"

She is a preacher of a house church in China. She preached and shepherded the church whole-heartedly for the Lord. However, confronted with the gradual desolation of the church, she was burning with anxiety yet unable to do anything. When she was distressed and perplexed, she was fortunate to accept Almighty God’s gospel of the last days. Enjoying the rich supply of God’s word, she deeply knew the greatness of God’s salvation and even more felt the misery and helplessness of losing God’s supply and falling into darkness. Thus, she decided to spread God’s work…. During her preaching, a religious pastor proposed to her a very difficult issue: Any belief that departs from the Bible is a heresy, and we won’t accept it. In the face of such a situation, what kind of intense debate happened between the two parties? How did she resolve this notion of the religious people with Almighty God’s word?

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Church of Almighty God | New Gospel Movie "Waiting" | Hear the Voice of God and Welcome the Lord

Yang Hou'en is a pastor at a house church in China. With his father Yang Shoudao, they have awaited the Lord Jesus to descend from the clouds and take them up into the kingdom of heaven. For this, they diligently worked for the Lord, held fast to His name, and believed that anyone who is not the Lord Jesus descending from the clouds is a false Christ. And so, when they heard the news of the Lord's second coming, they did not listen to it or accept it. They thought that it was best to watch and wait…. While they waited passively, Yang Hou'en's cousin Li Jiayin accepted the work of Almighty God in the last days, and spread the gospel to them. After some intense discussions, Yang Hou'en finally understood the true meaning of "watch and wait," and could see that Almighty God's words were the truth, the way, the life, and these were the voice of the Lord, and Almighty God was the second coming of the Lord Jesus that they had waited for so many years….

Friday, July 21, 2017

The Church Of The Almighty God | Inspiring Story "Child, Come Back Home" (Gospel Movie Trailer)

Li Xinguang is a senior high school student. He had been a sensible and well-behaved boy since he was little. His parents and his teachers were very fond of him. While going to middle school, he became infatuated with internet computer games. He would frequently skip classes in order to go to the internet café. His parents did their utmost with helping him break his internet addiction. Unfortunately, Li Xinguang's addiction became worse and worse and he fell into depravity. … When Li Xinguang's parents felt that they were at their wit's end,

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

the Church of Almighty God | The Millennial Kingdom Has Arrived

Have you seen what work God will accomplish in this group of people? God said, even in the Millennial Kingdom people must still follow His utterances onward, and in the future God’s utterances will yet directly guide man’s life in the good land of Canaan. When Moses was in the wild, God instructed and spoke to him directly. From heaven God sent food, water, and manna for the people to enjoy, and today it is still thus: God has personally sent down things to eat and drink for people to enjoy, and He has personally sent curses to chastise people. And so every step of His work is personally carried out by God.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | New Gospel Movie | What Is True Faith in God? | "Faith in God"

Yu Congguang is a gospel preacher from the Church of Almighty God. Because he was pursued by the CCP government while preaching the gospel, he fled to the mountain and got help from Zheng Xun, a co-worker of the local house church. Both of them felt like old friends at the first meeting. Zheng Xun took Yu Congguang to the thatched shack where he and his co-workers attended meetings. There, Zheng Xun’s co-workers had a debate on whether a believer in God should obey those in power, and Yu Congguang gave fellowship in light of this issue and dispelled their puzzlement. That fellowship benefited them all a lot and they started to seek and study Almighty God’s work of the last days. However, when Elder Sun of the local church learned that Yu Congguang was a preacher from the Church of Almighty God, he tried every possible means to seal off the church, preventing the believers from looking into the true way. He went door-to-door searching for Yu Congguang and even incited the believers to call the police and to put him in jail. …

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Warnings of the Last Days From God | "The Days of Noah Have Come"

This is a true story. Because of refusing to accept Almighty God’s end-time gospel again and again, Qingping Township of Sichuan Province suffered the overwhelming disaster twice, and disappeared from the earth forever. This is God’s warning to the end-time people, and makes people see the bitter fruits and disasters caused by their rejecting the end-time Christ. …
Look back to the people in Noah’s age. They were corrupt and licentious and remained impenitent, which aroused God’s anger. Only the eight members of Noah’s family obeyed God’s words and survived, while the rest of the men disobeyed God’s words and lost God’s keeping. Now, God has expressed his last voice of salvation to this extremely corrupt mankind!

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Flee From Religious Babylon the Great | Gospel Movie "The City Will be Overthrown"

Cheng Huize is a co-worker at a house church in China. She has believed in the Lord for many years, and has worked for the Lord with unwavering enthusiasm. She takes on a lot of responsibilities for the church, and she has compassion for her brothers and sisters. As her church grew more and more desolate with each passing day, the wickedness in her church were more and more frequent. The pastor energetically proposed that the church should start a factory, and led the followers down the path to wealth, and also enticed them to join the Three-Self Church so they could rely on help from the Chinese government. This caused a fierce debate to unfold. The pastor stubbornly acted in his own individual interests and did not hesitate to divide the church, leading the believers down the wrong path. Cheng Huize and a few others held fast to the way of the Lord, and fiercely opposed the church becoming a factory

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | Welcome the Return of the Lord Jesus | Praise and Worship "God Has Brought His Glory to the East"

God gave His glory to Israel then moved it away from there,

bringing the Israelites and bringing all men to the East.

God has led them all to the “light”

so that they may be reunited and associate with light,

no longer have to search, search for the light.

God will let all who are in search see the light again

and the glory He had in Israel,

see God has come down upon a white cloud among men,

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Almighty God's Word "How to Know Reality"

Almighty God says, "If people are to know God, they must first know that God is the real God, and must know God’s words, God’s real appearance in the flesh, and God’s real work. Only after knowing that all of God’s work is real will you be able to actually cooperate with God, and only through this path will you be able to achieve the growth of your life. All those who have no knowledge of reality have no means of experiencing God’s words, they are ensnared in their conceptions, they live in their imagination, and thus they have no knowledge of God’s words. The greater your knowledge of reality, the closer you are to God, and the more intimate you are with Him; the more you seek vagueness and abstraction, and doctrine, the further you will stray from God, and so the more you will feel that experiencing God’s words is

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Church Of Almighty God | The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience

The Conversion of a Son of Disobedience
In the fall of 1996, I accepted the Lord Jesus in the True Jesus Church. Later, I became a preacher, responsible for shepherding over thirty churches in my parish.
At a co-worker meeting in 1999, Elder Li from Shenyang said to us, “In recent years, there has arisen a sect called ‘Eastern Lightning.’ They preach that the Lord has been incarnated the second time, even as a female. They grow so rapidly in number that nothing can stand in their way. Whoever believes in Jesus is a target hunted by them. They belong to an underworld organization. In order to convert a believer in the Lord, they either seduce him with beauty and buy him off with money or threaten him with violence. If he refuses to obey them, they will break his arms or legs, or cut off his nose or ears.