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Showing posts sorted by date for query Lord. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, November 30, 2018

Christian Testimony | A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood (Audio Essay)

Christian Testimony | A Father and His Step-Daughter Surpass the Ties of Blood (Audio Essay)

November 2, 2018
By Xia Zixuan, Hubei Province

A Grey Childhood

There was no mother and no father around when Zixuan was growing up; she didn’t know what the cakes the children from the city talked about tasted like, and she’d never seen a goldfish blow bubbles in a fish tank. On no evening did she ever hear the stories of Grimm’s fairytales, but instead she listened to her grandpa tell her the story of The Seven Heroes and Five Gallants. Her real father leaving and her mother remarrying had brought about feelings of inferiority when she was little, and even more so had become a shadow in the depth of her heart that she could not drive away. Especially when she saw the other children with their parents, caring for them and being with them, Zixuan’s heart would ache with pain.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christians Worship and Praise the Lord | "Almighty God, You Are So Glorious" (Gospel Music Video)



The last Christ, Almighty God, You are the Redeemer come again.
You speak to the people, using the truth to judge and purify them.
Your words bear authority and power, purifying people’s corrupt disposition.
Your words reveal omnipotence, and even more God’s righteousness.
God’s word judges the old world, judges nations, judges peoples.
God’s words achieve all; God has already thoroughly defeated Satan.
Praise God, praise God. Oh Almighty God, You are so glorious!
Your miraculous deeds! All nations and all peoples jump for joy.

God’s Love Guided Me Through the Trial of Illness

By Yiming, Hubei Province
Nov 16, 2018

I Rejoice to Be Reunited With the Lord

I’m 78 this year and I have always suffered from headaches and diabetes. After I began to believe in the Lord in 2005, the illnesses that had beset me for years were eased; I perceived God’s love and thanked the Lord from the bottom of my heart. Two years later, a relative preached God’s work of the last days to me and he said that the Lord Jesus had returned as the incarnated Almighty God. He said that Almighty God was now performing a newer, higher stage of work on the foundation of the Lord Jesus’ work of redemption, and that Almighty God was using the truth to judge and chastise man, to cleanse our corruption, and God would lead those who ultimately attained salvation into His kingdom. I was thrilled to hear this news, and I thought to myself, “I never imagined that I would actually be able to welcome the Lord in my lifetime. If in the future I could be led by God into His kingdom, that would be wonderful indeed!” Thinking this, my heart became filled with a joy I couldn’t express, and I thanked God’s love and salvation. After a period of seeking and investigating, I became certain from reading God’s words that Almighty God was indeed the Lord Jesus returned, and very soon after I was living the church life and doing all I could to perform my duty within the church.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Returning to Life From the Brink of Death (Part 2)

November 14, 2018
By Yang Mei, China

One day, my husband saw the book that the sister from The Church of Almighty God had left for me and opened it. He saw the following heading, “Do You Know? God Has Done a Great Thing Among Men,” which grabbed his attention. So he read out the following passage for me: “The work of God is that which you cannot comprehend. If you can neither grasp whether your decision is correct nor know whether the work of God can succeed, then why not try your luck and see whether this ordinary man is of great help to you, and whether God has done great work.” Hearing him read this sentence was like a jolt to my heart! Especially the bit “then why not try your luck,” which kept on reappearing in my mind. It was like a shaft of light shining on the deathly stillness in my heart, and it seemed that I could see a glimmer of hope of staying alive. I urgently made my husband read out another 2 passages of God’s words, which contained truths about God using His word to judge and cleanse people and transform their life dispositions. All this was completely new to me, and even though I didn’t really understand the full significance of what was being said, I could feel in my heart that these teachings were different from the gospel of the Lord Jesus that I’d heard from other people. They had mostly told me about how to gain grace, and that all I needed to do was believe in God and my illness would be cured, which I didn’t believe. But the words of Almighty God seemed much more practical, and the more I heard the more I wanted to hear.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Returning to Life From the Brink of Death (Part 1)

November 14, 2018
By Yang Mei, China

In 2007 I suddenly fell ill with chronic renal failure. On being told the news, my Christian mother and sister-in-law, and some Catholic friends all came to visit me to preach the gospel to me. They all told me that I only had to go to God and my illness would be cured. But I didn’t believe in God at all. I thought that illness could only be cured through scientific medical treatment, and that any disease that couldn’t be cured by science was incurable. After all, was there any power on earth greater than the power of science? Faith in God was just a form of psychological crutch, and I was an upstanding state school teacher, a person who was educated and cultured, so there was no way I’d start believing in God. So I turned them down and started looking around for medical treatment. Within a few years I’d been to virtually every large hospital in my home county and throughout the province, but my condition didn’t improve. In fact, it was getting worse, but I stubbornly clung to my own way of looking at the situation and insisted that science could change anything and that curing illness was just a question of finding the right process.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Testimony of a Christian: I Have Wealth More Valuable Than Money

October 27, 2018
By Shunxin, Thailand

Editor’s Note: If you have someone like this in your life, someone who wants to become wealthy but never succeeds, and who lives in torment, how should you help him escape his misery? What follows is the experience of author Shun Xin, whose predicament was precisely this, but today she can calmly evaluate her monetary gains and losses, and has found a wealth more valuable than riches. How did she emerge from her torment? And what is this wealth more valuable than money? Let’s discover these things through her story.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Clip "The Gospel Messenger" (1) - Was the Work of Salvation Completed When the Lord Was Crucified?


Clip "The Gospel Messenger" (1) - Was the Work of Salvation Completed When the Lord Was Crucified?

Many people in the religious world think: "The Lord Jesus saying on the cross 'It is finished' proves that God's work of saving mankind was finished. Simply by believing in the Lord, we are forgiven of sin, justified by faith, and saved by grace. When the Lord comes, He will bring us up into the kingdom of heaven. He can't possibly do any more work of salvation." Is this view in line with the facts of God's work?

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (1) - There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts


Movie Clip "Child, Come Back Home" (1) - There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts

There are many youngsters in modern society who are enthralled by online gaming and are unable to free themselves. This has a severe impact on both their health and their studies. No matter what parents think up to try and get their children to quit the internet, it is all to no avail, and how to get their children to break their web addiction has become the biggest headache for many families. This movie clip, There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts, will shine a light for us.

What work will the Lord Jesus do when He comes again?

Monday, November 19, 2018

The Appearance of God Has Brought a New Age

God’s six-thousand-year management plan is coming to an end, and the gate of the kingdom has been opened to all those who seek the appearance of God. Dear brothers and sisters, what are you waiting for? What is it that you seek? Do you await the appearance of God? Are you searching for the footprints of God? How the appearance of God is yearned for! And how difficult it is to find God’s footprints! In an age such as this, in a world such as this, what must we do to witness the day of God’s appearance? What must we do to follow the footprints of God? Such questions are faced by all those who await the appearance of God. You have all considered them on more than one occasion—but with what outcome? Where does God appear? Where are the footprints of God? Have you gained the answers? Many people’s reply would be this: God appears among those who follow Him and His footprints are among us; it’s that simple! Anyone can provide a formulaic answer, but do you understand what the appearance of God is, and what the footprints of God are? The appearance of God refers to His personal arrival on earth to do His work. With His own identity and disposition, and in His inherent method, He descends among man to conduct the work of initiating an age and ending an age. This kind of appearance is not a form of ceremony. It is not a sign, a picture, a miracle, or a grand vision, and even less is it a kind of religious process. It is a real and actual fact that can be touched and beheld. This kind of appearance is not for the sake of following a process, or for the sake of a short-term undertaking; it is, rather, for the sake of a stage of work in His management plan. The appearance of God is always meaningful, and is always connected to His management plan. This appearance is completely different from the appearance of God’s guidance, leadership, and enlightenment of man. God carries out a stage of great work each time He reveals Himself. This work is different from that of any other age. It is unimaginable to man, and has never been experienced by man. It is work that starts a new age and concludes the old age, and it is a new and improved form of work for the salvation of mankind; moreover, it is work of bringing mankind into the new age. That is the significance of the appearance of God.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

God Will Restore the Former State of Creation

Smiley face


With His words going deep,God watches the universe.All creations are made new based on the words of God.Heaven's changing, earth is too, man is showing what he really is.When God created the world, all things were after their kind, so was everything with a visible form.When God's management is close to the end,God will restore things to what they were at the creation.Little by little, step by step, men are sorted to their kind, return to families they belong to.God's delighted because of this.There's nothing that can disturb Him.God's great work ends before it's known.Before all things are aware, they have all been changed.Little by little, step by step, men are sorted to their kind.

Monday, November 12, 2018

2018 English Christian Movie "I Am a Good Person!" | What Is a Truly Good Person? (Full Movie)


Yang Huixin, a Christian, has loved being a good person since she was little. She doesn't like to offend others. She believes herself to be a good person because she is kind and agreeable with others. But only after she accepts God's gospel of the last days and undergoes the judgment and chastisement of God's words does she have an awakening, and realize that she's not a true good person. Rather, she lives based on satanic philosophies, and is a very selfish, cunning "nice guy." She resolves in her heart to seek the truth and become a good person who is honest and upright…. What experiences did Yang Huixin go through that allowed her to undergo such a transformation?

Friday, November 9, 2018

Emulate Peter's Experience

Smiley face


The great refinement Peter got was because of the things he did. He felt he owed God too much, he couldn't make it up to Him. He saw that mankind is corrupt, so he had a guilty conscience. Jesus said many things to him, there was so little he figured out. Sometimes he opposed and rebelled. Till Jesus was nailed to the cross, then Peter awakened with guilt. At last no wrong thought he'd permit. After he underwent God's work, he gained discernment and insight, grasped the principles of service, and honored what Jesus assigned. The reason he was a model was because he suffered the most, what he went through was successful. So if you walk the path that way, then not a single creature can take your blessings away, not a single creature can take your blessings away.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Prophecies From the Lord Jesus Himself on God Incarnate of the Last Days Appearing and Working as the Son of Man

 Prophecies From the Lord Jesus Himself on God Incarnate of the Last Days Appearing and Working as the Son of Man

Bible Verses for Reference:

Be you therefore ready also: for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not (Luk 12:40).

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Mat 24:37).

For as the lightning comes out of the east, and shines even to the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be(Mat 24:27).

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Gospel Movie Clip "Song of Victory" (2) - How to Discern the Modern Pharisees


When the Lord Jesus came to do His work, the head of the religious world slandered and condemned Him, and in the end they united with the Roman government to nail Him on the cross. Nowadays the sinful conduct of those in the religious world who oppose Almighty God is similar to the terrifying words and actions of the Jews who opposed the Lord Jesus back then. Why is this? Do you know the root cause of why they oppose God? Do you want to understand their substance? Then watch this clip!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”

By En Hui, Malaysia

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern Lightning, God's words, Christian
Uncovering the Mystery of “Judgment”

My name is En Hui and I’m 46 years old. I live in Malaysia, and I have been a believer in the Lord for 27 years. In October 2015, I moved to another city to take up a job. My new colleagues were all big fans of Facebook, which they used for chatting, finding new friends, and posting images. Seeing that I didn’t have a Facebook account they set one up for me, and I gradually learned how to go online and use it. Sometimes I would see the postings of some brothers and sisters in the Lord and I’d share them and “like” them. Sometimes I’d post things that praised the Lord or share the Lord’s grace with some of my good friends. Every day I felt that there was fulfillment in my life.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

God's Chastisement and JudgmentIs the Light of Man's Salvation

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words

God's Chastisement and Judgment Is the Light of Man's Salvation


To be cleansed in your lifetime, to be changed in disposition, to live out a life of meaning, to fulfill your duty as a creature, you have to accept God's chastisement,His judgment on your sinful ways.You can't try to escape His discipline that frees you from control of Satan.You must let God smite and deal with you.So you can break free from the influence of Satan, the force that holds you in its sway, and you can live, and you can live, and you can live more in the light of God.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

God Incarnate—This Ordinary Man—Is of the Utmost Importance to You

Smiley face

A Hymn of God's Words

God Incarnate—This Ordinary Man—Is of the Utmost Importance to You


God's work in the last days is done through this ordinary man.He'll bestow all unto you,He'll decide everything of you.Can such a man be as you believe so simple and not worth a mention?Does His truth not convince you?Are His deeds not convincing?Is His path not worth following?Why be so averse to Him?What causes you to behave this way, to shirk from Him and cast Him away?Because of the coming of God's second incarnation,God has forgiven you,He's shown mercy to you.And these are the words that God leaves you with:This ordinary man who is God incarnate is of vital value to you.This great thing among people God has done.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Must watch Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China “A Youth of Bloody Tears”


Must watch Christian Movie | Chronicles of Religious Persecution in China “A Youth of Bloody Tears”

Since it came to power in mainland China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has been relentless in its persecution of religious faith. It has frantically arrested and murdered Christians, expelled and abused missionaries operating in China, confiscated and destroyed countless copies of the Bible, sealed up and demolished church buildings, and vainly attempted to eradicate all house churches. This documentary tells the true story of the persecution suffered at the hands of the CCP by the family of Chinese Christian Lin Haochen. Lin Haochen followed in his father's footsteps and believed in the Lord, and as a result, as a child witnessed his village cadres often come to his home to threaten and frighten his parents into abandoning their faith and efforts to spread the gospel. After Lin Haochen's family accepted God's work of the last days, they were persecuted and arrested even more fervently by the CCP government. Lin Haochen's mother passed away from illness as she fled arrest, and Lin Haochen, his father, and his older brother were forced to flee home, and found it nearly impossible to return. What was once a happy, beautiful family was dismembered and scattered by the CCP's persecution …

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

As a Christian Believing in God, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected! (Part 2)

June 17, 2018

If we do not participate in church life, if we occasionally pray to God ourselves and read God’s words, our attainment of the Holy Spirit’s work will be very limited. Without the Holy Spirit’s work, we will not be able to understand the truth, nor will we be able to enter into the reality of the truth. When we encounter difficulties or problems, since we do not understand God’s intentions, we will frequently not know what to do nor how to put the truth into practice. If we occasionally rely on our own notions and imaginations to do things, we will do things that violate God’s intentions and even offend God’s disposition.

Monday, October 29, 2018

As a Christian Believing in God, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected! (Part 1)

As a Christian Believing in God, Regularly Attending Gatherings Cannot Be Neglected!(Part 1)

June 17, 2018

Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,

I get very tired from working during the day, and I do not sleep very well at night. As a result, I am not willing to make it to gatherings on time. I do not like to be restricted. I feel that if I have spiritual needs, as long as I look for my brothers and sisters to chat during those times, it should be fine. I wonder what the cause of this issue is. How should I resolve this?

An Jing